Sentences with phrase «seen after ingestion»

A classic example of a food allergy is anaphylactic shock seen after ingestion of peanuts or after being stung by bees: as soon as the person or animal comes in contact with the allergen, their airway closes and they can't breathe.
Dr. Agatston spends much time explaining the glycemic index, a measure of how rapid and high a spike in blood sugar is seen after ingestion of particular foods.

Not exact matches

BHB raises blood ketone levels after ingestion, providing the body with extra energy in a similar (but not the same) way endogenous ketones do (see sections below for more info).
And in a case study of a 28 - year old male, an over-the-counter MAO inhibitor was seen to cause «hypertensive crisis» after ingestion (18).
After ingestion, you can see these signs within 2 - 24 hours after ingestion depending on the amount your pet ingAfter ingestion, you can see these signs within 2 - 24 hours after ingestion depending on the amount your pet ingafter ingestion depending on the amount your pet ingests.
Changes in blood tests for the kidneys (BUN, creatinine, and phosphorus) can be seen as early as 12 hours after ingestion.
Saponins have foaming properties which lead to the gastrointestinal upset we may see in our pets after ingestion, and also taste bitter which causes the loss of appetite.
In some of these incidents, the pet owner saw the pet swallow the foreign object and took steps prescribed by their veterinarian to either make sure it passed on its own or cause vomiting soon after ingestion in hopes that the pet would vomit the object back up.
More severe, life - threatening signs of liver failure may include black tarry stool, jaundice (e.g., yellowing of the gums), severe lethargy, walking drunk, and rarely, seizures and death, although these signs aren't typically seen for 24 - 72 hours after ingestion of xylitol.
Increased BUN, creatinine and potassium levels in the blood will be seen 18 — 24 hours after ingestion.
Vomiting and jittery (hyperactive) behavior are seen immediately to within the first 24 hours after ingestion.
With large ingestions causing liver failure, signs may not be seen for several days after ingestion.
Foreign body ingestion is yet another common case that Pyne sees reported after Thanksgiving — for example, dogs going to the vet with bones that have splintered and punctured their digestion tract.
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