Sentences with phrase «seemingly endless wars»

When we add to the mix the seemingly endless wars in Muslim countries in which our governments are intervening, it becomes less strange that turbulence should boil over into tragedy.
He's considered humanity's last hope to save mankind in a seemingly endless war with machines.
It brought Communism to a premature death, and saved the world from an immensely costly, seemingly endless war.
In the seemingly endless war on crime, police operations continue across the nation where guns, ammo, and drugs have been found.
Furthermore, three hives of corrupted machine clusters engaged each other in a seemingly endless war.

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There are multiple reasons why the seemingly endless «mommy wars» exist and so many complicated parenting choices that mothers tend to bash other mothers for.
This dark outlook seems confirmed not only by the daily barrage of headlines from war - torn regions around the world — Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo — and the seemingly endless threat of terrorism, but also by findings from primatology, anthropology, and other fields.
Operation Homecoming never quite captures anything so poignant or precise, rather falling into seemingly endless variations of «war is hell.»
Loot boxes are gaming's big issue of the year, with titles like Star Wars: Battlefront 2 receiving seemingly endless criticism over a solid game tarnished by imbalance and a big push to in - game spending.
The author has chosen a great premise — a world in the shadow of war, prime time for a burgeoning form of public entertainment — but never seizes the seemingly endless possibilities for intrigue and story development.
Over 3,000 fish species and 600 species of coral, steep walls, deep water trenches, underwater volcanic mountains, World War II wrecks, and a seemingly endless variety of colourful macro life, scuba diving in Indonesia's warm waters is truly excellent and inexpensive.
For a lot of folks, Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a woeful example of bad PR, miscommunication, poorly implemented microtransactions, and a seemingly endless swell of negativity.
Having started off as a World War 2 title, it may seem like Activision finally has reached the bottom of its seemingly endless well of ideas for the franchise.
Even if you've grown tired of the seemingly endless cavalcade of dual - joystick shooters that Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved's success spawned on Xbox Live Arcade, the sequel is well - worth its $ 10 price tag.
From Greece the centre of that culture was to move gradually to Italy and over the centuries cultures built themselves on top of others with dizzying density; Christian Rome on top of Pagan Rome, the Goths, Vandals, Lombards, successively on top of Ancient Rome, reducing it through wars often to village status, the Normans from the north of Europe meeting up with Byzantine and even Islamic cultures, traces of which can indeed be found in Benevento in the twelfth century in cloisters of the Church of Santa Sofia; the battles of Guelphs and Ghibelines, the Renaissance in all its glory and seemingly endless histories down to the disastrous vainglories of Fascism».9
But most governments remain paralyzed, unable to take action — even after years of volatile gasoline prices, repeated wars in the Persian Gulf, one energy - related disaster after another, and a seemingly endless stream of unprecedented and lethal weather disasters.
At the end of a winter, still in the early stages of a seemingly endless U.S. presidential campaign, and in a time when the media is constantly reporting on war and gun violence, a cute story about a stealthy and elusive unicorn provides much needed relief.
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