Sentences with phrase «seek harmony»

While there is conflict and criticism within us, there is also a part of us that wants to seek harmony and acceptance.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands About Blog For those who want to escape from the hectic and delusion of the day and therefore seek harmony and meaning in their lives.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands About Blog For those who want to escape from the hectic and delusion of the day and therefore seek harmony and meaning in their lives.
Fielding Artist Statement: I seek harmony in my surroundings, moments of respite from the rush and concerns of daily life.
Previously, monetization mechanics often put the player and the developer at odds with each other, but many of the mechanics highlighted today to seek a harmony.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands About Blog For those who want to escape from the hectic and delusion of the day and therefore seek harmony and meaning in their lives.
Together these goals serve to prevent any loss of identity to a homogenous «common ground,» while they resist the tendency in public discourse, exemplified in the Charlie Ward episode, to seek harmony through the diluting of religious passion.
In Elbert County, you'll find granite slabs erected in 1980 by an anonymous pious patriot, engraved with instructions for starting over, like «seeking harmony with the infinite.»
Félicité By Jonathan Romney A singer seeks harmony in her increasingly fragmented life in the new film from Alain Gomis, set in Kinshasa and bursting with eclectic musical performances Plus: An interview with Gomis by Nicolas Rapold
Where the abstract expressionists sought harmony and purification of the pictorial space, his neo-avant-garde instead aimed to diminish the authorial role of the artist and bridge the gap between art and life.
Ultimately, Youngerman has been seeking the harmony of opposites: the organic with the formal, the random with the ordered.
Not so Paul Jenkins, he guides and influences the colour - flow with an «Ivory - Knife», seeking harmony while composing his art.
«Seeking harmony between action and result, the artist synchronized his engagement in a rhythmic, repetitive pattern, ingraining movement into the work as the relationship between artist and instrument stemmed into a symbiotic interconnection, manifesting somewhere between the predetermined and the unconscious.
At the Relationship Center of Michigan, we only work with «normal» people who are seeking harmony and love in their lives.

