Sentences with phrase «see the contradiction between»

You might believe that innovative companies should be a force for good in the world, and you see no contradiction between making a profit and effecting meaningful, positive change in people's lives.
Sociologists have shown that two - thirds of Americans see no contradiction between God's being loving and his being just.
It's so strange to see the contradiction between what's best for mom and baby when it comes to birth, and what's best for baby when it comes to food.
Shirley managed to be a liberal but also a committed Catholic, as was Charles Kennedy, and saw no contradiction between the two.
Is it possible they don't see the contradiction between «college - ready» and «corequisite remediation,» one of the five big «game changers» being pushed by Dr. Jones and his team (and being snapped up by at least three states, according to their website)?
Anfam, who organized the exhibition, says in his introduction, «Typically, Still saw no contradiction between simultaneously working in representational and abstract styles.
On the possibility of a changing cloud cover «forcing» global warming in recent times (assuming we can just ignore the CO2 physics and current literature on feedbacks, since I don't see a contradiction between an internal radiative forcing and positive feedbacks), one would have to explain a few things, like why the diurnal temperature gradient would decrease with a planet being warmed by decreased albedo... why the stratosphere should cool... why winters should warm faster than summers... essentially the same questions that come with the cosmic ray hypothesis.
I see no contradiction between CET being correlated with global temperature and CET showing regional warming attributable to local industry.
I don't see any contradiction between Gavin's summary and the abstract.
I see no contradictions between my conclusions (which are entirely based on the figures of the researchers, these are not «my» numbers) and yours.

Not exact matches

Although... some people do see the grinding contradiction between the manic asset markets and the ensuing and growing wealth inequality, and slow and slowing economic growth.
The contradiction between pro-working-class conservative reform and expanding low - skill immigration is best seen in the actions of Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
Eliade sees not much contradictions and incompatible elements between Indian and Western philosophy.
The apparent contradiction between verses 8 and 10 can be explained by seeing verse 8 as a refusal to go to the feast publicly; though it is possible to read it also as a refusal to «go up» at the time of the feast, in the sense of be lifted up, glorified, going up to the Father, as in 3:13, 6:62, 20:17.
Seen in this light, therefore, there can be no genuine contradiction between science and revelation.
There were of course theologians who were outspoken Creationists, but plenty of theologians who I had come to deeply respect saw absolutely no contradiction between biblical faithfulness and the science of evolution.
Even as a young man you feel this but, as you grow older and see more and more of what Keats called «the giant agony of the world,» you will feel ever more deeply the seeming contradiction between Christian faith and the hideous, tragic evil on this earth.
Divergences between the two are recognized, but they are not seen as contradictions.
I see not contradiction between the two and a truly learning mind can inquire into truth across both worlds.
... it is nice to see GothamSchools» Geoff Decker do stellar work in breaking news yesterday on this contradiction between Haimson's public criticism of expanding school choice and her very private decision to embrace it.
The contradictions between this message, and their actual methods, has been discussed by Ed Fuller, Director, Center for Evaluation and Education Policy Analysis at Penn State — see his blog posting here.
But what really made me laugh — and has been making me laugh for some time, so high time to share the joke — is the comical contradiction between the Mail's relentless contempt for Emin, the Turner prize, and anything else that smacks of the shock of the new, and the daft «art» stories you can see in Mail Online every day.
A deeply responsive contrarian who never aligned himself with any established aesthetic agenda or critical doctrine, Bishop rejected the certainty of Frank Stella's dictum, «What you see is what you see,» and its denial of contradiction and doubt, in favor of ambiguity, particularly regarding the relationship between surface and space, and between form and dispersion.
And I don't see any fundamental contradiction between Tsonis et al. and Thompson et al..
Thankfully, most were able to see the blatant contradictions between what the critique said and what they could see with their own eyes, dismissing the critique out of hand.
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