Sentences with phrase «seemingly endless amounts of time»

I hear from worn - out parents everyday who have spent seemingly endless amounts of time and money with the wrong therapists.
Looking at their Instagram account, it'd be easy to assume they live an indulgent life — constant travel, no mention of full - time work, stunning photography, and seemingly endless amounts of time with their kids.
A slow, methodical, painful, evil, seemingly endless amount of time.
In general, RPGs require a seemingly endless amount of time and patience in order fully enjoy, so porting them to a system that thrives on short bursts of enjoyable gameplay seems to fly in the face of tradition.
I never have the seemingly endless amount of time I once had to just play, and play, and play, I have a job working graveyard shifts, and a girlfriend, and an apartment with chores, and a life to live.
And if you do, you'll have a seemingly endless amount of time to digest the game's world - building elements, be it side missions to uncover revelations of the past, or through the hundreds of books scattered throughout the game that detail Skyrim's well - crafted history.

Not exact matches

Already, Kurzweil says, our smartphones make us millions of times smarter than humans were 20 years ago, due to the seemingly endless amounts of calculations and data it can provide.
Many a broken controllers have been made at the hands of that one part of the level that required a precision jump, perfect reaction time, or just a relentless amount of endurance and patience to truck through a seemingly endless wave of baddies before the next checkpoint (if the game in mind were so inclined to include such a privilege).
At a time when a seemingly endless amount of explicit content is available with a tap of a touchscreen, what accounts for the continued popularity (and infamy) of Forever...?
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