Sentences with phrase «see young soldiers»

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HRT: There were frequently depicted images of soldiers, dead bodies, and destroyed houses and it was just really difficult to see really young children painting these images because it's so hard to comprehend the horrors that they have witnessed.
Sixty percent of Syrian refugees are young people who have experienced traumas we can't imagine: seeing a parent tortured or a sibling killed, watching entire city streets explode, fleeing from their homes or across borders in the dark of night, with shells flying over their heads or rebel soldiers chasing them.
In March 2005, he dusted off his uniform, rejoined the Army full time and moved with his wife and two young sons to San Antonio to help soldiers like those he'd seen overseas.
The general would rather see Drue with Jeff (Robert Young), a handsome, all - American soldier who, despite the senior officer's endorsement, has chronic run - ins with authority and is about to go AWOL.
The 29 - year - old beauty stars alongside the pair in the forthcoming sci - fi movie — which sees Bruce play an older version of foot soldier Joseph Simmons and Gordon - Levitt portray the younger version of the character — and she was fascinated watching the 31 - year - old actor impersonate his older colleague.
Starring: Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso, Diego Luna as Captain Cassian Andor, Ben Mendelsohn as Director Orson Krennic, Donnie Yen as Chirrut Imwe, Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso, Alan Tudyk as K - 2SO, Wen Jiang as Baze Malbus, Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera, James Earl Jones as Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (voice), Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook, Jonathan Aris as Senator Jebel, Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma, Warwick Davis as Bistan, Jimmy Smits as Bail Organa, Valene Kane as Lyra Erso, Jorge Leon Martinez as X-Wing Pilot, Russell Balogh as X-Wing Pilot, Ned Dennehy as Prisoner, Steen Young as Vault Officer, Tyrone Love as Rebel Marine Commander, Attila G. Kerekes as Rebel Marine on Yavin, Andrew Zographos as X-Wing Pilot, Angus Cook as Mechanic, Sam Hanover as Imperial Officer, Mac Pietowski as Commi Tech / Marine Soldier, Alistair Petrie as General Draven, Emeson Nwolie as Personnel
Bolstered by Avengers star Sebastian Stan — who recently signed a Captain America: The Winter Soldier poster for a young fan by adding a beard to Steve Rogers's face, along with a speech bubble that reads «Argh, I'm Nomad» — fans have been wondering if we might see Steve Rogers adopt the disillusioned, post-Nixonian persona called «Nomad.»
Seeing World War II super soldier Captain America (Chris Evans), armor - clad Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), god of thunder Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Bruce Banner's unstoppable alter ego, The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), super-spy Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and dead - eye marksman Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) finally come together as a team will make grown men and young children alike giddy.
The character we mainly accompany on the beach is a young soldier, the generically named Tommy (Fionn Whitehead), seen at the start as the sole member of his detachment to make it through a hail of bullets — and I can't remember the last time that the sound of gunfire on screen felt so thunderously, dangerously real.
At the center of it all is Paula Beer as Anna, the young fiancée of the deceased soldier, her ability to see the bigger picture yet still understand sometimes a sincere fiction is better than a merciless truth the key element around which everything else revolves.
Young soldiers in towns like Christine's were overwhelmed by what they saw at the camps.
The lives of the various characters, like the daughter adopted out of Romania who saw her parents shot by soldiers before her as they tried to flee the Nazis or the young survivor of a raid on a Jewish home who was only saved when the housekeeper took him in and raised him as a Christian, are so interwoven with the struggle to remain true to their Hasidic beliefs while living in a world that is trying to move forward following the Holocaust.
Voices of the Civil War: Soldier Life, Letters Home and Journals of the War (Time Warner AudioBooks, $ 12, 90 minutes) lets you hear these young men who went to war without an inkling of what lay ahead, who fought, were injured and scarred by what they saw and endured.
It would also be nice to see what Solid and Liquid are like as very young (teenage) soldiers and how they see the world at that point.
Murder, betrayal and revenge are the classic formula for a story set in any timeline, but it fits more when your time was labeled B.C. Ryse: Son of Rome has a very simple story allowing you to play through the adventure as Marius Titus a young soldier who sees his family brutally murdered by a barbarian horde and vows revenge to kill them all.
The young soldiers - in - training are seen marching, drumming and obeying instructions — enacting a collective, authoritarian form of obedience — with varying degrees of success.
«When I look back on my life,» he reflects in our January issue, «I see a sheltered Jewish child, a rebellious young adult, a revolutionary, a soldier, a stammering, helpless immigrant, and many, many, other things.
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