Sentences with phrase «seen some angels ask»

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I have seen family - run business houses demand 70 % of the business for investing $ 500,000 and angels asking for 10 % for the same amount.
Whenever I see something in financial services I always ask my partner Brian McLoughlin who has spent more than a decade looking at Fin Services deals or I might send it through to Mark Goines who is a phenomenal angel investor (invested and on the board of and was previous SVP at Intuit.
cit., pp. 260 - 262) In the Old Testament, accordingly, when Jacob asked the superhuman wrestler his name, he was rebuffed; (Genesis 32 - 29) when Manoah asked «the angel of Yahweh» for his name, the answer was, «Wherefore askest thou after my name, seeing it is secret»; (Judges 13:17 - 18 [marginal reading]-RRB- and when Moses sought to learn Yahweh's name, he received no clearer reply than «I AM THAT I AM.»
In heaven the angels asked him in which of the mansions he saw in heaven would he like to live.
It is told of Newman's Roman Catholic diocesan, the straightforward English monk Bishop Ullathorne of Birmingham, that he said something on his deathbed about St. Benedict and the angels, and when asked if he saw them answered, yes he did.56 Frank Weston returned from the plaudits of London crowds to die, as he would have wished to, in his mud and straw «palace» at Hegongo.
do ask if you can buy a plant or a tree for her to plant in her babies memory so she can see it's life cycles and remember her sweet baby angel with each passing season.
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