Sentences with phrase «see the same thing at»

We see the same thing at the Last Supper, as Jesus gives the bread and wine to all who are there — even to Peter, who Jesus said would deny him, and to Judas, who would betray him.
«If they are seeing the same thing at Sudbury, that's pretty powerful,» says Tullis Onstott of Princeton University.
«Binocular vision requires eyes set slightly apart that have overlapping fields of view, meaning the same eye sees the same thing at the same time from a slightly different perspective,» Loewen explained.
I don't see the same thing at the Law School or the Business School or the Ed School.
Our goal is to create a unified vision of our airports and air space — a single screen that ensures America's pilots, air traffic controllers, and aviation safety professionals can all see the same thing at the same time.
They'll want to see the same thing at the renewal.
And so I was pleasantly surprised to see the same thing at work at CLOC this week.
Layla - just thought you would like to know that I also am seeing the same thing at the bottom of your posts - under the You Might Also Like section - things like how to fix your credit score, etc. that are not TLC posts.

Not exact matches

(See Why You Never Saw it Coming) At the same time, in the good news category, once we're free of the drudgery of dragging all the usual stuff home, our actual shopping at the market may once again be an awesome experience rather than an unavoidable chore as well as an opportunity to discover and try new thingAt the same time, in the good news category, once we're free of the drudgery of dragging all the usual stuff home, our actual shopping at the market may once again be an awesome experience rather than an unavoidable chore as well as an opportunity to discover and try new thingat the market may once again be an awesome experience rather than an unavoidable chore as well as an opportunity to discover and try new things.
Take a look at any retiree's portfolio and you'll see the same thing: it's filled with high - yielding dividend stocks.
«Seeing he has done that at Yubico, a company that has achieved great things, we want him to do the same at Nymi.»
In our own longitudinal studies, we've seen it at about 26 % and longitudinal studies in Europe have found around the same thing; there could be mathematical reasons for why it's lower in longitudinal studies than in cross-sectional studies ones.
Workstation: «This is my life,» Kennedy says of the two Surface tablets linked to a larger touchscreen («I like to see a lot of things at the same time,» she says).
At the same time, consumers have seen only modest income growth, while prices for many things they buy — gasoline, groceries, clothes to name a few — have risen.
And even those of us who believe fervently in the value of free markets can see that it's not a good thing that a CEO can afford to build a $ 50 - million home while others living in the same country can't afford a roof over their head at all.
See also: There's no such thing as precision in the markets & How often do stocks and bonds decline at the same time
We see both happening at the same time, with different things driving them.
I saw complexity in this mountain of data and Joan could see patterns looking at the same thing.
He brushed the idea off at the time, but when names like Jason Kenney and Donna Kennedy - Glans started coming up for the role he didn't like what he saw, which he considered to be the same old thing for the party.
All of the Sophia drawings resonate with me... The one that sits atop my bedroom bookcase at just the right angle to be seen first thing in the morning still fills me with the same joy and exhortation to keep being me — the real me — as the very first time I saw it.
You know — every time I see religion debated on a public forum, the whole thing is an exercise in mental futility as both the atheists and even some of the Christians make the same type of mistakes over and over again and just yell back and forth at each other.
No it has not been proven where did you see that on an alien special on a & e, Read up on it those other religions did not have Jesus as a Savior and did not have men writing 1000s of years apart talking about the same events, and phrophecizing about things that happened in later chapters written hundreds of years later... and in no bok any where was there a man like Jesus, who spoke the words that Jesus spoke and died for people who hated Him like Jesus did, and spoke the parabales and life lessons like Jesus did... look at what Jesus spoke... read it nowhere has there been a better teacher of life then in His words.
But at the same time that I find Whitehead's thought so deeply satisfying, I realize that there are others, more intelligent and sensitive than myself, who see all things in some quite different perspective.
The important thing is to make him see that he has to draw the consequences of his faith; and perhaps he will verify the fact that it is impossible to be a Christian and at the same time to conduct a successful politics, which necessarily requires the use of some kind of violence.
We want to know why things happen the way they do, but what we're really asking is, «God, explain to me how you simultaneously see all of human history at once, are guiding it to a redemptive conclusion, while at the same time loving each person individually, yet allowing them legitimate control over their day - to - day decisions.»
At the same time, I don't really see why people who are better at trusting should go to Heaven because that ability depends on earlier experiences such as things that may have happened to us as childreAt the same time, I don't really see why people who are better at trusting should go to Heaven because that ability depends on earlier experiences such as things that may have happened to us as childreat trusting should go to Heaven because that ability depends on earlier experiences such as things that may have happened to us as children.
I have think I may have sinned deliberately, I sinned today or yesterday at 1 am with my own will to watch pornography and spill my seed, and three days after that I seen some images on my friends facebook page and I noticed these images which caused me to have lustful intent and I went to these images and looked at them then when to go spill my seed elsewhere, and then I did the same thing before when I recently became christian but that time I did it three times, I, m 18 years old and I felt convicted when I had done them i didn't feel right, because I felt grievy, and I didn't know anything about willfully sinning until I read this article and I, m still learning and i feel ashamed and scared of my eternity.
