Sentences with phrase «see tight limits»

Specifically, he and other advocates want to see tight limits on what state contractors can give to politicians.

Not exact matches

Participation may also be limited because of higher capital requirements and tighter risk limits, See said.
I will be interested to see what they have found and I don't expect to hold too tight to my limited expectations based on limited prospect knowledge.
Under par performances and limited match minutes have seen the number crunchers over at the bookies slash the Manchester United and England captain's odds to a tight 4/1 to leave the United come the start of next year.
Hilden and his colleagues with the Arctic Council hope to see further technological advances coupled with tighter limits on emissions.
This tight regulation is partly why many supplemental testosterone boosters do not work over the long term, and if we use D - aspartic acid as a notable example its ingestion is able to increase a rate limiting step (increased activity of the StAR enzyme) and increase testosterone but is eventually regulated at another step (increased activity of D - amino acid oxidase or DAO, which degrades D - aspartic acid) eventually returning to the levels of testosterone seen before supplementation.
To see how tight hamstrings can limit your Paripurna Navasana, try Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand - to - Big - Toe Pose).
Besides the platforming sections, which generally see you air dashing about the place and placing platforms, often under heavy fire and tight time limits, there are also some pretty creative and intense boss battle sequences (Although the final two bosses can jog on, as far as I'm concerned) and Zero - G sections that feel like a modern update on the Gradius formula, except «now with added dashes!»
In the first tight corner try extracting the car at the limit of its tires» grip and see what happens.
The preview assistant gives the driver tips such as «Remove foot from accelerator» if a tight bend or speed limit is approaching which the driver can not even see yet.
Number of new cards soars, but credit limits tight — An American Bankers Association survey finds subprime borrowers regaining access to credit, but not to a lot of it... (See New accounts soar)
Infographic: Spigot held tight on subprime credit — Credit limits for subprime consumers are down from a year ago... (See Subprime credit)
Focusing more on the player's ability to traverse the world around them, it removes the limits and the status quo of forced tight spaces that have become expected from the genre, and gives players a sense of freedom that we have never before been seen in a zombie title.
Android Oreo offers of a slew of new features including background limits, notification channels and dots, Autofill APIs, Picture in Picture (see two apps at once), XML font resources, downloadable fonts, emoji compatibility, autosizing textview, adaptive icons, Webview enhancements, AAudio API, Google Play Protect, high - quality Bluetooth audio codecs, wide - gamut color for apps, security status in settings, and tighter app install controls, as well as Java 8 APIs and runtime optimizations.
Because this piece had such tight lines and a limited surface, I decided to go with a stencil I had which reminded me of the swirling leaves that I love to see as cars kick them up while driving by or as autumn breezes make them dance.
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