Sentences with phrase «seems farcical»

The fact we didn't have any specialist staff within its specialist walls just seems farcical now.
Allegations that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has some hidden, extremist right - wing agenda now seem farcical.
In some ways, these questions are absurd: When laws exist to regulate the butchering of tiny human beings and the sale of their remains, compliance issues seem farcical.
He is fully animated to the point where certain scenes seem farcical.
Without devolving into the antics of Miley Cyrus, Kimye, and Jeff Koons that week — the belief that this affair had anything to do with art seemed farcical.

Not exact matches

As a Protestant, the Catholic Church seemed almost farcical to me.
Into this season of the Serious Movie, when every other film seems to speak to the troubled times in which we actually live, the fact - based, yet farcical «The Disaster Artist» blows like a fresh breeze, throwing open a window through which we may escape, briefly, from ugly reality.
Outside of the farcical comedic elements, Alfred Molina is at his bawdy best here, with Russell Brand providing somewhat consistent support, which seem to capture the best elements of Shakespeare's ability to play to the back of the room, The Tempest merely makes me want to go back and revisit Peter Greenaway's take on the Bard with Prospero's Books, or for that matter, just re-watch Tarsem's The Fall.
Though overt at times in its humour, the film is grounded by its pertinent portrayal of modern day left - wing politics in Britain, injecting a farcical edge to proceedings, where it seems nobody quite knows what it is they're doing.
The next surprise is Matthew McConaughey, who has made a career of playing Him - bo's in farcical rom - coms that seem only to exist so he can be filmed without a shirt.
[Mainstream Chick's take: The Death of Stalin is one quirky, wickedly funny flick that seems frighteningly current with its farcical depiction of events — and «leaders» — from the 1950s.
The farcical nature of the tale seems less so when considered in the context of Dick's own delusional thought patterns and his explorations of human perception and reality.
There is something almost comic and farcical to the way in which King and the Smith School now seem to be hoist by their own nuclear petard.
The farcical irony of this scenario seemed to be missed by the Guardian reporter and Meirion Jones, one of the journalists involved.
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