Sentences with phrase «seek liberation»

People seek liberation in all areas of their lives.
It would also be very important that those who seek liberation from oppression seek also to grow in love for all.
One contemporary example ought to suffice: It is a given that Christianity ought to seek liberation, justice and eco-responsibility.
Latin Americans seek liberation from the oppression of economic exploitation, blacks from racism, feminists from sexism.
The pressures of individuals, institutions, cycles and belief systems IS our story; I find a subtle beauty in choosing to «own» our heritage and continuing the cycle of seeking liberation from repression — knowing full well that another generation will have to offer their own blood, sweat and tears to tear themselves from whatever grand ideology we solidify in our attempt to be free.
My argument is that we are called to project a vision of a just society that would be at once attractive to middle class North Americans and also get us off the backs of oppressed people who are seeking liberation.
Like Sam Keen, Jürgen Moltmann seeks the liberation of humankind from its modern afflictions, and so gives a functional cast to his theology; he too offers a diagnosis of the world's misery, a vision of the world's possibilities, and a prescription for liberation, i.e., salvation.
As it seeks liberation from this dimension of its past, as it encounters feminist theology, the new consciousness of women, blacks, third world peoples, and their suppressed traditions, post-Holocaust Judaism as well as other religions, Christianity is transformed, becomes more authentically relational and creative, richer, more inclusive, less trivial in its harmony.
In spite of deep appreciation for the factors that lead to an identification of the church with the poor and oppressed or with the revolutionary minority that seeks liberation for them, one must insist that such a view is fundamentally unbiblical.
Seeking liberation from the Persians, the Georgians made an allegiance with Russia and by the mid-eighteenth century were drawn into the Russian sphere of influence.
To those seeking a personal transformation in life, seeking liberation from their suffering, beginners in the field of Yoga to experienced teachers, healers and massage therapists the retreat serves the needs of many through intense practices of meditation yoga and healing.

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The rest of the tale is hearsay: that a heavily indebted Heywood, a former family friend and fixer who had helped get Bo junior into Harrow (Heywood's prestigious alma mater in England) had demanded a bigger cut of a business deal; that he threatened to expose underhanded dealings by Gu if he didn't get it; that Bo's police chief, Wang Lijun, had confronted him over the alleged murder (the death was originally put down to alcohol poisoning), after which Wang sought asylum at an American consulate; that Gu had shown up at a police station in a People's Liberation Army major - general's uniform to announce that she was under special orders from Beijing to «protect» Comrade Wang; that the couple had plotted to assassinate Wang and came up with three separate storylines to avoid being implicated.
When many of his brother Jesuits sought to move away from parishes and embrace liberation theology, he insisted on traditional forms of work, and his order's beloved Ignatian spirituality.
Yet Benedict was suspicious of liberation theologians because some aligned themselves with political movements that sought to overthrow repressive governments in Latin America, other historians say.
Each person who made the trek from Germany to seek survival and liberation carried the scars of that period writ large.
The schoolboy must answer no to the teacher's untruthful question, for what the teacher seeks is not the truth, which promises liberation, but rather to use the truth to cage the boy and entrap the father.
In seeking answers, the one has concerned itself with individual healing, the other with political liberation.
In many respects Bonhoeffer's main contribution in South Africa has been his challenge to those of us there who are socially privileged and academically trained, as he was, and therefore numbered among an elite minority — even if we have sought to be in solidarity with those who struggled for liberation and attempted to identify with the victims of apartheid.
Latin American liberation theology can not provide a last reservoir of meaning for a jaded church that does not wish to seek first the kingdom of God and God's righteousness.
Through a series of brief questions at the end of his book, Sigmund invites liberation theologians to seek ways of fusing capitalist market «efficiency» with the «preferential love for the poor,» to consider how private property is not always oppression but may in fact free people from it, to develop liberalism's ideal of «equal treatment under the law,» to nurture the «fragile new democracies» in Latin America, and, finally, to develop «a spirituality of socially concerned democracy, whether capitalist or socialist in its economic form,» rather than «denouncing dependency, imperialism, and capitalist exploitation.»
In an essay titled «Religio - Ethical Reflections Upon the Experiential Components of a Philosophy of Black Liberation» (I.T.C. Journal, I / 1, 1973), I have sought to establish these aspects of the psychology of black religious thought.
Practice (or praxis) is central to liberation theology; such theology seeks to be part of the historical political project of liberating the oppressed.
