Sentences with phrase «seem asinine»

The songs may seem asinine at first, but they have a way of lodging themselves into your brain.
I can understand how from your vantage point basing an entire life on an ancient manuscript seems asinine!
So when he confessed that the idea of baking without eggs and dairy seemed asinine, I didn't take it as an insult.
How two similar losses are different just because of their dates seems asinine, but if this becomes gospel for the selection committee, the upside is that it will encourage more teams to schedule blockbuster games early in the year with little fear (see No. 3).
However, it seems asinine to offer this as evidence that fundamental analysis is useless or nearly useless.

Not exact matches

But although Solomon seems to make things up on the fly and screenwriter David Johnston jam - packs the character with unneeded clichés, Oldman does his best, resulting in the only thing watchable in Red Riding Hood — his asinine performance somewhat of a joy to watch.
This majestically asinine film elides or ignores much of the circus founder's life, and turns what's left to such hash that calling the film a biography seems rather generous — but then, I doubt that director Michael Gracey and his collaborators would expect anybody to call it that, so maybe it's bad faith to criticize the movie entirely on those grounds.
That said, the finale does have a twist of another kind — a big reveal so asinine, and played with such gloopy sentiment (and overlaid with an out - of - place Kelly Clarkson song), that it makes oft - mocked daytime soap operas seem subtle by comparison.
Regrettably, the rushed conclusion seems not merely abrupt, but, because the movie was in the process of weaving a relatively sophisticated tapestry of loss, simplistic and asinine as well.
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