Sentences with phrase «seen as a necessity»

Content - generation resources are widely available now, and owned media is seen as a necessity for almost every marketing strategy.
@CP: before the age of 24 I buried my Mom and 2 children... tragedy didn't make me believe then and it certainly won't make me believe now... if anything those tragedies made me question what kind of an evil monster god really is if he allows 3 innocent people to die horrible deaths (my Mom was an avid believer and went to her grave believing she was going to be with god... it was a comfort for her and eased her mind... I just don't see it as a necessity)
Owning a radio started as a privilege but was soon seen as a necessity, and is now almost universal, even in Third World countries.
They see them as necessities.
Otherwise, a world of pure experience degenerates into a Heraclitean flux of meaninglessness or a Hegelian determinism, where possibility is seen as necessity.
Self - construction on the basis of sexual self - assertion is often seen as a necessity.
While some may call it a luxury, we see it as a necessity.
I see him as a necessity.
It doesn't really make a load of sense for clubs to channel most of its new found riches directly into player's pockets but to compete with the billionaire playthings it is seen as a necessity.
«talking women out of it» or delaying it... or even resource issues that mean ane's aren't available... it certainly seems like pain relief in labour isn't a priority or even seen as a necessity even for those that REQUEST it.
It should be seen as a necessity and not a luxury.
In economic terms, housing is seen as a necessity good, unlike the environment which is viewed on the whole as a luxury good.
We need to stop seeing sleep as a luxury and start seeing it as a necessity!
I get the feeling the film could have been a little more cerebral, but that the gore factor was seen as a necessity.
Our students» limited English - language skills could easily be used as an excuse for low performance or a need for unlimited resources, but we see it as a necessity for teachers to differentiate their instruction to reach all learners, including ELL students.
At one time, a book tour was seen as a necessity.
Sometimes it's going without things we've come to see as necessities — a daily latte, a new car every four years, designer whatever.
Companies providing staple goods, or things that are seen as necessity products, are also a common favorite for dividend investors.
He, as do many others, see this as a necessity or else the whole process would roar out of control at the least provocation.
Every time modern technology presents us with a new possibility, we quickly learn to see it as a necessity, and it becomes a default.
Dealing within other people can create a «fear» in some, especially when networking is seen as a necessity.
Perhaps this may be a way for the company to keep improving Edge Sense over time in order for more users to see it as a necessity rather than just a gimmick.