Ideally both groups are committed to peace and disarmament, but some Christians find it difficult to take a pacifist, nonviolent line because they are compassionately involved with liberation movements seeking to overthrow dictatorial governments.
Dalits in post-Independent India sought new avenues of liberation.
Unfortunately spirituality itself has been elaborated within the later Christian tradition very much in an individualistic manner: seeking inner purification and saving one's soul or advancing towards personal liberation, without an effort at a reform of the unjust social relationships and structures.
The recognition of this creative good is important not only as we seek transformation but as we conceive of those structures of justice and liberation that we wish to build.
Nor do such claims seek an a priori and abstract conjunction between «liberation» and «theology,» as if all «liberation» is «of its very essence» theological, or all «theology» is «of its very essence» liberative.
Hoping to repudiate such themes and restore the church to its proper track, they saw to it that so - called «liberation theologians» were excluded from the Puebla meetings, and sought to turn episcopal teaching in «safer» directions.
The norm of all God - talk which seeks to be black - talk is the manifestation of Jesus as the Black Christ who provides the necessary soul for black liberation....
A revised and expanded version of the Henry L. Stimson Lectures that Walzer gave at Yale University in 2013, his new book seeks to explain how secular national liberation movements, which built independent states in Algeria, India, and Israel following World War II, eventually spawned «religious movements that challenged the achievement roughly a quarter century later.»
Our liberation is the prize that must be sought.
Within the various theologies of liberation movements, the symbolic construction of justice seeks to express the dialectical movement within the function of Christian symbols: justice enables us to name faith, and faith symbols reconceived as justice allow us to envision new spaces of life together.
They will forever tie him to his fierce opposition to liberation theology, a controversial movement that sought to improve the impoverished lives of Latinos living under oppressive governments.
We seek the Church which initiates actions for liberation and support the work of other liberating groups without calculating self - interest.
What is the nature of the political order that is sought by Black liberation theology?
Lernoux tells in some detail how under John Paul II, Communion and Liberation has sought to take over Catholic Action, the major lay organization of the Catholic Church in Italy.
This is the issue: liberation theology seeks to understand why the actual decisions about the course of history are made on grounds other than Christ - centered faith and tries to connect the faith with the actual course of history.
Quite a number of white male theologians, while not buying into the more secular demands of liberation, still want to retain the liberal starting point of theology developed by Friedrich Schleiermacher as they seek to tie into the liberation process.
Recently conflicts have arisen as some liberal theologians have sought to abort the liberation theology effort (cf. «Protestant Liberalism Reaffirmed,» by Deane William Ferm, The Christian Century, April 28, 1976, p. 411).
Like the Society of Jesus as a whole, he threw himself into the Great Reform, which didn't seek any particular goals so much as pursue a general, utopian vision, a hoped - for fusion of the Spirit of Christ with Liberation, with New Being, with the Eternal Now.
The destruction is experienced as disaster by those who cling to the values of the old order, but is welcomed as liberation and opportunity by those seeking the new order.
There is, therefore, some prospect that others seeking their own liberation may join the more far - sighted women in the recognition of the need to challenge the fundamental ideas on which our scientific - technological society has been built.
When I imagined what it would be like to give generously without wondering what is in it for me, to give up my grudges and learn to diffuse hatred with love, to stop judging other people once and for all, to care for the poor and seek out the downtrodden, to finally believe that stuff can't make me happy, to give up my urge to gossip and manipulate, to worry less about what other people think, to refuse to retaliate no matter the cost, to be capable of forgiving to the point of death, to live as Jesus lived and love as Jesus loved, one word came to my mind: liberation.
This is a God who seeks justice and liberation from any situation of oppression or pain.
An enlightened minister or counselor can help interpret to men what women are saying and encourage them to see that the changes sought mean liberation for them as well as for women.
This transformation would seek to make the Church, in its own life and structures, a model of justice and liberation for our time.
Delwin Brown, likewise, has» listened deeply to the call of liberation theology, seeking to elucidate the history of the notion of freedom which is now embodied in liberation thought and action.
As a young man, Jiménez found kindred spirits in like - minded men and women who were committed to the causes of liberation and independence for Puerto Rico — and sought freedom from what they perceived to be the racist and discriminatory treatment minority residents faced in major urban centers such as Chicago and New York.
Institutions that conduct research with animals have been targeted by groups such as the Animal Liberation Front, for example, and institutions that do defense - related studies may need to increase staff awareness of those who might seek access to restricted materials or information.
She seeks to share what she has experienced and learned from her own discovery and journey with body liberation.
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