Sentences with phrase «seemingly small moments»

We laughed, we cried, we remembered and we shared the little things, the seemingly small moments that could be so easily forgotten if we haven't captured them in our hearts — and fortunately, in pictures.
However, when our lives get really busy, we can sometimes forget the profound impact we have on our children, even in seemingly small moments.
Taking advantage of seemingly small moments to make a big impact for others is the cornerstone of Jonathan Juravich's professional and personal conviction.

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A moment, no matter how big or small or seemingly spiritual or unspiritual or complicated or simple, we got a glimpse of God in a special way.»
And I have eleventy - billion of these moments a day too, seemingly small, times when my breath catches and I have no camera or pen nearby so I'm going to have to rely on my something in my soul remembering it forever because it's a step up a mountain, a roll of the rock of my own stubbornness, and I don't have any gods at the top, pushing me back to the bottom, laughing at my futile efforts.
Today, Kate shares a favorite gadget that inspires her to take advantage of the (seemingly small) fitness moments:
Happiness can be found in the seemingly smallest of moments if only we remember to acknowledge it as it comes.
While known mostly for his brash, rule breaking cinematic style, his films and characters consistently possess great insight into the small, seemingly insignificant moments that can change lives.
We all know the student, the one whose stress response goes from zero to 100 at seemingly small triggers; whose defiant moments test the teacher's hourly resolve; and whose initial resistance towards a classroom task can lead to the tanking of an entire school day.
Our take: Your jaw will drop as you learn how much seemingly intelligent people will pay for a small moment of poorly simulated affection.
The effects at any given moment are small and seemingly unnoticeable but they add up and slow you down.
Before you climb out of bed to begin your day, take a moment and find one thing, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential it may be, for which you are thankful.
Couples in long - term relationships must learn to make the seemingly small and mundane moments actually pivotal moments that show your partner you are in tune with their world.
As our research has shown, the happiest couples build romance everyday in the smallest, most seemingly insignificant moments.
These little moments, crafting something seemingly small, those are the things we'll remember.
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