Sentences with phrase «see predators preying»

Very often, I see predators preying on financially illiterate people.

Not exact matches

They don't scare away other predators that prey on geladas — the researchers saw feral dogs kill numerous monkeys during the study.
The reason for Australia's third - ranking iron ore miner traditionally being seen more as prey than predator is a function of its once sky - high debt levels, uncertainty about its ore grade, and a belief that at some point Forrest would be tempted to cash out of the company he created.
Now «it would be interesting to test predator - prey systems in other environments to see if predators show consistently higher performance than their prey
Johnson sees a similar pattern in nature as predators and prey continuously adapt and evolve to outdo the other.
They use the light to see by, to communicate, to lure prey and to confuse predators
«With predator and prey co-evolution, you can see oscillations in which there are lots of prey around even when there are many predators, or lots of predators around even when there are very few prey,» noted Michael Cortez, a postdoctoral fellow in the Weitz lab and first author of the paper.
But over successive generations, the prey clumped more and more in response to the predator, until the predator's success rate became quite low — similar to what is seen in the wild (compare the predator's ability to pick off two prey — white dots disappearing — in the early seconds of the video versus at the end), the team reports online this week in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
The researchers found that males are very conspicuous to bird predators, to other damselflies, and to prey, while females remain predominantly cryptic (i.e. hard to see against the background).
Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials said homeowners living in the wildland - urban interface can do their part by recognizing that wild and domestic animals in their backyards are seen as prey to wild predators.
Anyone who has watched a nature documentary has seen insects that camouflage themselves as sticks, protecting the insects against predators that use vision to hunt for prey.
If seen from this perspective, a free online dating site looks like a small jungle in which some are the prey and others the predators.
But we have, again, that annoying way of presenting relationships as a war zone, and men as predators and women as prey, which may resonate for some but which is hardly the only way to see the equation.
Since this is a G - rated film, there are no close - ups of prey animals being torn to ribbons by predators like the snow leopard, but you do see some shots of the large animals feeding on carcasses, having chased down the slower members of the unfortunate prey.
Authors must watch out for the unscrupulous types who prey on unsuspecting authors in the making who are so eager to see their work out there that they get trapped by the publishing predators
It seems incredible that such a basic shepherding process works so well but, after seeing it on a number of occasions, and talking with both predator and prey, it became clear that much more than just physical herding is in practice.
There's still a lot of manful (read: girly) tears coming from series veterans who say that Absolution isn't truly a good Hitman game, and like those media muppets I can see their point as well: levels are smaller and there's more moments where you're prey rather than predator, but that's all liquid shit under the bridge because I enjoyed the hell out of Absolution.
The 1,000 years that have passed from our time to Aloy's have seen many changes and stories unfold, not least the origin of the machines themselves (which Guerrilla promises the game will reveal), why there doesn't appear to be any predator and prey relationship between the machines (but they do fight, so that's curious), and the burying of structures in the earth that may or may not be human in origin.
Do you see how habitat alone might not explain anything, whereas predator / prey relationships explain almost everything?
I would like to see our money spent on other issues, such as catching online predators that prey on the weak and children, building new Jails to support the ever demanding prison population increases, more money to our police forces accross the nation, education, healthcare, infostructure, issues like that, which are important, not on this copyright law which isnt an important issue and never really has been.
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