Sentences with phrase «see other people happily»

Not exact matches

Happily married people develop a double vision: they see each other realistically, as flawed and aging people, but also idealistically, as the wonderful beings with whom they first fell in love.
Happily, Kyra and I make sure to carve out time in our busy schedules to see each other a few times in person every year.
A solitary run with a good playlist is worlds different than running alongside others, seeing people you don't know happily cheer you on from the sidelines, and, many times, having a purpose to your run that's bigger than getting a workout in.
Happily married to an amazing women whose tastes in the bedroom sometimes stray beyond my interests, so we see other people from time to time.
We've happily left the old - fashioned approach to buying and selling homes to the other guys — the ones that see homes as properties and people as paychecks.
We've happily left the old fashioned approach to buying and selling homes to the other guys — the ones that see homes as properties and people as paychecks.
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