Sentences with phrase «selected group»

These children were then compared to two control populations of children — the first comprising all twins born in Denmark during the same period (a total of 10,833) and a randomly selected group of spontaneously conceived singletons (total 10.052).
To apply the strategy to the general population, he notes, all researchers would have to do is ask a randomly selected group of people to identify their friends and then track when these friends become ill.
And so that may not be just — it's certainly not everyone, and it might not be a randomly selected group.
A randomly selected group of middle - class volunteers with stressful jobs took an eight - week course in Mindfulness Meditation given by author Jon Kabat - Zinn, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Where further specialisation is necessary — for instance, to prepare students for postgraduate research — then it would be more appropriate to consider introducing a one - year preparatory masters course for a selected group of students than to extend the first degree course for all.
Indeed, the subjects in this study were a self - selected group «who would have had a natural inclination to play this sort of game,» says David Moore, director of the MRC Institute of Hearing Research in Nottingham, UK, and a founder of MindWeavers, a company in Oxford, UK, selling the brain - training program MindFit.
Closer analysis by independent biostatisticians revealed, however, that the value was calculated on the basis of a single experiment in which half the patients were already known to have ovarian cancer — a highly selected group that is the medical equivalent of a stocked pond.
Bitch only to some selected group.
Rebel leaders formed the National Transitional Council (NTC), comprised of a self - selected group of non-Islamists.
The researchers asked a selected group of voters to state their opinions on a variety of real public policy questions, and then presented them with fabricated poll results on the same topics.
A carefully selected group of our favorite products in one convenient bundle.
A method has been developed to assess genetic and environmental contributions to the average difference between a selected group and the unselected population (DeFries & Fulker, 1985, 1988), in contrast to the usual genetic analysis that focuses on individual differences.
The survey was administered in May 1 - 17, 2010, to a randomly selected group of parents of children aged 12 - 17 who play sports (n = 291) from the Knowledge Networks standing panel that closely resembles the U.S. population.
Because, they asserted, the media, ably aided and abetted by Dr. Ann McKee of the Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University's CTE Center, along with the PBS series, Frontline, had for years been using the results of autopsies of the brains of a small, self - selected group of former athletes to create a «sensationalized state of fear» about CTE.
This Christmas a specially - selected group of lucky Juniors were invited to join the Junior Christmas party down at White Hart Lane.
The aim of the Fellowship is to provide further training of a scientist in agriculture, fisheries or forestry from a selected group of developing countries, whose work has shown significant potential.
The foodpro seminar series will feature a selected group of exhibitors who will share the stories behind their technology, research and on going issues faced by the food manufacturing industry.
Nachtman, Grażyna and Żekało, Marcin (2006) «Economic results achieved by a selected group of organic farms in Poland in 2004».
This conclusion was soon accepted by a small and selected group of scholars in the sixteenth century and led Kepler to arrive at his exceptionally important three laws of planetary motion.
They selected a group of residents to go down to Wales for a week.
This self - selected group, though it includes several fine scholars, does not represent a balanced cross-section of scholarly opinion.
In any program of reeducation a self - selected group of intellectuals asserts that it has the authority to decide what kind of character and belief everyone should have.»
I've selected a group of friends to keep me accountable and provide some leadership as we work through this series, as I am keenly aware of my own privilege leading this conversation as a straight woman.
• A righteous man (Genesis 6:9) was directed to build an ark to save a limited and selected group of people and all species of animals (Noah received his orders directly from Jehovah God, Utnapishtim from a dream).
Even when life after death was a very vague hope, held by only a few, scornfully denied by some, supposed to affect only a selected group of saints and sinners, (E.g., Daniel 12:2.)
This high risk fund does not require a initial public offering (IPO) so the stocks are offered to a selected group of investors that are seeking a high - risk, high - yield investment.
With the recognition that estate planning is a cooperative task, the Council started as, and continues to be, a carefully selected group of qualified specialists in their own fields who have the necessary knowledge and experience to accomplish the broad goal of estate planning for the best interest of the client and his or her beneficiaries.
The Index measures the performance of a selected group of equity securities issued by companies that have provided relatively high dividend yields on a consistent basis over time.
At Ctrip, it was a self - selected group, so they were all motivated to work from home effectively, and that's how it should be.
On October 31st to November 4th, 2017, we organized a pilot FinTech training program for a selected group of 30 finance professionals, regulators and students.
When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell selected the group of 13 lawmakers who would work on drafting a health care bill to replace the Affordable Care Act in May, none of the five female Republican Senators were included.
Southeast Asia's Grab said its app will allow a selected group of commuters to book and ride start - up nuTonomy's driverless vehicles within a western Singapore district, where the vehicles are being tested, and adjacent neighbourhoods.
That is to say that pay is set by a small, heterogeneous, interlocked and self - selected group of management and directors.
Sure, you're deliberately narrowing the selected group to reduce the number of variables, he said.
He said repeatedly that the Board will be responsible for making decisions about governance, leadership and succession, and he hand - selected a group of trusted advisors and independent directors to fulfill this role.»
He provides mentoring and finance sessions for a select group of high - growth companies.
Whatever comes out of your mouth is all you're inhaling...» If you work alone, or with only a select group, you may be limiting yourself and your company.
For the uninitiated, Slack is a web - based corporate collaboration tool that allows employees to send messages and files to each other, directly or in self - selected groups.
Depending on what you plan to market and your budget, you can use formal focus groups (or simply host roundtable discussions with members of the target audience), employ online research or mall intercept studies, or distribute your product to a select group of users for testing.
Could similar resentment - busting measures at your business make burnout as rare as unicorns and fairies, or is this view of burnout only true for a select group of highly ambitious workers?
To arrive at this select group, they've screened the 50 companies with analyst days scheduled for March and narrowed it down to those with particularly liquid options.
The tech giant sent test models to a select group in April 2013 and then released the device to the general public in May 2014.
In the Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index last year, for example, Canada placed a close second to Australia, based on the quality of our pension system among a select group of 11 countries.
If you've grouped your audience into categories, you can select the groups who will view your video, or allow it to be seen by all.
If you'd still like to get a group together to bounce some ideas around, try to keep the number of participants limited to a very select group who are best suited to generate ideas on a specific topic — meaning they have some expertise in the area.
In September, it began testing a «Buy» button that allows users to purchase products from a select group of retailers directly within a tweet.
Marketing tools like Marketo and Hubspot can help your business target select groups among your audience, understand their needs and pain points and cater your messaging accordingly.
A select group of nonprofits and relief worker agencies can then use it to search for temporary housing for those they are helping.
This means they select a group of people to test their functioning application before it is launched.
The IRS commissioner at the time, Mark W. Everson, said, «This program serves an important purpose for a select group of taxpayers.
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