Sentences with phrase «seems racist»

Some seems racist, some seem egostic and some just don't really get why poor people try to make a living.
The presumption is that they do not want to admit to their true preference because it seems racist (anti-Bradley), economically selfish (Tory), or some similar explanation.
I meant Bender, but you did seem to highlight the skin colour in your supposedly Arsenal fans def of a DM, to me it seems racist because of the sarcasm in what you said as we have also relished DM's from other races.
If they don't play for a CL winning team preferably Spanish or Italian well then they aren't true greats in what can seem racist (or anti prem) eyes.
She announces, for example, that the quota of black friends a white person must have in order to avoid seeming racist has been raised to two.
«Dear white people,» she says, «the minimum requirement of black friends needed to not seem racist has just been raised to two.
Shanker thought of himself as a liberal, indeed a Socialist; but for many liberals he seemed a racist conservative, as he maintained his fierce anti-Communist stance, supported American military power in defense of democracy, and insisted on the primacy of the trade - union movement in making a better society.

Not exact matches

For one thing, even when Trump's misstatements and racist commentary are singled out or highlighted as a problem, his support never seems to waver.
Maz Saleem, from Stand Up to Trump, said: «Donald Trump is an open racist and sexist, a volatile and dangerous character who seems set on taking the West into further wars.
Much like trolls» attempts to affect Black Panther «s status as a critical darling, the Twitter posts describing fake attacks at movie screenings also seemed to be part of a racist campaign meant to scare people away from theaters in order to hurt the film's overall box - office gross (again, a major fail).
After years of cleaning up her party's name and trying desperately to distance it from her father's racist and anti-Semitic outbursts, it seems that Le Pen believes she has now found the sweet spot between being mainstream enough to get votes but also being seen as enough of an outsider to bring about change.
We explore the waning power of the KKK, the argument over whether a New Mexico school shooter was a racist finally seems settled and more.
It seems to be, ok, he got some things right, but we can't admit that because he's Trump (often racist, and often wrong).
AfD seems certain to repeat its local success in a general election - in which case Ms Merkel's critics will see her as the German leader who paved the way for a racist and nationalist party to gain a toehold in the national parliament for the first time since 1945.
Maybe I misspoke, perhaps they are not the MOST racist, I mean to say they are as racist as any other people, the difference is they seem TO ME to get a pass for it.
To those that its seems to matter... you are racists!
That is probably true, though neither Mr. Herbert nor Pres. Lawrence seems to realize that it is the ugly, racist «bedrock» on which the edifices of their beloved affirmative action and multiculturalism are built as well.
They seem to be the people that are most racist and close minded.
Still, it seems like a racist comment you'd hear years ago how blacks all look alike and I think people should be more offended by that suggestion.
Everyone on here seems to think it was this big racist injustice, when it didn't have to do with race at all.
and why is everyone making it seem like because Christian's have a belief they are some horrible racist prejudice people.
On the other hand, the non-Christian — the one who, living under a tyrannous regime or in a society where, it seems, social injustice will never end, wants to kill the tyrant or destroy the society; the one who, exploited or degraded by a colonialist regime, wants to kill the oppressor; the man who, victimized by a racist society, wants to avenge by violence the indignities heaped upon him — all these, along with their violence, their hatred, their folly, must be accepted by those of us who are Christians.
That didn't seem right, because even though everyone I knew was white except for Thailand Pete, I knew we weren't supposed to be racist.
Obama seemed to understand this better when he went on to say in his speech that he could also not disown his own grandmother for her white racist comments, as much as they hurt him.
Also, it seems a lot of people equate Christianity with the hateful, racist, intolerant types who call themselves Christians but really are not Christians (for examples, see right - wing politicians, Fred Phelps, etc..)
No need to resort to racist stupidity... There seems to be quite enough of that in this country at the moment.What sort of epitaph would you be using if Hillary was chosen in 2009?
But this man seems to truly believe what he is stating and he has every right to use his public status to proclaim his beliefs, as long as they are not racist or profane, or cruel.
But with a black President, many media pundits, racists, and white secular elites seem to shrug off his faith statements as arising from cultural baggage, not sincerely held beliefs.
The left imagines that Trump supporters, since they seemed to give a pass to his racist and misogynistic comments, must not care about Hispanics or women.
A friend recently returned from a meeting of United Methodist social justice executives who were evaluating the significance of the November election and reports that the conclusion seemed to be unanimous: The November election represented the last desperate hurrah of the white, male, racist establishment to perpetuate its control of American society.
It seemed that about 75 % of the whites couldn't stand non-whites and 75 % of non-whites were racist against their own demographic.
The antiracists had made it seem immoral to give vent to racist sentiments.
From within the racist culture all seems sweetness and light, but to those outside your racist group you are clearly just another group of racists.
If so, then they seem pretty racist.
The self styled Hindu (or Hindutva) nationalists seem to me to model themselves on American racist organisations.
Arthur seems personally affronted when he is accused of being racist.
People who try to remove it now seem largely to object to the language of the period as perpetuating racist attitudes.
«Most right minded people would say that keeping a running tally of the number of racist incidents in schools would seem to be perverse.
Klein and his colleagues have seemed eager to paint their critics as racists — until very recently they were attacked for being a tiny all - white conference that was subverting the will of hundreds of non-white voters in New York City who voted for Democrats who conference with regular Democrats in the Senate.
The BNP though they are a racist party have generally left wing economic views and their manifesto seems to want Britain to go back to a simpler pre globalisation existance.
(While this research is interesting, and seems to be on to good things, I call it a «hypothesis» because to be perfectly honest, I think that a lot of rugby research in those times was influenced by racist attitudes emerging from apartheid South Africa.
While that may seem a bit racist in today's hypersensitive culture it should be remembered that this was once Taco Bell's famous slogan.
This question seems akin the Can black people be racist?
They ask what your favorite T.V. genre is, but they have some weird choices, like «BET» or «MTV» the first one seems a bit racist and the second one just makes me sad for our generation.
But their thunder is stolen by Mr. DiCaprio whose man - child face seems to actually work in the role of Candie, a racist Francophile who doesn't seem to know that Alexandre Dumas was black.
No, Smith's not a sentient collection of racist gas spores, but as with Trump and the Republican nomination, Smith after Sundance seemed wholly unprepared once his initial efforts to succeed actually worked — and he appeared unwilling to accept the subsequent responsibilities.
I was hoping to see the Autobots actually campaign and solicit donations for Obama, but alas, it seems Bay is a racist.
Factor in the racist, sexist, militarist, product - placement filled, lowest - common denominator tone of his work and defending him seems - to me - almost insulting to film.
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