Sentences with phrase «sees a world beyond»

He points to China's fast - growing new middle class, a vast cohort of potential travelers who are eager to see the world beyond Beijing.
Yet for someone who so clearly sees a world beyond soccer, the game is remarkably important.
«Joining the single currency and the EU has allowed smaller countries such as Slovenia and Lithuania to see the world beyond their own small communities,» author Joan Costa Font said.
Being outdoors, successfully besting physical challenges and seeing a world beyond classroom lectures and book learning, gave me enthusiasm and a zest for living.
If, like Alice, I could stare into the looking glass and see the world beyond it, would I be at peace with what I saw?
These connections created communities across great distances and allowed New York City students to see the world beyond their own neighborhood, city, and culture.
«Democracy Prep gives us the chance to really see the world beyond New York,» he says.
I couldn't imagine anything grander than the womb we shared, but after the scaffolds of our brains were ivoried and our spleens were complete, Pearl wanted to see the world beyond us.
March 1912: Twenty - four - year - old Elspeth Dunn, a published poet, has never seen the world beyond her home on Scotland's remote Isle of Skye.
Our dogs love getting out in the fresh air and seeing the world beyond their kennel.
Curvilinear and circular shapes became another one of Valledor's many tools in his kit of economical means, along with color and shaped canvases, for exploring an expansive topic such as space and cueing viewers to look beyond the literalness of his compositions and see another world beyond.

