Sentences with phrase «seemed unimaginable»

When Mark Zekulin was in law school a decade ago, his current job would have seemed unimaginable.
For those that suggest the billable hour will forever be the predominant model, there are now flat fees offered by companies for who that would have previously seemed unimaginable.
What seemed unimaginable two decades ago has become reality: energy is again on the top of the political agenda in many countries and is becoming a priority for prime ministers, presidents and senior decision - makers.
Evidence - based education has shown progress over the last decade that seemed unimaginable twenty years ago.
For those of us who have been with the Harry Potter series since there was still Quidditch in the movies and the possibility of Hermione with a pixie cut seemed unimaginable, this week's premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is as bittersweet as it is exciting.
Big expectations in the preseason and an losing skid that once seemed unimaginable make Kubiak's dismissal a question of when, not if.
About the Interview: We stop to remember a time, in which the extraordinary measures and unprecedented actions of our monetary and fiscal authorities would have seemed unimaginable.
It might seem unimaginable that there is space in your heart to love more, yet that space is created.
For most of us, the idea of sitting with difficult feelings seems unimaginable; it's far easier to stay unconscious.
kicks in about halfway through the film, and from that point on Vaughn demonstrates a sheer brutality that would seem unimaginable coming from him, to any fan who had not yet seen his performance in this movie.
Framing this assertion in the negative insulates whoever's saying it from liability, which seems unimaginable, from a legal point of view.
That this vast and legendary river, the longest in India, has been dormant to passenger and cargo traffic for centuries seems unimaginable.
From the article:... What seems unimaginable is the last idea Mann reports: fighting climate change with climate change.
In the same way that we would never found a country today on the basis of an unwritten constitution, it seems unimaginable that we would choose to structure our lawyers this way if given the choice.
He believes it's not too late to invest in Bitcoin as according to him just this year the Bitcoin ecosystem has seen major financial institutions getting involved in Bitcoin which when compared with a couple of years ago, seems unimaginable.

Not exact matches

The flood of risk capital into startups at a size and scale that was not only unimaginable at its start, but in the middle of the 20th century would have seemed laughable.
The prospect of a downgrade by one of the credit rating agencies once seemed almost unimaginable.
It's not something that is seems completely undoable or unimaginable, at least not yet.
By «get it» I mean that he still seems to believe that he personally behaved appropriately in the circumstances by which the late Father Brendan Smyth, a rapacious paedophile of almost unimaginable moral corruption, was tacitly permitted by the Church to continue brutally abusingchildren for 40 years, long after the ecclesiastical authorities knew what he was up to.»
«Worse than Loria» would have been an unimaginable outcome as recently as six months ago, yet now that doesn't even seem like hyperbole.
It seemed almost unimaginable.
Unimaginable as it may seem, there's a thriving population of micro-orgnisms in the cold, dry, nutrient - poor soils of Antarctica.
You may find it unimaginable that Borax, the humble insecticide and laundry detergent seems to be the missing link!
It doesn't seem like that long ago when 30 was this far away, unimaginable age, at which point I would of course have my life together.
The world is changing at unimaginable pace and things that seemed to be awkward or even impossible have already become an integral part of our life.
The key to the mystery lies in a small round artifact of unusual design which seems to have power to steal away souls, which is used to terrifying results once it becomes the centerpiece of a hulking arachnid - like robot of unimaginable agility, strength and menace.
Somehow Streep seems always larger than whatever she is required to do, while Roberts has accomplished the almost unimaginable: I forgot it was Julia.
This would seem to make it easier to remove ineffective teachers, because the agreement calls for a teacher's removal if judged ineffective two years in a row, and, as such, it's a reform that would have been unimaginable four months ago when the first - round application was filed — or even two months ago, when Mulgrew and I had breakfast.
The interior is where the platform most shows its age, as it seems that every inch of the dash and center console area are crammed full of controls and knobs for all of the accessories and options you would expect on a luxury SUV today but which were unimaginable back when the platform was designed.
It seemed to be unimaginable at her time.
This book made everything else I've read lately seem simplistic, dull, unimaginable and shallow (Gwen C).
Despite living in an age accustomed to rates of speed that were previously unimaginable, we are somehow nostalgically or even biologically conditioned to reproduce mostly images of what seems securely anchored or circumscribed right in front of us, controlled by our arbitrary framing.
It seems almost unimaginable that the sparse, abstract works on show here were made by an artist known for canvases heaving under dense layers of paint.
In Naomie Kremer's paintings, there are thousands of stokes, but none seem wasted and all seem to build towards a crescendo of unimaginable harmony.
Also connect with problem areas and things that may seem counterintuitive or unimaginable to people's lived experience — like scales for instance: of time, of large magnitudes and finiteness, of how seemingly small percentages of compounds or changes in temperature can have large impacts.
I don't think it is unimaginable to believe energy prices would skyrocket if energy sources were reduced without replacement, that seems like simple supply and demand economics.
They seem more like «mass hysteria brought on by terror and despair, in populations oppressed, famished, and wretched to a degree almost unimaginable today.
«For the most part, the dancing manias [after the dreadful miseries of the Black Death,] present more of the characteristics which we associate with epidemic infectious diseases of the nervous system.They seem, rather, like mass hysterias brought on by terror and despair, in populations oppressed, famished and wretched to a degree almost unimaginable today.»
However, as unfair as it appears and as preposterous and unimaginable in other areas of law as it may be, any court - directed remedy seems unlikely.
«As The Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary year, its accomplishments are amplified by reaching the $ 5 million mark - a goal that seemed almost unimaginable to the board members and volunteers who have worked so hard to improve the lives of people throughout Southern California since its inception on May 16, 1995.»
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