If you say the same thing: «I am the Way and the Truth, you (pointing at you) can not see the truth without going through me».
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
So you can scream it at the top of your voice or you can write it a hundred times to make others believe the same thing, but do you honestly believe that you have any say in that decision?!!! You see, I wish and pray that you were Ahmadi and that you knew what it was like to see Allah's miracles everyday, but the fact that you're not one does not give me the power to decide your fate or to proclaim you a non Muslim, Astaghfar.
Seeing the two things in the same space is not ideal, but that's exactly what's happening at Sweet Jesus Ice Cream, a Canadian ice cream company that's moving into the United States.
There is something about seeing and hearing, together with knowing that millions of others are seeing and hearing the same thing, that, for example, allowed Walter Cronkite to claim at the conclusion of his newscast, «And that's the way it is...»
Many of the similarities will be exactly the same (such as maybe the 10 Commandments... or at least 9 of them... see how things change?)
I concluded much the same thing that I am writing about in my recent series on the violence of God in the Old Testament (see the link list at the bottom of this post).
You need only take a quick glance at the Christian arm of the publishing industry here in the US to see the same thing.
Ogden's essay concludes with an honest statement that he does not, at the time of writing, see that such a portrayal of «the promise of faith» as he has drawn — and I remind you that since he and I have said much the same thing, this would be true of my own presentation — necessarily entails what he calls «subjective immortality», the persistence beyond death of the conscious self.
Looking even at the emerging church, I see the same thing.
This being would be so different from us, that if you put a human next to, say, a single bacterium, that being would look at both and see essentially the same thing.
Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby (Gen 18:2 NIV)»... Furthermore, there is a good reason to study the old Orient, the rituals and cultures of the Middel East, especially at that time,,, i myself being Half Egyptian and having been raised there, am blessed with this foreknowledge for certain things that are still the same way now as they were at th etime of Jesus and earlier,,, where Men kiss to greet one another for example,,, so when King David talks about the love of Jonathan being greater than that of a woman,,, and at the same time knowing that the Hebrew litreature (as the Arabian culture to quite an extent still is) was very poetic and used éndless symbols and parabels to express an idea,,, one might do himself a favor not jumping to conclusions which satisfy only his very own ideas and thoughts,,, the biggest problem with Bible interpretations lately is Verses ripped out of the context and interpreted in such a way that has nothing to do with its original context... «To the law and to the testimony!
It is so interesting to see how 2 blogger / photographers look at the same thing and photograph / edit it differently.
One more thing before I forget, at the same time I quickly redid the photos for my graham crackers which you can see a preview above, but for the rest of those pictures, and our favorite recipe for 100 % whole wheat graham crackers go here!
Instead of the same old boring salads you see at every Fourth of July BBQ, why not live things up with this tasty salad instead?
I saw your comment on your post about doing the same thing and thought, «Hey, at least I'm not the only one.»
And the good thing is I will still be at the same site, and I will have to come back to my old building to say hi to Aldo, so I'll see everyone pretty frequently.
I am sad to see summer go but at the same time love so many things about fall — especially fall baking:) These muffins look incredible!
There are a few things that set this loaf apart from all the other pumpkin bread recipes I've tried (and I've tried many)-- the sunflower seeds on top to make it look gorgeous, while at the same time offering some saltiness and crunch that you just don't see very often in other recipes.
See, the thing is this: I have an unhealthy love affair with unhealthy food so it is constantly my mission to make foods that kill my cravings while at the same time nourishing and enriching my body.
I see lot of coments about how we can sign Reus «cuz he's a world class player.Yes, he is a great player BUT did you see how mutch this season was he injuried?The period when Dortmund win some games and comme forward in the table was the period when Reus was available, rest of the season he was injuried.This is one thing, the other think is that Klopp say he will leave Dortmund in the end of the season and looking for a new chalange.I'm pretty sure that he will leave to a big team and will take Reus after him.Sterling is exactly the same type of player as Sanchez, just doesn't have the same experience, he's not fully developed.I think he can be a first XI player for us and I think will be great alongside Sanchez, replacing Cazorla when he will leave.Sterling is an English player, will be great to see him at nationat team too, and we need as mutch as rest of the big teams from EPL home grown players.The coments who say that we have Gnabry and Wellington make me laugh, really?Do you want trophies?Or do you want to see more young players and waiting year after year to confirm or just see how they doesn't play anything?We are a top team, and need performance in UCL too, not just participaiting.Sterling is a young CONFIRMED player who will definetly help us.Agree that he's not fully grown but he will be a great player.
When Romo was at the helm he did the same thing, he could read the defense and audible the play that needed to be run, his mistakes were often times the same mistakes we saw Dez and other WRs get into (dropped balls, running with the ball loose (murray I am looking at you), and tipping the ball up in the air).
I can see Klopp is doing the same thing at L'pool.
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