Sentences with phrase «seeing a doctor for»

Every year you probably service your vehicle and see your doctor for your annual checkup, but do you ever give any thought to your estate plan?
You're 100 % unhinged, son.You'd best see a doctor for some help.
Fast forward many years, I am seeing another doctor for sibo and he said I could have 24 hour fermented yogurt and I should be fine... I noticed you said that the fermentation process gets rid of the whey... I have never heard that and no one has ever told me this.
Also consider seeing your doctor for a blood test to check your initial cholesterol, blood sugar, thyroid, vitamin B12, and vitamin D levels, as a few examples.
Stay in the game — see your doctor for early medical care.
My daughter, who starts school this fall and who was breastfed for 3 years, has never seen a doctor for anything but a well visit.
If nothing seems to be happening, there are other things you can check such as whether you need a different sized breastshield on your slacker boob, or see a doctor for a physical evaluation.
See your doctor for support: --RRB-
You may need to take antibiotics to heal from a breast infection, so see your doctor for treatment.
If you see any of these breast changes, see your doctor for an examination.
If your child sees a doctor for something that led to ridicule or rejection by other kids (or even by adults), work to relieve shame and blame.
If you suspect strep, see your doctor for a strep test.
If you suspect you have postpartum depression, it's crucial that you see your doctor for treatment, for both your sake and your baby's sake.
Here's why you should see a doctor for treatment.
You should also bring your baby to see his doctor for an examination.
The hour long appointments were great compared to having to wait an hour in the waiting room and then seeing my doctor for 15 minutes.
These parents didn't see a doctor for prescription sleep aids or to have their kids evaluated for behavioral problems.
As long as you see your doctor for regular monitoring and follow the advice that follows, you and your baby should be able to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding.
If your attempt at stopping breastfeeding cold turkey is far too painful on your own, or if you feel frustrated at the time it is taking for your milk production to cease, you can see your doctor for a prescribed medication.
If you have noticed that your child is suffering from diarrhea, it is important to see a doctor for a diagnosis and start developing a plan to cure up these symptoms.
Also, be sure your child sees the doctor for well - child checkups at least once a year.
Just like a pregnancy with your own child, you'll see your doctors for ultrasounds and checkups regularly.
See your doctor for an examination.
To start, make sure that your child has health insurance that allows him or her to see a doctor for regular checkups.
Remember, if your child complains of pain with urination, the way to diagnose and remedy the problem is to see your doctor for an examination and urine sample.
Three weeks postpartum I saw my doctor for birth control options.
See your doctor for a complete evaluation if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.
See your doctor for a checkup to make sure you are healthy prior to conception.
Avoid risky behaviors, eat healthy food, and see your doctor for regular checkups.
As for us adults, it is true, no need to go see a doctor for everything.
«Usually when a patient sees a doctor for suspected symptoms of dementia, the disease is already present,» Dr. Praticò added.
Last episode, we tagged along with Lori, a 46 - year - old bakery owner who went to see her doctor for three days of low back pain.
«An implant carrier should then see a doctor for further evaluation after the mole appears,» explains Fussenegger.
After struggling for a year, the couple saw their doctor for help, and before long she found out she was pregnant with twins.
If the headaches strike 15 or more days per month, they're considered chronic; see your doctor for stronger pain relief and / or prevention meds.
See your doctor for an annual chlamydia test if you are a woman under 25 or if you are at high risk for chlamydia.
If red eyes are an ongoing issue for you, see your doctor for a diagnosis — and a more sustainable method of treatment.
If you suspect a medical condition or your medication is the reason for your bad breath see your doctor for the best treatment or management plan.
If it's the latter, you'll need to see a doctor for a splint, possibly crutches, and even physical therapy.
«We're happy to fix patients» sleep problems, but we'll point out that they might want to see their doctor for better pain management.»
But if it isn't, you may need to see a doctor for medication or electrical cardioversion, which will stabilize your heart beat.
Can you get in to see a doctor for hormone testing to determine your hormonal baseline?
See your doctor for a treadmill EKG test before you start your exercise program to see if you can tolerate it.
Connect to the problems — take a hormonal profile assessment to see which angels may be out of whack, see your doctor for some blood work, or simply make a commitment to start somewhere on your health journey.
According to Dr. Holick, many who see their doctor for aches and pains, especially in combination with fatigue, end up being misdiagnosed as having fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
I have had my hormones checked and need to see my doctor for the results.
You'll also need to see your doctor for periodic testing of your thyroid function if you've had previous thyroid surgery; treatment with radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications; or radiation therapy to your head, neck or upper chest.
See a doctor for acute diagnosis.
Do you know when to see a doctor for those side effects?
This means seeing your doctor for a blood test of your thyroid function.
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