Not exact matches

Green Common is already seeing great sales from the American made Beyond Burger, the world's first plant - based burger that looks, cooks, and tastes like a fresh beef burger.
«We support our listed companies throughout the going - public process and beyond, and we're pleased to see such strong investor interest in our world - class technology sector.»
«I think ultimately the Caitlyn Jenner story has shown that there's a marketplace for these stories well beyond Logo and it's shown that people are curious and interested,» said Post, «and I think the fact that she's opened up her life and story we're likely to see more of these stories unfold in scripted and unscripted worlds, for sure.»
WASHINGTON — Even as Apple became the nation's most profitable technology company, it avoided billions in taxes in the United States and around the world through a web of subsidiaries so complex it spanned continents and went beyond anything most experts had ever seen, Congressional investigators disclosed on Monday.
We see muted returns across asset classes in the coming five years, as structural dynamics such as aging populations help keep us in a low - return world, and we believe investors need to go beyond broad equity and bond exposures to diversify portfolios in today's market environment.
Josh Brown has just distilled the most important market lessons he's learned about 2012 and beyond, and now he has published them for the entire world to see.
Together, this system provides a view of the world that a driver alone can not access, seeing in every direction simultaneously and on wavelengths that go far beyond the human senses.
The founder of Moon Express, World Innovation Institute, iNome, TalentWise, Intelius, and Infospace, Naveen sees beyond the current business and technological landscape, creating companies that make a true impact.
Even knowledge of the «hard» sciences advances over time; a unified theory of the investment world is similarly beyond our grasp — as is a full understanding of any one strategy, no matter the current pile of historical evidence.the research puzzle For more thoughts on the topic, see this posting on «decaying beliefs.»
We shall perish if we can not see a larger world and understand what we are doing to this globe and to strangers beyond the compass of our lives.
On the third question posed by the Chiang Mai meeting, regarding the Holy Spirit and religious plurality, the statement declares: «We have learned again to see the activity of the Spirit as beyond our definitions, descriptions, and limitations, as «the wind blows where it wills» (John 3:8) We have marveled at the «economy» of the Spirit in all the world, and are full of hope and expectancy.
It's a little scary to see the world for what it is beyond the illusions that the devil has created.
But happy above all he who, rising beyond aesthetic dilettantism and the materialism of the lower layers of life, is given to hear the reply of all beings, singly and all together: «What you saw gliding past, like a world, behind the song and behind the colour and behind the eyes» glance does not exist just here or there but is a Presence existing equally everywhere: a presence which, though it now seems vague to your feeble sight, will grow in clarity and depth.
To read the gospel with an open mind is to see beyond all possibility of doubt that Jesus came to bring us new truths concerning our destiny: not only a new life superior to that we are conscious of, but also in a very real sense a new physical power of acting upon our temporal world.
«I believe television is going to be the test of the modern world, and that in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our vision we shall discover either a new and unbearable disturbance of the general peace or a saving radiance in the sky.»
You also wrote, «It's a little scary to see the world for what it is beyond the illusions that the devil has created.»
I see lots of ministers, these days, acquiescing to the pull of the world and going far beyond just compromising what ever conviction they had.
Just as the seed must learn to see beyond the world of the seed, beyond the forms and objects found there, so reason must learn to see beyond its world, beyond its logic, beyond the forms and objects found in it, for its «Other» and Ground.
Peace «keeps vivid the sensitiveness to the tragedy; and it sees the tragedy as a living agent persuading the world to aim at fineness beyond the faded level of surrounding fact.
This means that the world will be seen as possessing a depth and a richness beyond the mere appearance of successive states and configurations of things.
Brumbaugh sees process cosmology supplying a final vision of ourselves and the world «which reaches beyond science and the practical, and which should be the final satisfaction that concludes our education» (WPP 123).
In my dialogues with Third World Christians, I have sought to use the creative aspects of the black Christian eschatology in order to help us to see beyond what is present to the future that is coming.
Don't you see... you are all blind to the simple fact that there IS something greater, there IS a force beyond your understanding, and you are all simply wasting your lives in defense of a singular man - made construct that does nothing to describe the greatness that is the creator of all worlds.
They want to give themselves to something beyond a sort of «white bread» world that they live in, but need to see that that «something» is tangible, that it will work.
unless God is given I do not see how he could be inferred, for the foundation of inference beyond immediacy seems to me necessarily the reality of God as the ground of world order.
Certainly there is ADAPTATION... we all have to adapt to the changing world around us, but is it really beyond your grasp that we serve a God who sees what we will need before we need it?
Beyond astronomy, the more one understands about the physical sciences and the world we live on, the more you come to see that it is too dang perfect to be the result of some random, godless cosmic event.
Whether Americans intended it or not, we are now seen around the world as approving the torture of captives at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, at Bagram Air Base in Kabul, at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and at a global network of secret CIA prisons, as well as having endorsed Bush's claim that, as commander - in - chief in «wartime,» he is beyond all constraints of the Constitution or international law.
Only as people are helped, even while the No is being spoken, to see beyond it to God's love for them and for the world can they really receive the word of criticism.
In the past eight or ten years in America, we have forgotten how important it is for our children to see us and to help us be involved in tending the soil beyond our own little vineyards — to see and help us work in the larger society to make a better and more just world for all people.
It is important for our children to see us and to help us be involved in tending the soil beyond our own little vineyards — to see and help us work in the larger society to make a better and more just world for all people.
But if we are truly to understand the problems the church faces in today's world, and respond appropriately to them, we need to move beyond the blame game, and beyond seeing the matter in purely theological or ideological terms.
All over the world we are witnessing social pressure being brought to bear demanding democracy, which is increasingly seen as a methodological requirement which goes far beyond the simple electoral process.
One has only to look at the areas of the world where terror has held sway to see that the violence there is typically prolonged by terrorism, sometimes indefinitely, as the opposing sides come to perceive each other as «criminal» and thus as beyond the pale of civilized negotiation.
From the beginning, this aggressive secularism has — rightly — seen the Catholic Church, and especially its asceticism, its passionate love of goods beyond this world, as the chief enemy of what it calls progress.
It keeps vivid the sensitiveness to the tragedy; and it sees the tragedy as a living agent persuading the world to aim at fineness beyond the faded level of surrounding fact.
There is no doubt at all that we find it in the historical Christendom which abandoned the real futurist eschatology of the New Testament and internalized human salvation, at the same time banishing the future of God to a world beyond this one, so that redemption is no longer seen in the kingdom of God, the «new heaven and the new earth,» but now only in the saving of the individual soul for the heaven of the blessed.
The literature of our time, from Narnia to Harry Potter to The Matrix to Percy Jackson to Twilight all share the same deep common thread: the uneasy feeling that there is another world beyond the one we see and feel in our everyday lives, and that it is in some ways more «real» than the «real world».
Beyond that our main concern must be to see that man, whose folly drove him from the Garden of Eden, does not commit the blasphemous act of destroying, whether in fear or in anger or in greed, the great and lovely world in which, even in his fallen state, he has been permitted by the grace of God to live.
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