Sentences with phrase «seems sympathetic»

While Charon QC seems sympathetic to Molyneux, Scott H. Greenfield at Simple Justice believes the magistrate exceeded the bounds of propriety:
At times, he genuinely seems sympathetic, mainly because we spend more time with him than most other characters in the film.
In selling out his friends, Harry may not seems a sympathetic character.
Some commentators feel the character's apparent redemptive arch seems sympathetic towards someone who acknowledges torturing a black man and often dances around the N - word.
The Commission seems sympathetic to the idea and promises to bring up the issue during the upcoming triennial review of the E.U.'s Financial Regulation.
Cameron seems sympathetic.
In the end, Al - Khalili seems sympathetic to those who conclude that science and nature point beyond themselves to an ultimate source of reason, purpose and meaning.
Giving a beautifully understated performance that made the character seem sympathetic and tragic as much as dangerous and reprehensible, he won his third Best Supporting Actor award.
It is populated with characters who seem sympathetic in their motives but unsympathetic in their actions, who seem unworthy of sympathy in any way, or whose qualities and motives are only revealed in their final moments, but McDonagh has limitless compassion for them — not in spite of their flaws but because of them.
A hobo and a charmer, Camiel Borgman (a restrained and compelling Jan Bijvoet) may seem sympathetic at the start of writer - director Alex van Warmerdam's bizarre...
Mehretu's paintings seem sympathetic to this, mindful of doing what they can to be both politically and aesthetically progressive.
Defense lawyer Mark S. Arisohn argued for leniency, saying jurors seemed sympathetic to his client and believed he would face months rather than years in prison.
Some justices seemed sympathetic to the problems caused by splintered opinions for lower court judges especially when, as Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. put it, «If I'm a court of appeals judge, it seems to me the most important thing in deciding the case is to make sure that I'm not reversed.»

