Sentences with phrase «seen its growing acceptance»

THE mandatory Franchising Code of Conduct introduced last year is seeing growing acceptance from the industry.
This is why we see growing acceptance for LGBT equality.
However, it is only in the last 10 years that we have seen its growing acceptance as part of the litigation landscape.

Not exact matches

Gradually, however, acceptance of Copernicanism grew, «based not on proofs but on the persuasion of what was increasingly seen as a coherent system.»
Not only is IVF the most obvious source of «fresh» and cryopreserved embryos, but the growing acceptance of embryo creation and disposal through IVF has shaped our moral imagination, rendering us less and less capable of seeing any relevant moral claims attending the early embryo as incipient human life.
So we've seen how «nuance» is growing in acceptance in the realm of politics.
It also helps our children grow when they see us modeling acceptance in the midst of our own «not - perfect» moments.
The difficult part of growing up with this technology dependence is that we seek out acceptance and friendship from people who only see part of our lives online.
Seeing our local babywearing community grow and expand to include so many special needs families, and watching those families being embraced with love and acceptance, that is an accomplishment worth celebrating.
With bisexuality seeing a tremendous acceptance in many parts of the world, it is expected that bisexual dating websites will also continue to grow in number.
There is also lots of research documenting growing use and acceptance (for an excellent, general bibliography about online dating see Professor Azy Barak's online biblio).
Some saw the moment as a bellwether signaling a new dawn for the group, that they were developing a growing acceptance for the films that would start coming at them around this time of creative invigoration in the cinema.
The Lovely Bones and little Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) certainly tell us what she's learning while watching her family and murderer shuffle around on the mortal coil in a near - constant voice - over, but those words of denial and anger growing into acceptance don't reveal themselves in her limited actions in her stop on the way to Heaven (This might also be attributed to the fact that the story is told in the past tense, which lessens its overall impact as she has already seen and discovered these things; she's telling her story as opposed to living it, if you pardon the metaphysical contradiction in the wording).
A senior lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Mapp works with superintendents on building family engagement in schools and has seen acceptance of the movement grow at a more local level.
While the role of the RSCs is an external - facing one, which includes promoting the benefits of academies and free schools, their introduction was widely seen as an acceptance by the government that the growing number of academies could not be directly overseen by Whitehall.
The quickly growing consumer acceptance of those smaller vehicles shows that American drivers want to balance the utility afforded by their old midsize and large SUVs with better fuel economy, and they see LRR tires as an important tool in the battle against rising gas prices.
I see this as another sign of the growing acceptance of independent publishing.
US card acceptance abroad grows, even at kiosks — Travelers» woes diminish as new data suggests the vast majority of U.S. Visa cards work abroad, even at previously troublesome payment machines... (See Card acceptance abroad)
«With a growing tech - savvy population and a greater acceptance in the fine arts world of digitally mediated artworks it's no surprise that we have seen an incredible increase in the number of Brooklyn - based digital artists» studios and digital friendly galleries in the last five years,» said Digital Arts Chair Peter Patchen.
As the marijuana industry continues to grow and see further acceptance, the Tokes project envisions providing a real - world use case to allow seamless, efficient and non-volatile electronic payments through the use of their tokens.
Carl Rogers said, «for a person to «grow», they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self - disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).»
Carl Rogers (1902 - 1987) was a humanistic psychologist who agreed with the main assumptions of Abraham Maslow, but added that for a person to «grow», they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self - disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).
Further research should investigate how much stigma other relationships, who do not see the same amount of growing acceptance, need to face before their perception of love increases: an example being a zoophilic relationship, which faces quite a bit of stigma for deviating from the norm (Maratea, 2011).
[124] Both parents and children identified the levels of family and community violence as leading to an acceptance of violence as normal, describing how young children are initially scared after seeing violent behaviour but as they grow older «a normal pattern was for them to either ignore it, or to rush out to watch, discuss and even join in».
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