Sentences with phrase «seen in a ponytail»

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I think that if Democrats would come out for that, then you would see a lot of rural areas that went for Trump where there's little pickup trucks going to the polls, with guys who have beards and they have ponytails and they have a gun rack in the back, and they would be voting for recreational marijuana because they know it makes sense too.
Note: Kathe Kruse Sophie Muriel Ice Skater Doll has LONG blonde hair styled in a ponytail - you can see her pontail above her right shoulder next to faux - fur of vest jacket.She looks like the other blonde Sophie Muriel dolls (scroll up), except that she's wearing (removable / changeable) ice skating clothing / skates.
It allows for easy grasping of those fine hairs that get in her face and makes it simple to throw a barrette or tiny ponytail in her bangs so she can see!
For Mama: Comfy Clothes — lounge pants, nursing tanks, soft cardigans Nursing Bras Giant Cotton Undies (in case they don't have the giant stretchy ones) Hair Dryer (didn't use it last time, but I'm an eternal optimist) Bathrobe (institutional towels — enough said) Warm Fuzzy Socks (hospitals are cold) Loose Fitting Shoes (last time my right foot looked like the Elephant Man) Clothes to Wear Home (don't overthink it — all eyes are on the baby) Phone + Charger iPad + Charger Camera + Charger + Lenses Makeup (see the hair dryer explanation) Ponytail Holders Headbands Snacks (vending machines are expensive) Boppy Nursing Pillow Favorite Pillow (I'm a pillow snob.)
Now this is how you make a ponytail red - carpet appropriate: With mermaid waves and the most perfect ombré color we've seen in a while.
Since I wear my hair up in a ponytail several times a week, I wanted to dress it up a bit, so it doesn't always look so casual (seen here).
Recently however, K has talked me into tying it up into a ponytail — the conclusion of which you can see in this morning's outfit post.
She's wrapped a section of hair around the ponytail to create the remarkable finish that we're seeing in this picture!
You'll see it in their idle poses and animations and you'll feel it with every ponytail twirl or cane pogo bounce, with the only real downside being the distinct lack of Lanky Kong.
A ponytailed girl in a purple Ben and Jerry's T - shirt cranes her neck to see, and a mother bounces a toddler on her lap.
You could see the scar because he had his black hair in a ponytail.
We are kindred spirits, except I wear dark sunglasses and try to sneak in the mint before anyone sees me in my jammies and messed up ponytail.
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