Not exact matches

Perhaps things will break differently, but as the Trump administration digs in on the necessity of reducing the U.S. trade deficit, it's becoming increasingly difficult to see how Canada and Mexico can avoid making significant concessions.
Microsoft had been in partnership with Nokia since 2011, and some saw the acquisition as a necessity to stop Nokia from switching from Windows to Android on its mobile devices.
«Getting people to see the necessity of the pre-visit experience as a fundamental part of how they think about the customer journey.
Content Marketers that can see beyond the gross claims about SEO as well as the «SEO is dead» diatribe, will realize the necessity of continuous performance improvement from ongoing optimization.
The two moments: first, Binx's seeing the black man leaving the church after Ash Wednesday ritual, with an acceptance of the necessity, as Binx would have it, of «inserting himself into the world»; second, Binx's own ceremony of moviegoing whereby he seems to come to terms with place but in actuality does not.
And I want to register my strong conviction that we need to work toward a bottom - up economy in which many of the necessities of life are produced locally by individuals and companies that have their roots in the communities and do not see progress as meaning going national and global.
Or do we see them as complementary creations, representing the necessity of biological difference?
As we have just seen, Christian realism leads to the conclusion that violence is natural and normal to man and society, that violence is a kind of necessity imposed on governors and governed, on rich and poor.
For this end, wee must be knitt together in this worke as one man, wee must entertaine each other in brotherly Affeccion, wee must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities, for the supply of others necessities, wee must uphold a familiar Commerce together in all meeknes, gentlenes, patience and liberallity, wee must delight in each other, make others Condicions our owne, rejoyce together, mourne together, labour and suffer together, allwayes haveing before our eyes our Commission and Community in the worke, our Community as members of the same body, soe shall wee keepe the unitie of the spirit in the bond of peace, the Lord will be our God and delight to dwell among us as his owne people and will commaund a blessing upon us in all our wayes, soe that wee shall see much more of his wisdome, power, goodnes and truthe than formerly wee have beene acquainted with.
The «must» in verse 31 is a divine necessity, and it comes not only from Jesus» acute estimate of the forces already set against him but also from his meditation on the great suffering servant passage of Isaiah 53 which he was beginning to see as a clue to his own ministry and life.
This question might seem especially arcane to the non-theologian, but this disagreement on animal futures impacts our very theological understanding of creation, as Hart demonstrated with his discussion of the necessity of creation for humans to be able to «see» God.
But as we have seen, Bergson denies (at least in the works that could have influenced Whitehead) that there is any metaphysical necessity like this.
There one can see a touching picture of all human miseries, not of those poor attrackted by the alms of sovereigns, or of those insects who attach themselves to the reach, but of starving beggars deprived of necessities by the «charity» of their bishops so as to prevent them from becoming corrupted by affluence.
Nor, however, have I seen much in any of the foregoing writings (other than Kitchen's) that suggests a strong belief in the power of the Creator; or in the necessity for coming to Him through confessing Jesus as Lord and believing God raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Milbank sees coercion as «a merely tragic necessity,» a pagan residue only to be deployed temporarily.
The belief in miracles denies that the causality of events is a necessity comprehensible by reason; whoever sees an occurrence as a miracle ascribes it directly to the will of God.
It ought to be inconceivable to a Christian that any obstacle, beyond those of temporal and finite necessity, should be placed in the way of the full and free growth, in and under God, of any man or woman or child, because each and all of them now must be seen as blood - brothers, not of us only, but of the most - high God.
We shall see presently the place of our Lord Jesus Christ in this whole context, the utter necessity of the Church as the mystical Body of Christ, and the inescapable reality of «the resurrection of the body, and the life of the world to come.»
The necessity for «individuality in relation» in all love does make it difficult to see how God as «being itself» can love at all.
Here St. Augustine's realistic view of political life is of such character that Reinhold Niebuhr can call him the wisest political philosopher in Christian history.24 What St. Augustine does is to see the way of love in history as requiring the adjustment of life to political necessities.
War was no longer seen as a distant and detached entity from American daily life, but as a necessity to protect freedom.
These «necessities,» by a curious coincidence, have almost always matched the policy preferences of intellectuals, who tend to see the Constitution as a kind of perpetual work - in - progress, an instrument ever open to their expert ministry.
Obviously, for me to exist as I am requires a material universe with certain physical laws with enough time and the right conditions for life to begin and evolution to occur, but unless God is defined as the mindless action - reaction of physical laws, then I don't see the necessity for a God.
NONIMUS: Unless God is defined as the mindless action - reaction of physical laws, then I don't see the necessity for a God.
In the case of priests or bishops who are committed to celebrating a publicly scheduled Mass, awareness of grave sin should be seen for the doom - laden prospect that it is, and the obligation of sacramental confession as soon as possible (Canon 916) must be regarded as a grave and urgent necessity.
But Amos knows Yahweh's love and patience (see 4:6 - 11, with the essentially tender refrain, «Yet you did not return to me»; but especially 7:2,5); and when he speaks the apparently immutable sentence of death upon Israel (4:12; 7:9; 9: l - 8a) it is surely motivated (as the articulation of despair is of necessity always motivated) by hope, indomitable hope, that the pronouncement of judgment will effect decisive change in the conditions which invoked the judgment.
Quine is content merely to «see fairly definitely what the differences between us [him and Hartshorne] are,» and to make a few remarks about them, especially as concerns freedom, truth and time, necessity, extensionalism, and the status of values.
In his writings on women it is clear that he misunderstood their traditional home - centered roles, seeing them as normative expressions of inherent biological necessity.
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