Sentences with phrase «seemed halfhearted»

In the weeks leading up to last night's Golden Globes, the organized «protest» planned by the actors and creatives set to attend the ceremony seemed halfhearted at best, and at worst, downright stupid.
In the nearly two decades since Saturday Night Fever was released, the dream of wedding Hong Kong action pyrotechnics with Hollywood production values to conquer the American mainstream has surfaced periodically, but until recently the results have seemed halfhearted at best.
It is a secret so open that even its perpetrators seem halfhearted about hiding it.

Not exact matches

Not only is this a halfhearted attempt at capitalizing on yet another cult classic, but it has received the most offensive CSI - style glazing - over that the networks seem to think is what constitutes good story and visuals these days: Glamour, Glitz, Perfect Hair, Stylish Clothes, Fake Top 40 Music, Anorexic Women and let's not forget Flash Scene Cuts and Grotesque Overuse of CG Recoloring.
Even the wonderful Alfre Woodard, playing a bookstore owner and neighbor to the Gordons, can't save the cheesy integration of research from occult books and a resolution that seems like a halfhearted homage to Father Karras» sacrifice in «The Exorcist.»
In its early scenes, the film makes a halfhearted attempt to seem smart: The scientists» chatter is filled with impenetrable technobabble about «membrane voltages» and «restitching neural pathways.»
And it took both Honda and Toyota a few years to come up with automatic gearboxes that didn't seem like halfhearted attempts to appease shiftless American customers.
The series seemed to negate itself with an annoying, Matrix - like plot twist in Star Ocean 3:»Til the End of Time, and the follow - up, Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope, felt clichéd and halfhearted.
The company is so large that its features often seem to succeed by default — Facebook's «save for later» button, a halfhearted competitor to Pocket and Instapaper, last year reached an astounding 250 million users a month.
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