Sentences with phrase «seems within his grasp»

Yet every time the end of his search seems near, and truth seems within his grasp, something happens which makes him realize he has been asking the wrong questions all along.
Although this lead was vast, with a very strong A team, the first victory for Oxford after seven years, seemed within our grasp.
The fans greeted the team bus with vigour and joy not seen since the 13/14 season when the league seemed within our grasp.
The possibility of permanently reducing weight and all its associated health complications seemed within grasp.

Not exact matches

While the ramifications of a Republican Senate and House of Representatives (which was never really within the Democrats» grasp) may seem trivial compared to having Trump as commander in chief, it's not.
The retirement you always dreamed of is within your reach, even if it sometimes seems to be slipping from your grasp.
By contrast, those — and they seem primarily to be women — who approach experience intuitively, grasping feeling tone and insisting that value, emotion, and purpose are experienced within reality are usually patted on the head for contributing such insights and then dismissed as too emotional or intuitive to be trusted with contributing anything important about the «real» world.
A report by Christian Aid, Enough is Enough: The Debt Repudiation Option, hypothesises that had the money spent to service foreign debt «been spent on healthcare, education and infrastructure, the millennium development goals — which today seem like a fantasy — might have been within the world's grasp» (p. 9).
This question is a partial migration from a History SE question, where I asked how come the Spanish King claims titles that are obviously not within his grasp (the original example, King of Hungary seems to have turned out false, but there are several other examples, like King of Jerusalem).
Independents in South Dakota, Kansas, Maine and Alaska all seemed like they had victory within their grasp.
The twist of what happens when Roxie suddenly seems to be within his romantic grasp is one of the film's smartest moves.
It created a stunning hyper - reality that allows all the intricate details of its carefully crafted visual world to seem within touching distance of our grasp.
West's grasp of the rhythms and the grace notes of the Western idiom is undeniable, but he never seems to find a film worth telling within it.
We see how within weeks - grasping the reins of the presidency with supreme mastery - he propels through Congress essential legislation that at the time of Kennedy's death seemed hopelessly logjammed and seizes on a dormant Kennedy program to create the revolutionary War on Poverty.
Yet, while publishing may be thriving, many publishers seem not to grasp that business as usual may mean going out of business within a few years.
Contemporary life can seem unmanageable — except to the collector who has it within his or her grasp to acquire the complete set of any one thing, to become the master of a chosen domain.
Once we have rewritten the conventional wisdom, other victories that once seemed out of reach will be within our grasp.
It seems like the process is moving along and your next role is within your grasp.
By Jacqui Barrett - Poindexter The satisfactory blending of your work and life may seem improbable, or even impossible at times, but I urge you to bear in mind that hope and possibility always are within grasp.
Mike makes what always seemed beyond my reach in the past, appear within my grasp for certain.
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