Sentences with phrase «seemingly magical power»

The seemingly magical power of herbs endowed them with a divine essence to the mind of early humans.
In 1953, D.W. Winnicott published his paper Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena in which he described, from his perspective as both pediatrician and psychoanalyst, the significance of what many parents term «lovey,» or that particular soft object that has a seemingly magical power to comfort a young child.
In a fifteen - minute segment, right before our eyes, with seemingly magical powers, the host rehabilitates a dog, transforming him from dangerously aggressive to sweet as pie.
Companies are rushing to adapt the technology's seemingly magical powers to every possible application, with investors rushing to get in on the Next Big Thing.

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But rather than collecting power - ups to, say, grow larger or shoot fireballs, you've got a seemingly magical hat.
A side plot opens up in Deathly Hallows as Harry discovers the existence of three magical objects that seemingly give power over death — objects that even Voldemort has not managed to discover, or at least not in their proper context.
Not only does Booker seemingly gain the power without chugging the required drink that is usually associated with these things but he fails to react to suddenly being granted what would essentially be to him magical powers.
The best way, and for all practical purposes, probably the only way, to get other countries to abandon coal is to give them a seemingly magical new technology that is lower cost than coal, with the same 24 × 7 baseline power reliability, but without the CO2 emissions.
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