Sentences with phrase «seeing stark examples»

We are seeing stark examples of this with the current environment of negative interest rates in Japan and many parts of Europe.

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A stark example of this was seen in the USA in 2012 when aflibercept (Zaltrap ™), a new drug for bowel cancer, entered the market.
Throughout, Flanders notes how difficult it can be to research or understand what everyday houses and homes were like over the centuries; the versions of «home» we see depicted in classic works of art, for example, were often idealized, and there has been little impetus, historically, to preserve humble homes for posterity (she offers the particularly stark example of the incredible scarcity of authentic examples of slave quarters in the American South).
Possibly the starkest example of how wealthy older millennials and their ordinary peers manage their finances can be seen in the realm of student loan debt.
Yet on the heels of more and more stark climate stats (NOAA just announced that May was the hottest month on record, for example), seeing our supposed «leaders» continue to push the dirty fuels that are causing climate disruption is upsetting, to say the least.
I thought I would draw attention to a stark example of a national newspaper in the UK repeatedly claiming that global warming has stopped, using exactly the flawed reasoning that you have highlighted — a columinist for «The Sunday Telegraph» has made this claim nine times in the last six months — most recently last Sunday (see halfway down:
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