Sentences with phrase «seem unable»

Curious is it not that these wise bodies and the great British public seem unable to locate these wonderful providers of advice in relation to housing, immigration, family and benefits etc in their local neighbourhood?
Accordingly, here are some suggestions for lifting the barriers that block the path between your blog and the colleagues who are willing, but often seem unable, to help write it.
Some, or even many, of those who claim that turbines cause sickness would have us believe that there is something coming from wind turbines, other than the sounds that everyone who visits a wind farm can hear, and beyond the low levels of infrasound that acousticians can detect, that makes people sick; and yet they seem unable to tell us what that thing is.
The fact that you seem unable to understand the difference is not our problem, but yours.
However, the authors seem unable to offer any real evidence to support their speculation, and I think their conclusions are incorrect.
The doubters also seem unable to accept that the «Hockey Stick» graphs, which show that post-industrial global warming is unprecedented over the past two millennia, have been independently replicated several times.
Finally, the proxies seem unable to forecast the high levels of and sharp run - up in temperature in the 1990s either in - sample or from contiguous holdout blocks, thus casting doubt on their ability to predict such phenomena if in fact they occurred several hundred years ago.»
Basically if those charged with making the data available seem unable to do it of themselves — provide a central service that is easier than doing it themselves... Also journals could then mandate that supporting data sets must be provided on such a central service — problem solved!
You seem unable to stick to one subject.
Since you seem unable to read simple English, or for some other reason seem to think that I said something like «no change in any forcing agents can cause a change in the Earth's (or your body's) temperature», I fear I'm going to have to break off the exchange.
But the worse stuff they publish, for example if it comes to Ernst Beck's flawed CO2 graph, or illogical graphs of temperature vs CO2, they seem unable, or perhaps unwilling, to call out the flaws.
You said I was misrepresenting something yet you seem unable to identify what it was.
We seem unable or unwilling to weigh facts honestly, disagree constructively and deliberate collectively.
As a master of obfuscation you seem unable to make precise statements.
There is plenty to debate, but you seem unable to look past emissions cap and trade — which has already been tried with limited success.
Everyone is biased, including scientists but climate scientists seem unable to allow for this when prognosticating on future climate trends and their hand in hand advocacy of carbon reduction policies.
Your expressed «logic» is a complete failure, since you seem unable to connect words and concepts and realities.
17 years is safer, regardless the tempations to go for the 16 - and under samples that too many seem unable to resist.
Your questions are not new to anyone who has been paying attention, and you seem unable to find the ongoing science research and discussions of policy and economic issues related to climate change that engage your questions.
We seem unable to engage with the possibility that we are operating with a fatally flawed basic paradigm (or even several).
How do we solve this if even those in power who are ostensibly «on our side» seem unable to treat the problem with the seriousness it deserves?
Although we seem unable or unwilling to reform, there are those of us who are trying to use less, recycle, do more with less, and live a little lighter on the planet.
You seem unable or unwilling to grasp what climate scientists already have, that the climate is a complex system with many feedbacks that are poorly understood, and so only long term trends can really tell us anything.
Since you seem unable to appreciate sarcasm: you have supplied no evidence that a linear trend is a best fit.
If anything, his paintings are about the troubling world we currently inhabit and seem unable to get out of.
There is a loneliness to my paintings, something I felt very acutely growing up as an only child and seem unable to shake.
That said most companies seem unable to use them in non destructive ways.
However, there seem to be a lot of plot - holes - the humans seem unable to communicate with the robot, a mysterious entity who sends messages through self - destructing satellites never has their identity revealed (although you can make an educated guess), and one of the endings leaves the player, in effect, stuck at the end of the universe with no answers.
Before you know it everything has gone horribly wrong and you seem unable to see the huge symbols in front of you, failing to make a match card after card, watching in dismay as everybody else snags cards.
The story has a great setup but falls flat pretty quickly, and while the game is utterly huge it's also pretty damn repetitive, a problem most RPGs still seem unable to sort out.
You seem unable to grasp very basic maths.
This finding may help explain the behavior of cat hoarders, people who seem unable to resist the urge to keep taking more in, even though their home is already overrun with dozens of cats and reeking of urine.
But some dogs seem unable to fully empty their glands on their own causing the glands to become impacted and uncomfortable; and as most of us can identify, dogs with impacted anal glands will usually drag or «scoot» their rear - ends along the ground (or more commonly your brand new cream - coloured carpet) attempting to empty them (pictured).
I'm not sure why this is, but bird conservationists seem unable to hold the concept in their minds that proponents of TNR are not for it because of what you so condescendingly call the «Bambi effect,» but because TNR at least has a chance to reduce the number of free - roaming cats, whereas the catch - and - kill method has no chance.
For those hyperactive dogs that seem unable to concentrate, wait until they calm down.
Many judges in the conformation ring, for instance, seem unable to tell the difference between muscle and excess fat.
Foods that some dogs seem unable to tolerate can include beef, pork, chicken, horsemeat, fish, eggs, spices, corn, wheat, soy, gravies, salts, spices, fats, and some commercial dog foods.
GPs may show interest in food but seem unable to eat, drooling seen as wet fur around the mouth and neck and weight loss.
Your dog may also make a wheezing sound and seem unable to «catch his breath.»
Dog experts and owners alike seem unable to agree on how to measure intelligence in dogs, because like people, individuals can be clever in different ways.
Many self - published authors seem unable or unwilling to make the hard choices, which I think comes back to a certain lack of patience.
Even today a good many distinguished minds seem unable to accept or even to understand that from a source of noise natural selection alone and unaided could have drawn all the music of the biosphere.
Elsewhere on KBoards, they complain about this all the time, but for some reason they seem unable to make the logical leap that page rank does not correlate with sales.
Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.»
Teachers» unions claim certification ensures that teachers know what they're doing in the classroom, but plenty of teachers who have taken education courses seem unable to raise students» performance.
Many teachers provide students with rubrics but find that the students seem unable to use the rubrics to focus and improve their work.
, yet most districts seem unable to focus on what is most important.
School districts are critical for a variety of oversight and equity reasons, as we are now seeing in New Orleans, yet most districts seem unable to focus on what is most important.
Now, we seem unable to teach kids unless their parents are educated saints and poverty is solved.
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