Sentences with phrase «see organized religion»

First, because Nazi ideologues saw organized religion as an enemy of the totalitarian state, propagandists sought to deemphasize - or eliminate altogether - the Christian aspects of the holiday.

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It is nice to see something inclusive in organized religion, for once.
I've discussed with quite a few people about the positives and negatives of organized religion & government and I've discovered that some people aren't going to see anything but their viewpoint because they refuse to....
The more knowledge someone has the more likely they are to see the ridiculousness of organized religions.
I don't mind the criticism of organized religion, but I don't see how this article is upholding that ideal.
17th century thinkers like John Locke saw the horrors that organized religion brought on the world with the Thirty Years War.
I've seen both very good and very bad fruit come from organized religion — including Christianity — and prefer to think of each individual as spiritually unique rather than the sum of his or her religious culture.
And then I see the same words, attitudes and behaviors here from some of these commentators, and I realize — once again — why I do not belong to any organized religion and why I will never believe what a self - professed «Christian» will say.
After seeing what they have done both in the name of organized religion, and the acts committed without religious backing, I can not see how one could believe that humans are moral creatures.
I mention, only because my... paradigm (I'm not much on beliefs, in the usual organized religion sense)... includes a «Divine» of my own definition, that equates to something like «awe of life, love, and knowing that there is much we don't know» (< — sorry, not the easiest thing for me to get into words, hopefully that gets the gist of it) that I don't see as a «personal other», but, in my paradigm, I see that Divine as being systemic to everything, hence insights from what I learn / experience can be termed as the Divine acting.
I have seen such bigotry in several forms with organized religions (allegedly christian faiths), ranging from ugly racism to excluding anyone who is deemed to not be righteous because of problems, personal decisions or being poor.
But no one can tell because my hand is shoved sooooooo deep you can only see my elbow sticking out below organized religions skirts, but trust me it's in there so far they could almost bite my nails...
I consider myself a christian, with religious knowledge and general knowlege, however I do not hold to a set of views dictated by an organized religion, I believe the organized religions are where we have gone wrong, as someone pointed out earlier to most «religious people» to question ones faith or organization is wrong but that is exactly what the bible tells us to do... test ALL things to see what is true.
NO, NO, NO I am sorry I am not a racist but I see the Muslin religion as de evil that is spreading all over the World with one mission, to convert as many as possible into the brain wash religion (I don't like any organized religion) but the Muslin is a very dangerous one, you can argue with Christian, Catholic, Evangelicals and they will not tried to kill you (they might try to take your rights way but not kill).
I would not fault a person for believing there is more to the human condition than biology while having the ability to see the inherent corruption and hypocrisy present in organized religion in it's adherence to doctrine over scripture and political motivations.
You see, anyone who actually bothers to read and study religion is not obligated to settle on any one organized expression of it.
We choose not to follow today's organized religion because we are educated enough to see how much destructive damage they have caused throughout history and still do cause on a daily bases.
In this story, I see it as the «organized religion» with another «vision / agenda» when it comes to building the tower.
We are all on a spiritual path — whether we see a benefit in organized religion — or don't.
The real reason most people in this country are turning away from organized religion is that they see the damage it does everyday in the world.
I see many more «dangers» with organized religions than I do with people being spiritual.
is less wrong with this then believing going to a specific place once a week to indulge in the nonense I see — the lies — gossip and all that organized religion — has become.
When I was in religion, I didn't recognize this issue... but since removing myself from organized religion, I see it more and more... it's success hinges on keeping people believing the promises.
I saw an anwer to my entry that «a bigot is a bigot, even if you are a «Christian», his comment basically was that it is ok to be a bigot even if you claim to be a «Christian», well I agree that most are bigots, I just don't think it fits the description of «Christian», I could never be part of any organized religion as their members ar 99.5 % hypocrits.
The statement that one can be religious without attending church is seen by some as a new, gratuitous assault on organized religion.
In summary, the virtues of organized religions include but are by no means limited to the following: they give their adherents something solid against which to rebel; they allow one to see farther by standing on the shoulders of giants; they insist on the primacy of lived experience; they work against illusion and historical insularity; they point to the power of the collective and the merits of deep diversity; and they are capable of the kind of mobilization that can transform the world.
(The Industrial Workers of the World, the «Wobblies» of the turn of the 20th century labor struggles, called Jesus «Jerusalem Slim» - giving Him a «Wobbly name» to signify that, while they had their issues with organized religion, thay saw Him as a kindred spirit).
When they see themselves as not being heard they call Christianity and other organized religions «myths» and challenge them to prove that God exists.
As organizing images through which we see ourselves and all things, the powerful images of religion should bring certain aspects of our experience into prominence, should minimize the importance of other aspects, and should throughout function to illuminate our total environment by discovering to us otherwise unnoticed parallelisms, analogies, and patterns among our data.
Actually, looking around and seeing awe & wonder in the natural world is a well known acknowledged religious concept that predates organized religion; Naturalism, related to Natural Law.
A 90 - minute, years - in - the - making comic wind - up machine that begins by mocking its own audience for paying good money to see what it can watch at home for free and proceeds from there through the most wickedly funny arsenal of assaults on big government, organized religion and corporate America this side of «Borat.»
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