Not exact matches

The former prime minister seemed more comfortable and much more relaxed than in the previous debate, while Meimarakis emphasized his strategy of harmony and sought a broad alliance of government.
By seeking inwardly this will be revealed and you will be «back home» living in harmony feeling the eternal love as the energy of life.
While blasphemy laws claim to seek religious harmony through uniformity, in practice they provide cover for the pursuit of personal vendettas and crush fundamental freedoms for Pakistan's religious minorities.
The social order will be all the more stable, the more it takes this fact into account and does not place in opposition personal interest and the interests of society as a whole, but rather seeks ways to bring them into fruitful harmony
The AA program seeks to reverse this catastrophic farrago by rewriting the mental pathways of the addict using his residual spiritual notions to restore God as the ultimate witness to his behavior, coaxing him to live again in harmony with his given nature and natural limits.
While Jedi pursue peace, knowledge, serenity, and harmony, Sith acolytes seek freedom by chasing passion, strength, power and victory.
The religion of Taoism in China sought the recovery of the primordial harmony of humans and nature, as did other Asian religions.
Through his suffering he conquers sin and dispels our misery.12 In his mercy, Jesus frees us from sin and enables us to live in the freedom of God's children.13 But it is important to understand that the freedom of God's children is lived in harmony with the truth; it does not seek to subordinate truth to itself.14 This truth includes, obviously, the truth about marriage revealed in Christ.
King thus confronted the most critical task any leader faces when seeking to promote racial harmony: assuring the «good people» on each side of the racial divide that their counterparts on the other side do, in fact, exist.
This outlook has represented a prominent strand in theology from the Hellenistic influence apparent in Hebrews 11:6 («Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him»), through the medieval Anselmic and Thomistic arguments for the existence of God, reaching a climax in the 18th century deistic arguments for a Great Designer evidenced by the intricacy and harmony of the universe.
But whereas art is a movement from complexity to simplicity within the limits of a canvas, a musical score, a poem, a novel, or a play, the religious impulse seeks an unrestricted field of value whose harmony involves an ever - enlarging processive synthesis of complexity and intensity.
Seeking, said their reunion plan, to create a church marked by «diversity and harmony, liberty and love,» both assemblies met in Pittsburgh in separate halls from which their members marched to opposite sides of a broad avenue.
Also in the face of the ecological disaster created by the modern ideas of total separation of humans from nature and of the unlimited technological exploitation of nature, it is proper for primal vision to demand, not an undifferentiated unity of God, humanity and nature or to go back to the traditional worship of nature - spirits, but to seek a spiritual framework of unity in which differentiation may go along with a relation of responsible participatory interaction between them, enabling the development of human community in accordance with the Divine purpose and with reverence for the community of life on earth and in harmony with nature's cycles to sustain and renew all life continuously.
The authoritative word given by the Holy Spirit to the Church at the defining and pivotal moment of Vatican II nearly fifty years ago was especially «made incarnate» in Britain in September, 2010, during Benedict's apostolic visit: to seek unity with our separated brethren in the other Christian confessions, to affirm all that is good and true in secular culture without in any way watering down our witness to the truth of the fullness of the Christian faith, to declare without apology that the Catholic patrimony of faith and reason working in harmony remains a gift that the twenty - first century desperately needs if it is to avoid self - destruction, and which it neglects or dismisses at its own peril.
Whitehead commented that organisms that experience too much harmony, merely repeating the past without seeking novelty, ultimately die of fatigue.
-- As private individuals, we are responsible for seeking our interest in harmony with, and not at the expense of, the interest and well - being of others; responsible for condemning and averting all forms of killing and violence; and responsible for respecting the right to life and development of all people and all living things on Earth, next door to us the same as on distant continents.
As it seeks liberation from this dimension of its past, as it encounters feminist theology, the new consciousness of women, blacks, third world peoples, and their suppressed traditions, post-Holocaust Judaism as well as other religions, Christianity is transformed, becomes more authentically relational and creative, richer, more inclusive, less trivial in its harmony.
It is the extracted essence of Wisdom that we seek to mobilize our lives in harmony with nature, culture and environments...
Its perspective in the largest sense will be ecological — seeking the unity and harmony of man with man, man with environment, and man with the vitalizing, creative, purposive powers that throb in the cosmos itself in its thrust forward.
The purpose of education is not to fill empty minds with knowledge but to teach life, motivation, a drive for beauty, harmony, intensity, contrast, and the richness of experience — to seek a process - relational vision.
On the road of the Church's missionary obedience, the Holy Spirit will reveal the form of ecumenical organization which is most in harmony with the reality of the Church as a world community which seeks to be loyal to its mission and unity.43
God therefore seeks in his experience of the world the maximum attainment of intensity compatible with harmony that is possible under the circumstances of the actual situation.
We are born with creative imaginations that seek to bring increasingly more nuanced harmony into the sweep of our awareness by way of a continually broader variety of symbols, images, and metaphors.
Sometimes we need a Church built on sharp, gothic lines, and at other moments we seek the calm harmony of the classical.
The harmony of spirituality was transformed into a cacophony because each religion sought to overpower the other's call.
«Our thought,» says Schweitzer, «seeks ever to attain harmony with the mysterious Spirit of the Universe.
«It is clear that the strengthening and maturing of faith which we seek requires a deepening appreciation of the role of faith in completing and fulfilling our human nature and in particular its harmony with true reasoning.
Seek out organically grown, locally made Old California Lavender at Harmony, an emporium of items for home and life.
The mountains have a sort of peace, harmony and tranquility that I have yet to find in the waves of a beach... plus no snow to ski on;) I've never used miso before, but its been popping up all over the web inside of these beautiful bowls and I'm inspired to go seek some out!
Renewing Governance More and more organizations are seeking to find new governance structures and practices that support a balance between individual creativity and organizational harmony and effectiveness.
Designed especially for those seeking baby products with exceptional features, quality and most importantly, safety, HARMONY can easily evolve from crib - to - twin size bed as a child grows.
Our job is not to replace services already provided for mothers and families, rather we seek to work in harmony with all ranges of lactation providers.
It seems as though these little tots grow up to seek out harmony and balance in their lives.
Seeking family harmony, they struggle to say no and be firm if it may cause conflict.
Sorry for digressing but the point is someone from Alberta (whose heritage is arguably both Saudi Arabian and American in nature) is not necessarily a bad thing coupled with the socialist laws, diversity and harmony of immigrants seeking capitalist gains like you see in Canada.
The moment was a microcosm of Clinton's primary campaign: singing in harmony with the Democratic progressive base while she seeks the party's nomination, but not quite the same tune in the way that Sanders does.
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