Sentences with phrase «seem like it helped»

Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out,» Ball said.
it seemed like it helped, initially, and for a while, i felt a greater sense of satiety.
1 - 5 from 3 certainly doesn't seem like it helped.
While alcohol may seem like it helps you relax, it can actually disrupt your sleep during the night, making your zzz's less restorative.
Bloodborne is the title to sway people right now and it doesn't seem like it helped outside of the first week or so.

Not exact matches

You're heavily involved with UTI, which seems like the perfect blend of helping people better themselves while also ensuring a flow of skilled people who can join your workforce.
Using things like QR codes and other security measures seems like it could really help secure the company and the employees.
You're not going to get the answers you need if it seems like you might be looking into downsizing or restructuring, so be explicit about why you're asking these questions and how honest answers will help your employees get the solutions they need.
«Looking back now, that seems like small change,» says Gillis, the 18 - year - old CEO of what's now, a location analytics company that aims to help retailers boost sales by understanding shoppers» purchasing behaviour.
These are the kinds of features that can help make a start - up company seem like it's been in business forever.
A simple gratitude practice, it seems, acts like a supercharged version of journaling, helping calm anxious thoughts that can keep us tossing and turning at night.
There are a number of manufacturers to choose from and while it may seem like there are too many options, this helps you as a startup.
It's a lot of hardworking, blue - collar - type people and they were just sick, it seems like, anything that was done to help was never to the middle class or the slightly lower than middle class.
And it seems like the spread of cheap video tools and technology isn't helping the situation — it's actually making it worse, because now every clown with a camera can be a digital media publisher.
In fact, this is the very thing that a company like Airbnb seems poised to help out with.
«It seemed like a great opportunity to use that effort to put something out that solves a real need and helps people, and to put it out to the world as an open source project.»
On the surface, wine tasting seems like an indulgent, selfish thing, but this wine taster I met said «I think what I do matters, and I'm on a mission to help people enjoy wine, which has been a huge part of my life.»
The start - up founder had, it seems, conceived of his postings as a way to help other company founders understand what a funding round looks like from the inside, and the effect was that the investment firms began bidding against one another.
The idea of going paperless may seem like a cliché in 2016, but it's never cliché to reduce business costs, increase customer satisfaction and help the environment.
For a fledgling company like SkiMall, attempting to staff a 24 - 7 live - help operation seems brashly ambitious, if not a sure path to wipeout.
Dig Deeper: How to Choose the Best Business Card for Your Company How to Make Your Small Business Seem Bigger: Get Help Unfortunately, just like you can't be in two places at once and you can't answer every single business call you get.
It also helps that other spirits, like vodka, seem to have run their course.
Apps and financial programs like this might help the next generation better their budgeting and prevent accumulating such a horrible debt load which seems to be the norm in today's society.
Taking on a side gig during the holidays seems like it would only add stress, but there are a number of reasons why a side job can help during the holidays.
When you read news sites like Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable and see penalties handed out left & right for things that seemed generally white hat just a few years ago, you can't help but think «maybe what I've thought for so long that's completely white hat is targeted next?»
I had called and it seemed like Marriott covered the most so you do nt have to add on insurance on travel Any help or ideas
Shin calls the dynamic between payday lenders and banks «really disturbing,» adding: «It seems like a blanket policy to not help people.»
Of course it also helped that he has exceptional content and insight and kept your attention in a way that hours seemed like minutes.
«I was struggling to get over a certain hurdle, and it seemed like the CMIT main office would help me get over it.
While 1 SLR per MWh may not seem like a whole lot (SLR was trading around $ 0.27 at the time of writing), every little bit helps.
Passing around a lengthy PDF or slideshow presentation may seem like the easiest method of training, but it's not going to help your team members learn how to do their jobs well.
I want to help you because I appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit and you seem like a nice guy.
It seems like the author actually wants to help you with you finances and tells you about the best practices you probably never knew.
Having an activist investor on the board to help bring in some fresh thinking seems like a positive as well.
Another benefit of this simple presentation is to help first - time entrepreneurs seem less like rookies.
Certainly we can tell others at the water cooler and in our churches what we believe about issues like this, but it's important that we talk and listen and trust God to help us wrestle through the seeming contradictory pros and cons involved.
It seems to me Jesus was deeply concerned with poverty as part of his minisitry â $ «and the offer of helping people out of states like that.
May Jesus open your eyes to see the light.He's the way the truth and Life.May many pastors thru Gods help liberate many people who have various strong hold of addictions to be set free» (Pg 3, Christians really seem to like that «fool» quote)
So far Romney seems like he had a impeccable personal life and background which will help influence his decisions as president.
So, extricating oneself from another couple's failing marriage early on when they've asked us to help them doesn't seem like the right decision for someone who I know lives a Kingdom life.
Simply saying, «God loves you» or «God forgives you» doesn't seem like it would be much help.
Left alone like this, these passages would seem to give the lie to my assertion of balance in Newman's sermons on sin, as if all he had to say was that the world was riding a toboggan downhill to hell without help from God, and this despite our infirmities bequeathed to us by our first parents.
Many don't seem to like the country and complain a lot when we offer free housing, help, education, and saftey.
Exodus is helping him cope with routine life skills that seem overwhelming to him like having the power to make daily decisions over what to eat, when to talk, going outside.
How irrelevantly remote seem all our usual refined optimisms and intellectual and moral consolations in presence of a need of help like this!
If, like me, you live in what seems like a hopelessly red district, you might want to check out Swing Left, which helps you locate the closest «Swing District» that will decide the majority in congress and join a team working to elect democrats, who won't give this president a free pass, to those seats.
«I wanted to give back and this seemed like the most productive way to help humanity.»
I would suggest that taking ideas that work for you in your life, from Rand and Jesus, whether it is a «healthy» self - interest with a «healthy» desire to help others seems like a fine balance interpersonally and collectively.
Also, I can't help finding this answer childish; it seems like any other myth from the childhood of our species before we began to understand how the world works.
AA member: Pastor, I've talked these things over with my sponsor, and it helped, but it seems like it would be a good idea to discuss them with you, too.
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