Sentences with phrase «seeks economic advantage»

And if industrializing countries seek an economic advantage by evading those standards, I would work with the European Union and other like - minded governments that plan to address the global warming problem to develop a cost equalization mechanism to apply to those countries that decline to enact a similar cap.

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In fact, nevertheless, most economic thought assumes that people are seeking their personal advantage.
«We agree with suggestions that the assignment of an appropriate share of revenue of the tax collected to Scotland, while not providing the total accountability nor the kinds of powers for specific policy objectives the Scottish Government seeks, does provide an indirect advantage to Scotland in that greater economic growth as a result of local policies would increase revenue.
But it is increasingly hard to accept that developing states such as China and Cameroon remain free to determine to what extent they join the open economic system, as opposed to seeking advantage from unilateral tariff concessions.
We expect they will seek help for «gateway communities» to use the park's huge amounts of public lands, wild waterways and public trails as an economic advantage.
Given the country's appetite for building nuclear and other weapons, as well as the effects of economic sanctions, it seems likely that North Korea will continue to seek ways of exploiting the cyber world for economic advantage.
Furthermore, I can not support a system that seeks to supplant common sense for politics, and the economic advantage of a few, mainly publishers, to further the political agenda of our incompetent lawmakers.
Elite Access Advisory is a variable annuity investment platform designed to help you seek opportunities and manage risk throughout the economic cycle by providing diverse investment options, alternative assets and strategies, expertly constructed portfolios, and important tax advantages.
The Lazard Equity Franchise Portfolio by Lazard Asset Management (LAM) seeks long - term returns by investing in companies that are considered to have an «economic franchise» — meaning they share a history of stable financial returns, strong earnings forecasts and sustainable competitive advantages.
As that investment continues, and regional co-operation deepens, law firms are seeking to ensure that both investors and institutions continue to harness the economic advantages that may come from greater integration, by fostering legal knowledge.
Additionally, our Supreme Court noted Pennsylvania courts require the following considerations in relocation cases: (1) the economic and other potential advantages of the move; (2) the likelihood the move would substantially improve the quality of life for the custodial parent and the children and is not the result of a whim of the custodial parent; (3) the motives behind the parent's reasons for seeking or opposing the move; and (4) the availability of a realistic substitute visitation arrangement that will adequately foster an ongoing relationship between the non-custodial parent and the children.
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