Sentences with phrase «seeming inattention»

These results suggest that it's probably a mistake to overstate the seeming inattention to education this year, even though the phenomenon has drawn notice from a number of media outlets.

Not exact matches

On one item, however, almost all types of enterprise, whether practical or theoretical, seem to share the same defect at the same place, namely, in inattention to the logical character of the basic vocabulary needed or being used, to its syntax, its semantics, its pragmatics.
Most of American society does not seem to believe that giftedness constitutes a «special need» or that inattention to it violates some children's equal rights.
McIntyre does not seem to be correct all the time either, but his efforts are valuable, and your disparaging inattention is an invitation to disaster.
But it seems that e-Dicta has fallen victim to the curse of inattention.
Seems, though, that the wet types in London lack even a smidgeon of genius, and need to be protected from the unhappy consequences of their inattention because of texting on their cell phones.
While every accident is different, they all seem to have one common component, inattention.
Thus, externalizing disorders (ie, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder) seem to be associated with the hyperactive / impulsive dimension of ADHD; internalizing disorders (ie, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities) seem to be more frequently associated with the inattention dimension of the disorder.
Higher rates of ADHD have been reported using DSM - IV than DSM - III - R26; however, this feature does not seem explanatory because ADHD at the 25 - year follow - up was only 7.4 % in probands if criteria include any significant inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity symptom.9, 12 A possible factor may be greater awareness of ADHD due to wide media coverage, which has even promoted ADHD as reflecting special, positive attributes.27 Alas, advantages associated with ADHD have yet to be documented.
The SDQ consists of five scales of five items each, generating scores for conduct problems (e.g., «Steals from home, school or elsewhere»), hyperactivity - inattention (e.g., «Restless, overactive, can not stay still for long»), emotional symptoms (e.g., «Many worries, often seems worried»), peer problems (e.g., «Rather solitary, tends to play alone»), and prosocial behavior (e.g., «Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill»).
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