Not exact matches

Although it may seem hard to do with an agitated, disappointed customer, employees need to listen and be sympathetic to a complaint.
I'm very sympathetic to this line of thinking, especially because despite all the talk of «financial conditions have eased materially,» the Toronto and Vancouver housing markets seem to have been the biggest beneficiaries of the January stimulus.
Don't Fuck Up the Culture seemed to create a few sympathetic nods and rolling eyes for it's Silicon Valley myopic view of the world.
Paul is most concerned with giving instructions on gender roles in places where women are being subjugated and seems entirely unconcerned, even sympathetic to their increasing power when it happens on its own.
I am sympathetic to the monkey version of God — see my post (type in «monkey» in the search)-- but not to an all - knowing, personal, caring deity — seems utterly silly to me — very anthropocentric, of course.
That would seem to be the most basic sort of knowledge that a worshipful God should have, since God's knowledge is not sympathetic, then perhaps in some fundamental way we are alone.
It would seem that theologies which support divine relativity» 5 have the burden of proof in showing that the immanental or sympathetic aspect of their theologies can make metaphysical sense.
Yet there are contradictory experiences within the cosmos that seem to prevent a sympathetic God.
Some of us might be more sympathetic to Lindsell and his aims if we could read his book as a defense of biblical authority or as an analysis of the failure of the church (including the «evangelical» church) to find a mode of life and witness that seems authentically «biblical.»
I have no hatred or anger towards God and yet I am sympathetic with those who seem bitter and angry towards God for things gone awry in their life.
THEN it all makes sense and she seems so much more sympathetic and interesting.
She is surprisingly sympathetic to the Wisconsin minister who felt that she had no choice but to market her church building as a picturesque chapel and to perform weddings for people she didn't know: «The only way to save the church, it seemed, was to sell the church, and to put to commercial use the attractive environs that were intended for anything but.»
To modern «protest atheism,» the fact that God, though sympathetic with the suffering of humanity, is nonetheless enriched by it, would seem little more impassive than the bathos of the sentimental butcher who weeps after each slaughter.
In a world longing for peace and tolerance, such fighting talk seemed out of place; it would make for a quieter life if we appeared content to listen to all nations, to offer sympathetic and constructive echoes of whatever they happened to be saying already, to play down that old imperialistic claim that Christ is with us in special, unique, and necessary fashion.
The School Nutrition Association (SNA), the nation's largest organization of school food workers, has been leading the charge for school meal roll - backs and, so far, it seems to be getting a sympathetic ear on Capitol Hill.
It seems to me that the most promising mechanisms for real change are at the federal level, by influencing Congress at it considers the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, and at the most local of levels — the individual school — where parents and sympathetic principals can work together to, for example, eliminate treats in the classroom or the sale of objectionable a la carte foods.
It seems to bring up so many situations that make you sympathetic to people like the owner of the fast - food restaurant — he just seems like such a bully.
Corbyn is obviously no fan of big business — and the people that elected him leader seem to be even less sympathetic.
At the same time, a public sympathetic to the physical protests seems to be changing its collective mind as they see violence creep in at the edges and a handful of outright predators take advantage of the naïveté of some of those assembled.
To me it seems the real merit of this theory is for the ruling class and those sympathetic to them to discredit both, the left and the right, at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.
State and federal legislators seem more sympathetic to Miner, but so far no money has come through.
He seemed happy to disclose such state secrets to political journalists at a press gallery lunch today in Parliament, possibly confident he was in sympathetic company following his anti-legislation stance on the Leveson report; «the same message» as Nick Clegg gave, he argued, if you «listened carefully» to the Deputy PM's notably separate speech on the matter.
All the same, it seems a bit rich coming from the man who just a few months ago gave the Donald an excruciatingly sympathetic interview followed by an eagerly obliging, happy - to - be-included thumbs up photo op.
Nevertheless, it does seem that the highest earners (or those with sympathetic wealthier parents) will be able to pay off their loans more quickly, thus avoiding interest, which the hapless middle income people will have to pay.
After eight years being manhandled by Ken Livingstone's superior wit and devastating grasp of detail, they seemed ecstatic to be headed by a man with similar talents but more sympathetic allegiances.
Since NGF is released in minute amounts from peripheral tissues receiving innervation from sympathetic ganglia, it now seems clear that a diffusion gradient of NGF directs the fibers toward their corresponding target tissues.
Rather it seemed the tumor was releasing some chemical factor that was in turn inducing the remarkable growth of the sympathetic ganglia and the exuberant branching of their nerve fibers.
In addition to apparently being essential to the survival of immature sympathetic neurons NGF seems to play a vital role in guiding nerve fibers toward their corresponding target organs.
Or do they just flow from the purchased presence of a dependable ally, who is always there to lend a sympathetic ear when the rest of the world appears hostile or simply doesn't seem to care?
I appreciate your smile on every picture, you seem very sympathetic!
It succeeds emotionally in the cause of what seems to be its primary aim, to advance an attitudinal change in Australians not normally sympathetic to the aboriginal cause.
Not surprisingly, this film stirred up a great deal of controversy even before it aired; some Jewish leaders and prominent Holocaust survivors worried that Hitler might come off as being sympathetic (a concern that may have dictated altering the film's title, which was to have been Hitler: The Early Years); and one of the film's producers was summarily dismissed after issuing a public statement which seemed to compare Germany's blind, unthinking allegiance to Hitler to America's rallying behind George W. Bush during the Iraq crisis.
But while director Oliver Hirschbiegel («DasExperiment») very effectively takes youdeep inside Nazi Germany's crumbling heart and brings many infamous momentsacutely to life, his film doesn't offer much in the way of new insight.The script is more of a textbook play - by - play than an examination of impulsesand psyches, and while the Hirschbiegel and his cast add those dimensionsthrough their fine work, it seems the only way he could invest the audiencein these events was by seeking out a sympathetic minor character — inthe person of Hitler's young secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara)-- and beef up her significance.
Curmudgeonly Tony is accessible and somewhat sympathetic thanks to the stellar work of Mr. Broadbent, who always seems to find the real person within his characters.
The cold aloofness Hough brings doesn't seem to be entirely her fault, but it nevertheless enhances a lack of character identity, as it's unclear if Ariel is supposed to be lost and sympathetic, or a contemptible, spoiled slut whose boots were made for comin» off (she's been distraught and promiscuous ever since her brother died in that first - reel accident).
She's the kind of actress that can make any character seem three - dimensional and sympathetic, or at the very least, really fun to watch.
The group is sympathetic to her plight, but still wonders why they were all put together at table 19 as they don't seem to have any commonalities whatsoever.
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