Sentences with phrase «seem archaic»

Cover letters may seem archaic, in fact you may be young enough not even realize what a cover letter is.
Although craft and decorative arts can seem archaic, the Renwick Gallery proves this to be untrue in both the exhibition's diverse selection of work and attentive educational elements.
In the digital age, this playful, delicate byway of the avant garde may seem archaic.
While the gameplay does tend to seem archaic, it does demonstrate its worth through its beautiful and uplifting presentation.
21 years is a long time in the automotive industry — enough time for three full model cycles to pass and for modern technology to make predecessors seem archaic.
And though Harryhausen's advances may now seem archaic, remember this: so was the fable at the heart of the film.
While the thought of washing cloth diapers by hand might seem archaic and even down - right scary to some, for others, the ability to wash cloth diapers by hand can be an important consideration for others.
In the context of American Christianity, Orthodoxy may seem archaic and irrelevant.
If there are some that seemed archaic until we figured out the link; could it be that there are also some that seem archaic because we have yet to see the link?
This decision is a welcome one, as being rushed to complete the campaign by an artificial countdown clock always seemed archaic.
In an era where a learner can glance down at his or her smartphone or tablet and execute course activities right as they are on the job in the exact environment they will be exercising their job functions and learn and absorb critical information at the point of need, it seems archaic that we would need to turn to textbooks at all (though they will always have their place, to be clear).
Transmission: It's a three - speed automatic, which seems archaic and can thump around on hard acceleration.
It seems archaic to keep waiting on letters.
To the point where switching back to the old way of just dragging down from the top of the screen seems archaic and decidedly cumbersome.
In our current exciting technological era, dropping off your resume in a mailbox seems archaic.

Not exact matches

Back then, this mysterious, magical piece of smart technology seemed like the gateway to only fun and positive things: Words with Friends, a star chart app and an archaic version of Instagram, at the time designed for nothing more than applying cool filters to your low - res camera phone photos.
But more important, by building out the infrastructure for cloud computing, Google is spearheading a future when using software stored on a computer will seem as archaic as twenties stuffed under a mattress.
Their braincase (shown below in blue) also seemed to fall somewhere between what one might expect in an ancient human ancestor and a modern human, albeit slightly more similar to those of our archaic ancestors.
As for McKenna, his mushroom - generated Archaic Revival might seem to need computers the way Newcastle needs coal.
Freud's notion of religion, which presents religion as a way of attaining the archaic memory of the race, seems to contradict our presentation of religion here, following Teilhard, as eschatological in orientation.
The image of the fall now seems profoundly pertinent to the account of the shift from that existence to the archaic one, and «civilized» no longer functions for me as a term laden with positive valuation.
Yes indeed, these words seem to belong to an archaic society which has refused to move to the post-modern times.
In that confident era the last thing the world needed was an ancient, archaic, medieval church that seemed to many of the enlightened generation to traffic in magic and superstition.
In a society that has moved from horse and buggy to space flight in a single life - span, more and more people regard as archaic any church which seems to locate the golden age or complete revelation somewhere in the past.
Lawrence's protest against the mechanization of life now seems a bit archaic and piquant, and his aristocratic hostility to the democratic ethos of Christianity is rather more than piquant, it is irrelevant and false.
In this regard the contrast between Japan and the United States may be especially instructive since in Japan in the recent past and to a certain extent even today there seems to have survived a civil religion of archaic type (involving a fusion of divinity, society, and the individual), whereas the United States has a civil religion of distinctly modern type (with a high degree of differentiation between divinity, society, and the individual).4
It seems that football as a whole is stuck with a FIFA organization that is at best archaic and at worst institutionally corrupt and until those in the game, but outside FIFA, are able to execute real change from the top down, then we can expect more of the same from Sepp and his cohorts.
I believe that by the time Tariku is a teenager, the fact that there was a time that gay people weren't allowed to get married in this country will seem as archaic to him as Jim Crow laws did to us.
I was interested in the concept of this old - fashioned, somewhat — in my opinion — archaic institution that seems to again and again be thrust at us as some sort of requisite.
having experienced early child health clinics in Australia, UK and now Israel, I have found that whilst the style here seems quite paternalistic, with a lot of advice and some rather archaic and informal evaluations, it really depends on the individual nurse.
The word seems to be archaic these days — it is not to be found in my 1974 edition of Dorland's Medical Dictionary, although, curiously, it does appear in my much more recent Webster's Unabridged.
But in the middle of a catastrophe, a different convention emerges that seems hopelessly archaic in the age of Google.
There are no unambiguous archaic sapiens in Asia but two recently - discovered skulls from China seem to have the flattened erectus - type foreheads, yet their ECV's are apparently close to the modern human average and their faces are flatter than the usual erectus specimens.
It seems the older we get, the more of these archaic fashion rules apply.
SF CHRONICLE - Nov 26 - eHarmony seems a little archaic.
Having pen pals seems like an archaic idea in our world of instant electronic connections.
(Unlike the other characters, Kesslee doesn't come from the Tank Girl comic book; he seems to have been pulled out of some archaic stockpile reeking of half - remembered James Bond films.)
The sting of some hasty jokes about the deaths of David Carradine and Michael Jackson is diluted and decades from now, this all will probably seem like a baffling window into archaic 2010s web culture.
Almost Famous (Cameron Crowe) A perfect illustration of the «crisis» in American cinema, the movie that seemed to have everything going for it finally satisfied only a minority: too youthful and Seventies - drenched for older customers, too archaic and Seventies - drenched for the youth contingent, too «morally compromised» for critics.
In the digital age we live in, going back to learning times tables by rote seems like an archaic form of learning, which is likely to be difficult for the already stretched teaching profession, so coming up with enjoyable paths of learning for both the educator and the student is more than likely the best option.
Writing with an actual pencil or pen may seem almost archaic what with technology virtually doing everything for us, but the kinesthetic movement of writing down an assignment into one of those little squares (Language Arts test tomorrow - STUDY TONIGHT), will actually help solidify that homework in your brain.
Teachers seem so intent on having their profession as a whole treated «fairly», yet the institutionalize archaic unfair treatment within it relative to newer teachers.
These transmission choices seem a little archaic by today's standards and account for the mediocre fuel economy during freeway driving.
It seems to be the way of the world that new car buyers increasingly want their car tech to rival their best home tech, so we archaic flat - earthers will just have to get used to it and fall in line.
Guess Knopf is willing to roll the dice, but this type of arbitrary, disconnected publication schedule only makes books seem more archaic than most people already think they are.
It's still a multi-step process (which seems a little archaic, frankly), but at least it isn't the series of band - aid fixes and work - arounds that it used to be.
The authors seem intent on drowning the reader in archaic terminology, long words, too many characters and a glossary.
Modern medicine seems to be pretty archaic by working against the immune system as opposed to working in collaboration with animal or human immune systems.
Switching discs and carts seems so archaic to me now.
Heck, after the likes of the Banjo Kazooie series and Super Mario 64's very own sequels, the original must really seem a bit archaic to gamers who -LSB-...]
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