Sentences with phrase «seem tame»

As a litigator, I can tell you that these incidents can make a TRO proceeding seem tame by comparison because the high level of anxiety.
That's one of the many, many reasons we must act to reduce emissions ASAP, so we don't keep getting «new normals» that ultimately make Sandy and Irene seem tame.
An avid reader of science journals, the New York - based artist began closely following the upswing in facial recognition technology across the economic and security apparatus, from the first mugshots to Facebook's DeepFace, one of many commercial technologies that may one day be used to geo - locate people in order to advertise and sell things to them at a level of micro-triangulation that would make Orwell's 1984 seem tame.
The Hall of Sculpture Balcony bears a hefty selection of Nicole Eisenman's paintings and plaster sculptures amongst the museum's figurative marble statues, though the artist's brand of classical and art historical absurdities seem tame in comparison to the strangeness of satirical and metaphorical works by Iranian artist Rokni Haerizadeh installed in an adjacent space.
The article finishes by suggesting that should footage of Redfield stamping on a black woman's scull be distributed among the mainstream press, a media furore was erupt that would make the mess surrounding Manhunt 2 seem tame by comparison.
Agree with you on the crypto, I think crypto may usher in the euphoric last stage of a bull market as it makes equity investing and all its concerns seem tame by comparison.
But if you keep your eyes on me until the end... the lake will seem tame compared to what awaits us.
As you might remember from last year's Performance Car of the Year evaluations, the F - Type is an «absolute hooligan» that» [m] akes the Vette seem tame,» at least in the eyes of Senior Editor Josh Condon.
Without it, torque steer would likely be severe enough to make cars like the first - generation Mazdaspeed 3, and old Nissan Altima SE - R seem tame.
The whole point of the setup is to mine the comedy that comes out of Carl's inclination to say «yes» to everything, and though some may seem tame at first (learning Korean, taking guitar lessons, etc.), the idea is that they always result in something good.
They make their points with riskier cinematic conceits and feature more direct evidence of Marker's affection and sense of loss, making this current project seem tame by comparison.
Billy Wilder expertly directs this almost - sex - comedy, which is filled with references that seem tame by today's standards but pushed the limit back then.
For those out of the loop, it tells the story of a sweet - natured girl named Justine (Garance Marillier in a standout performance) who joins her older sister (Ella Rumpf) at a veterinary college that features hazing rituals that makes the opening of «Full Metal Jacket» seem tame by comparison.
The makers of «Wedding» have so effectively managed to make offensiveness seem tame that this could be subversion financed by the religious right.
Omaha may seem tame on the outside, but it's got so much more to it than hayrides and cornfields.
With all the whacked stuff this guy is about, being called a teabagger will seem tame by comparison.
Inez Dickens, born when her father was already a wealthy and well - established senior political figure, grew up steeped in slumlordism and a culture of political cronyism which, should she attain the Speakership, would likely mire the Council in a stew of corruption that would make the last 8 years seem tame.
Even Tronc's escapades seem tame compared to the wider news of 2017.
If a correction that severe does materialize, the market turmoil of February 2018 will seem a tame affair by comparison.
Of course, if you take a look at some of the other crypto hot spots on Reddit, then the growth on the bitcoin forum seems tame.
Inflation has seemed tame or even non-existent in recent years.
By comparison, this initial download for Assassin's Creed Origins seems tame.
Even Jim's greatest humiliation in this round seems tame compared to those suffered by Hannigan's other onscreen husband, Jason Segel, in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
The contentious relationship between Murtaugh and Riggs makes the movie tick beneath a tale of criminal corruption that seems tame by modern standards.
But even that machine seems tame when compared with the insanity - speed aero package of the Prototype here in Paris, and the diabolical - looking purpose of those blackened wheels.
Works that seemed tame by comparison: from left, Charles Hopkinson's «Three Girls Looking,» Robert Henri's «Figure in Motion» and George Bellows's «Circus,» in «The Armory Show at 100» at the New - York Historical Society.
In 1998, John Windsor in The Independent said that the work of the YBAs seemed tame compared with that of the «shock art» of the 1970s, including «kinky outrages» at the Nicholas Treadwell Gallery, amongst which were a «hanging, anatomically detailed leather straitjacket, complete with genitals», titled Pink Crucifixion, by Mandy Havers.
And compared with the shock art of the Seventies, YBA seems tame - a warning for today's would - be buyers.
In 1998, John Windsor in The Independent said that the work of the Young British Artists seemed tame compared with that of the «shock art» of the 1970s, including «kinky outrages» at the Nicholas Treadwell Gallery, amongst which were a «hanging, anatomically detailed leather straitjacket, complete with genitals», titled Pink Crucifixion, by Mandy Havers.
In fact, my prediction of $ 215.0 billion by the end of 2017 seems tame compared to reality.

