Sentences with phrase «see religious people»

Inside I dance with glee when I see religious people wagging fingers at each other over which delusion is the truest one.
I'm always amused to see religious people threatening atheists with Hell.
It is when i see religious people try to tell me that i m not good with out god, with no evidence that I object and speak up.
But it's nice to see religious people are bigotted about things other than religion too, like other nationalities.
It is really pathetic to see religious people of all sects try and always justify things by quoting the bible.
Seen religious people fly planes perfectly though.
I should also point out the irony to atheists and agnostics (such as myself) of seeing a religious person insult people from another religious persuasion about being a cult.

Not exact matches

We found that teens who spent more time seeing their friends in person, exercising, playing sports, attending religious services, reading, or even doing homework were happier.
I saw no religious connection at all, it took one far more enlighten then I to add yet another separation between America's Peoples, thanks, as if we do not have enough problems.
In addition, there seems to be another, less familiar sort: people who don't see the need to think about religious matters at all.
Even people who aren't particularly religious can still relate to how I see the greater good, positivity and reaching high for it.
Good point by Alex, many people who are deeply religious (and orthodox Jews very much are), see times of fear and stress as well as times of happiness and tranquility to be times to pray.
The more educated one becomes the less religious one is... when you see educated politicians and professional people of all kinds talking religiousness it's lip service for the ignorant... it's part of their job... other wise there's trouble from the little people.
I think that our children's children will look back at history and see the cause of the AIDS epidemic in America for what it was... not just the result of unprotected sex between promiscuous gay men... but the result of religious and social persecution of gay people that pushed them into unhealthy lifestyles and expression of their sexuality.
As a God - fearing soul - filled person, I see no reason to bargain with atheists or their idiotic vestiges of palpable dogma they spew forth by their desicrating religious faiths of abundant measures Teach your children well you parents of Atheistic dissention.
I'm not even a religious person I see this as ridiculous and a bad move on Rush's pathetic playbook of nonsense.
As more people see these religious con - artists for what they truly are, more churches will go bankrupt.
They've got courage more than other religious people I know and apparently see on here.
One person said he would see but might well choose to stay with his existing beliefs, but could not be defined as either religious or atheist.
Unless you live in NYC / Brooklyn most people (especially from Mexico) have probably never seen Orthodox Jews in full religious garb praying.
As it lifts, we're seeing that this country is more religious than people think, and a million times more than secularists would like.
When we see religious communities spending most of their time trying to convince people not to sin, we are seeing a community that has missed the point.
It has nothing really to do with religious faith - it has to do with people's ability, in their final hours or days, to see love as way to understand their life and their relationships and find some comfort in that understanding.
I get a kick out of the Atheist talking about how religious people try and ram their faith down throats... and then you see clowns like hippypoet and the prayer is not healthy kook... guess they are hypocrits just like everybody elese.
But Mr. Hayward you use her article as a jumping off point for your own projections on how «religious» people see you SBNR types — liberal, educated, open minded, etc. which doesn't even come from her but from the Shambala Sun!
And I'm the last person who would be seen as a religious «nut».
I think a fast from verbosity about religion may help the religious people to see how religion - free people may indeed lack nothing, but instead, their «envelope» is just a particular sort of clothing — not necessary but fun for them perhaps.
Live and let die, live and let live, religious people do neither as we can see with our own eyes every day.
Those educated «scientists» that the religious dunces seem to hate (due to all those pesky facts they keep spouting), are the people that gave us, the steam engine that started the industrial revolution; they gave us vaccines to cure disease and electricity so we have light where there was once darkness and they invented the jet engine so that the flat Earthers can fly to see their loved ones on those religious holidays that are so important to them... Not to mention they invented computers and the Internet that allows the right wing Bible thumpers to post their uneducated, mindless, factless opinion on this Web Site.
My experience has been those believers that listen among any of these: the ex-ex-gay departing religious «therapy programs», the believers departing from religious belief, and those leaving church - sponsored patriarchy,... in time, these people see the commonality of humanity....
I do not see any of the religious folks with much in the way of good things to say about gay people.
I think the last person one wants to see on his / her deathbed is some religious charlatan chaplain.
Any well - rounded person, religious or not, can see through Silverman's veil of of Indian - giving rationale and cracked foundations.
I know that I see elements of divine around me in things and in ways that others don't, including other religious people... And as long as different religions and even sects constantly argue about what god truly is, and as long as they come up with different asnwers, then I have to say that the spiritual elements of our universe simply manifest differently for different folks, including not at all for some... as with those who label themselves as athiest...
All I have seen is people getting more religious after going to prison...
Jennifer conveyed to me exactly how Planned Parenthood views its protesters: as religious zealots, as annoyances, as people who obstinately and stubbornly refuse to see the good the organization promotes.
I've seen both religious and non-religious people be equally evil.
So just because one atheist chooses to be a bigot and group all Christians or religious people in general together don't do the same cause your own god said Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
I often find it strange that so many people, mostly religious ones, take what we have for granted and always see the world from a «grass is always greener on the otherside» mentality.
As I'm writing this, I can see all the religious people saying all atheists should be fired because they bring the devil into the place of work... so I feel the need to provide the caveat: conflict with their objectives in a way that is sanely and reasonably shown.
You (that is, religious people) are the ones claiming that something that can not be seen exists, so you must be the one to provide proof of your claims.
I don't follow religion, but it seems to me, WD, that you spend a lot of time condemning religious people while thinking you're actually helping the human race yourself... and yet, I don't see how your anger is doing anything good...
I think it's safe to say that pro-choice and pro-LGBT people are so incredibly hostile towards religious groups is because you don't see LGBT or Pro-choice people standing out in a picket line in front of churches like you would church groups in front of abortion clinics or gay parades.
The majority of LGBT people and supporters accept a large number of people, because they see how often religious groups do not.
To argue that historians might judge such and such to be a miracle because they believe antecedently in the religion that regards such miracles as signs of the intervention of its deity is to open the floodgates for all religious claims to miracles and, indeed, even to nonreligious «miracles» such as the widespread reports that people have seen Elvis Presley.
A very high percentage of people here are religious, but you can look at the demographics of a great many European countries and see that overall, Western Europe is far less religious and more Atheistic than America.
Were religious people promoting peace when they voted down gay marriage (a civil rights issue, opponents of which will be viewed in the same light as the opponents against civil rights in the 50s and 60s) You are just so comfortable in the majority, you can't see the prejudice and bias you put on people that aren't like you.
Yes, you are correct that the religious leaders of Christendom gave their blessing to its members to kill others «in the name of Christ», such as Catholic Dominican inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada (1420 - 98) of Spain, who ruled tyrannically for 15 years (1483 - 98, with the blessings of Pope Sixtus IV [who praise him for «directing his zeal to those matters that contribute to the praise of God»] and Innocent VIII) and saw that over 114,000 (of which 10, 220 were burned at the stake) people were put to death.
The reason that it's hard to convince some people that there is an almighty is because we religious people have created the almighty in our own image — in images of forms that we can see, feel, taste, touch, imagine etc. and using properties of time, matter or space that do not actually exist!
In my 23 years of sobriety I have seen all kinds of people make it and have seen very very spiritual and religious people die from this disease.
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