Sentences with phrase «seen brighter skies»

Unfortunately, analysis of the data shows that participants have seen brighter skies and fewer stars over time, meaning that light pollution is a growing problem.

Not exact matches

Just because that something is the second brightest object in the night sky and you've probably seen it just about every single night of your entire life is no excuse for not saying something.
And those gods were an astrological parody for worship of THE SUN... You know that big bright hydrogen fusion machine in the sky that the church once believed orbited the Earth... See the only way to truly be religious and in particular a Christian is to not ask questions.
So until you see a bright light decending from the sky with some dude dressed in white, you can be paranoid free.
Just because that something is the second brightest object in the night sky and you've probably seen it just about every single night of your entire life is no excuse...
Seeing Swansea ride their luck to beat Stoke 2 - 0 at the Liberty Stadium was the only other cloud in the sky on a bright day for City.
Maybe I see a sweater and shirt that someone is wearing against the backdrop of a bright blue sky - BAM!
I can rember seeing the floating bright red lights that littered the sky in that area and thinking to myself «wow!
The sky was bright blue and clear — there was not a cloud to be seen.
If your skies were clear and you happened to look southeast Monday evening soon after sunset, here's what you might have seen: The bright crescent is the Moon, the brighter «star» is Venus and the dimmer dot is Jupiter, here in a rare visible close conjunction (a church in my...
They come in two, easy - to - see colors (bright sky blue and orange).
No space probe or telescope built by humans has ever escaped the Milky Way to turn back and take a portrait; because we are embedded in our galaxy's disk, we can only see it as a bright band of stars across the sky.
If you looked up on March 8, 2011, you might have a seen a bright streak across the sky as wastewater from the space shuttle Discovery was burned up in the atmosphere (which is acting as one huge incinerating toilet in this case).
These polarization signals, from billions of years ago, would be much brighter on larger scales, which an all - sky mission like Planck is better able to see.
When you spot a fireball — anything brighter than the planet Venus — open the app and point your phone to where you saw the fireball appear and disappear in the sky to capture its start and end points.
On the Charon side of Pluto, you'd see a big old moon up in the sky, appearing 10 times as wide as Earth's moon and twice as bright.
About 4,500 light - years away in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, the nebula is large enough to be visible through small telescopes; if it were bright enough in the visible spectrum it could be seen by the naked eye, occupying several times as much of the sky as the full moon.
Today, Sirius can be seen almost worldwide as the brightest star in the sky — excluding the sun — and the fourth brightest night - sky object after the moon, Venus and Jupiter.
This galaxy is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky, and although it is too faint to see with the naked eye, it is an easy galaxy to find with binoculars if you know where to look.
Amateur astronomers may contribute more observations, but the asteroid will be very difficult for backyard astronomers to see, as current estimates are that it will reach a visual magnitude of only about 17 at its brightest, and it will be moving very fast across the sky.
Solar sibling HD 162826 is not visible to the unaided eye, but can be seen with low - power binoculars near the bright star Vega in the night sky.
During the orbital period of such a planet of 0.6 (3) a, an observer on the planet would see this intensely bright companion star circle the sky just as humans see with the Solar System's planets.
With clouds shrouding much of the sky, professor Steve Fossey decided to point the University's 14 - inch telescope at nearby galaxy Messier 82 (M82) and saw a very bright object that wasn't supposed to be there.
In 1841 this star had a big flare up making it the second brightest star in the sky and ejected a huge amount of material that now makes it tricky to see the star.
It is an obvious group of galaxies because it contains several of the brightest galaxies in the sky (although they are all too faint to be seen with the naked eye).
We can see it throughout the year in all parts of the sky, but it's brighter during the summer, when we're looking at the center of the galaxy.
The Lagoon nebula is one of the brightest nebulae in the sky and it can be seen with the naked eye.
Were it possible to see the skies from this world, the four parent stars would look like one small sun and two very bright stars that would be visible in daylight.
In addition to taking 1,100 years to complete its orbit around the sun, the object is blisteringly chilly, which makes sense seeing as it's located in the Kuiper Belt where our sun is no more than a bright pinprick in the sky.
If you are willing to brave the frigid temperatures, you will see that the winter sky is filled with bright stars.
On our sky's dome, we see this multiple system as a single star — the third - brightest star visible from Earth.
You can see in this image the combination of sky blue, royal blue and bright red that inspired the look.
In winter you see so much grey and black everywhere (not really my favorite colors...)-- but then spring arrives and everything — nature, shops, and the sky — transform into bright and shiny colors
Colors of the new floral buds, the blooming trees, bright blue skies... the soft leather vest I saw this past weekend while styling at THE A LIST POP UP.
There's something joyous and endlessly romantic about seeing the flash of a bright light ahead of a boom and an explosion of star - shaped colors in a dark night sky.
In the comparison caps above, notice that the sky is both lighter and brighter in the newest transfer, and lacks the gradients seen in the 2005's screencap.
After more reiteration of things we've already seen, the action picks up, and the movie turns into a visceral assault of bright colors and sight - gags and bright flashes of light and monkeys falling from the sky.
At night, away from the bustle of Main Street, the sky is crowded with constellations, bigger and brighter than we've seen them before.
At the beginning, when a title card announced that this was set in 1930s Austria, it sounded like bad news to me, but it was still kind of shocking to see, after scenes with kids falling off rowboats, bright skies and blissful songs, to have men in uniforms march in and go «Heil Hitler».
Ultimately, a teacher's goal at the end of a semester is to gaze upon the shadows of all our departing learners and see that our lessons taught them to reach for a patch of blue sky, bright with significance and purpose.
Maybe it was the combination of cloudless skies, 70 - degree temperatures and the bright - red Wrangler Unlimited Moab, but I think I was able to see myself as a Jeep owner for the first time ever.
It's not uncommon to see bright sun and cloudy skies in quick succession, regardless of the time of year.
We made the descent at around 7:45 and at that time the sky over Hong Kong was still bright and I saw the airport from above, gigantic with the runway spreading just beside the bay and the rolling hills in the background.
Blue symbolises the infinity of the sky and the ocean; a bright shade of blue is seen as a colour of love.
Offering some of the most beautiful areas of desert, colours are brightest November to March, and approaching Al Ain from Abu Dhabi wll delight your senses as you see bright green date palms stand against glowing red dunes and a deep cobalt sky.
The skies feature stunningly bright blues while you can clearly see the moss along stone walkways.
The highlights for me were seeing the Rings of Saturn and the Orion Nebula through a telescope, plus with the naked eye, an astronomer pointing out to us the Hubble Telescope, moving through Orion - imagine a bright dot of light, 450 miles up, moving across the sky at 25,000 miles an hour.
She has recalled, «When I was a child, one day I was walking in the field, then all of a sudden, the sky became bright over the mountains, and I saw clearly the very image I was about to paint appear in the sky.
«When I was a child, one day I was walking in the field, then all of a sudden, the sky became bright over the mountains, and I saw clearly the very image I was about to paint appear in the sky.
«I am a passenger And I ride and I ride I ride through the city's backside I see the stars come out of the sky Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky You know it looks so good tonight
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