Not exact matches

These considerations don't» seem to be taming runaway valuations many sharing companies have received in recent months from the venture capital community.
I mean I do not fully get the statement «a year of 2 % NGDP growth actually just brings you back to the natural rate, back to macroeconomic equilibrium» as I think targeting the change (0 %) here seems to be enough to tame the shock slowly without AD deficiency?
«I think targeting the change (0 %) here seems to be enough to tame the shock slowly without AD deficiency?»
«While the «Amazon effect» has dictated trading in several sectors, for banks it seems a much tamer story.»
Aides said he seemed to bask afterward in his remarks, and viewed them as the latest retort to the political establishment that he sees as trying to tame his impulses.
Shortly after multiple midnight bulldozing destruction of a ancient Islamic cemetery in Jerusalem crushing hundreds of headstones and monuments under the guise of forcing a Israeli Peace Museum on the Palestinian people, rabid bands of Zionists firebombing a Mosque must seem rather tame.
Now, in the further interest of National Security» or, in the Fast and Furious matter, for reasons that remain unjustified and murky» it pleases some on the secularist left (even those who once fiercely opposed the very «Patriot Act» that seems almost tame by comparison) to cultivate a quiet disinterest as the government accrues ever more power, without so much as a «do what, now?»
Most of this tamed religion seems even more extravagantly appreciative of official policy than any historic establishment feared by our Founding Fathers.
For another, even the mega-silliness attritbuted to, eg, Kim Jong Il seems pretty tame compared to the demigod status of many ancients.
There was an explosion of Christian rock «n» roll that, for the first time, actually seemed like it was having some fun instead of just pushing out tame, auto - tuned sermons.
Yet the evidence seems slim indeed that the history of the cosmos exhibits a universal and progressive taming of the elemental forces.
And some Straussians, such as Leon Kass, seem to me to concerned about the coming of THE BRAVE NEW WORLD, precisely because they underestimate the natural resistance of human beings to being tamed or to becoming content.
While the idea of Real Madrid bringing in a man who couldn't even lead Liverpool to a league title seems comical, Rodgers has the locker room control and right personality to tame the beast that is the Real fanbase.
The club scored three goals after looking fairly tame the previous few weeks, and both Roofe and Lasogga seemed to play better with a partner up top.
Having tamed the likes of Alvaro Morata and Harry Kane already this season, Steve Mounie did not offer Mustafi any undue trouble, though the centre - back contrived to create a problem of his own when he clashed heads with the Huddersfield striker for what seemed a clear penalty for the visitors.
It all seems so tame in comparison to what todays kids are learning.
If everything you do seems to be met with great defiance, try these tactics to help tame your child of those «terrible teens.»
Cara's kids seemed to be more tame and happier as a side - by - side duo.
Highlights of the ensuing confrontation, as described by New York Daily News reporter Glenn Blain, make Blair - Serena blowouts seem positively tame.
This terror of the forest weighs only 14 3/10 pounds, and her other measurements, though typical for a fossa, seem equally tame.
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