Sentences with phrase «seek planets orbiting»

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A team of astronomers at the University of Chicago and Grinnell College seeks to change the way scientists approach the search for Earth - like planets orbiting stars other than the sun.
Having demonstrated the efficacy of the approach on wide - orbit planets, Serabyn says he would like to apply the concept at larger telescopes to seek out worlds closer to their stars.
In an October issue of Science, J. Matese and D. Whitmire at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette theorized that the comets are concentrated there by the long - sought - for Planet X, orbiting the sun within the Oort Cloud of comets at 25,000 times the Earth's distance from the sun.
Marois and his team used ground - based infrared detection to seek out exoplanets around nearby, young, massive stars — those whose planets would have wide orbits and emit significant amounts of radiation as they cool from their relatively recent births millions of years ago.
Kepler launched in March to seek out worlds like our own — terrestrial planets orbiting sunlike stars at a temperate distance where liquid water could persist.
As the number of confirmed and cataloged heavenly bodies has swelled in the past twenty one years, we have sought to learn more about the conditions on these planets: the temperatures, the atmospheres, their core composition, how they orbit their respective stars, and ultimately, whether any are capable of sustaining life.
Kepler was launched back in March 2009 with the prime objective of seeking out Earth - like planets orbiting stars in the Milky Way.
A European - built orbiter designed to seek out the source of methane on Mars slipped into orbit around the red planet Wednesday after a seven - month interplanetary journey, but mission control lost contact with an experimental landing probe just before touchdown.
Kepler was designed to seek out distant stars with orbiting planets — and that's exactly what it found, in spades.
Arthur and Siobhan battle time as well: he seeks to «secure fame's immortality» (5) in order to outlast his short life, and by the time Siobhan reaches Rome, she is convinced that a minor miscalculation has caused her to mistake the new planet's orbit, making it unviewable until 1972.
As planets act as anodes in a vaccum to the Sun's cathode, the electrical forces seeking equilibrium brought all the planets into their current orbits, but not without several thousand years of eccentricity.
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