Sentences with phrase «seemed pushy»

They never seemed pushy which is something i have definitely experienced at other dealerships.
Also don't ask for the other persons phone number too soon, this will make you seem pushy, desperate or both.
Radar (his name alone seems another pushy attempt to play cute) lives in a household in which his parents are striving for the Guinness record for owning the largest «Black Santa» collection.
A recent survey by Payscale found that people are afraid to ask for raises because they don't want to seem pushy or are worried about losing their job.
Your associates may feel awkward making recommendations at first, because they don't want to seem pushy, or they just may not know what to say.
It may seem pushy, but creating a regular system that doesn't abandon prospects when the going gets tough will help you convert more of them into clients than ever before.
You phrase your question in a way that doesn't seem pushy or bring up resentful feelings for the recipient.
You haven't established a solid relationship with them yet, and it will seem pushy.

Not exact matches

When I finally told him he's being pushy and the things he says about me aren't true, he seemed to have a psychotic break and began calling me repeatedly, several times in just minutes (as my phone records show).
«And hurrah, at last, pushy, cotton wool, helicopter parenting, and all those other labels seem to be falling out of favour.»
It goes without saying that you should be wary of anyone you meet online who seems overly pushy to meet up straight away.
He's pushy, pathetic and often socially awkward, yet endearing in his tireless quest to seem worthwhile, both to others and himself.
A sentimental supernatural fantasy baseball pic that at times seems too pushy to get across baseball as a purely innocent game and to believe such nonsense requires the viewer to suspend disbelief.
All of us who work in education or policy can also think of plenty of times when foundations have felt uncomfortably pushy, and when all the talk of «mission alignment» and «strategic focus» seems to mean, «It's time to get with the program, if you know what's good for you.»
ed time with pushy rude salesman that seemed to only care about their commission.
All my prior car buying experiences ended up with hours, if not days, of wast... ed time with pushy rude salesman that seemed to only care about their commission.
This is a smaller lot but family owned, they were not pushy, but seemed to want to help me find what was best for me.
He touched base with me once, but wasn't pushy and seemed genuinely concerned about my situation.
They were very pushy and seemed to be in a hurry to get me to write a check before I knew the details of the coverage I was looking into getting.
Ultimately I went with this place because the staff seemed genuine and not pushy at all.
They offered extras and warranties but they didn't seem too pushy.
However, the best part were the salesmen who were not pushy and seemed genuinely interested in getting our family the best deal.
But to get the car performing with the zip and zing of the competition, drivers must be pushy with gears and keep revolutions above 3,000 rpm, where better things seem to happen.
the salesperson was Awesome and didn't really seem to be too pushy.
He was not pushy and really seemed to be happy that he was able to help us.
The salesman was not pushy or the usual «car salesman» type you'd worry about, in fact all of the employees I had contact with were extremely helpful and didn't seem like they were there just to make a quick buck.
You worry that asking for a blurb will make you seem «pushy» or «annoying.»
I said I couldn't afford it and the guy just seemed really pushy..
This might seem like a good thing, but you could actually simply be choosing the pushiest puppy, not necessarily the one best suited for the job.
By the current standards of the Whitney, the surprisingly no - nonsense presentation of this exhibition must seem hopelessly passé; it treats Stettheimer's paintings with respect, allowing them breathing room with a minimum of pushy wall labels.
But they also have what amounts to a side job: furthering the reputation of their daughter without seeming to be pushy, all while working through the grief over her death that lingers decades later.
People who have never been in sales tend to be very tentative about reaching out to folks or don't want to seem «pushy.
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