Sentences with phrase «self-fulfilling prophecy then»

If keeping the attention on this guy has any chance of making people rethink doomsday prophecies then so be it.

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History is going to bifurcate along two directions: One path is we stay on Earth forever, and then there will be some eventual extinction event — I don't have an immediate doomsday prophecy — but there's... it's eventually, history just that there will be some doomsday event.
If you select them so carefully that they then hire the right people, it's a nice self - fulfilling prophecy.
And I warned at a number of junctures in 1999 before the Internet bubble, and again in the winter of 2007, that the main thing we had to fear was the lack of fear itself, precisely because a sense that everything is stable is a self - denying prophecy, because if there is a sense that everything is stable, -LSB-...] people will take on more risk and that will then create the conditions for future instability.
If the final rule «is not dealt with» either by statute or other means, «then what we'll see over a period of time is a self - fulfilling prophecy: What happens with less advice is more diminished returns and over a period of time what happens is a wider and wider [savings] gap,» Roskam said.
The best case scenario that you are giving yourself for success is that if this is true, then it acts as a self - fulfilling prophecy and other traders will recognize that when this warning sign occurs, something will happen.
L4H, claims of «prophecies» are bogus unless you can quote some with actual precise dates in the prophecy, pre-event, and then show that the claimed events later happened on those dates.
the bible says that jesus was foretold, lived then died and came backisn't a prophecy, it's a story told after the man had been dead for a few hundred years.
Christians have a poisonous hate for the truth and will fulfill their own prophecy and then wonder why there is no Jesus come to save them and wail and gnash their teeth because they are already in HELL where there is no god!
How could they then not see or fail to deliver a prophecy of such an important event as the Last Supper or Foot Washing rite?
Betrayed By a Friend Prophecy: Psalm 55:12 - 14 For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, Then I could bear it; Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, Then I could hide myself from him.
Old Testament Prophecy: «All right then, the Lord himself will choose the sign.
God then ordered the prophet to address the bones in prophecy.
If not Judas, then who would have turned him in and brought about the final phase of this prophecy?
Then we wrote this article, fulfilling the prophecy of a supposed RELEVANT reader who tweeted: «Aaaand que RELEVANT with an article titled «You won't believe what Chris Pratt just said about prayer!»
(Isaiah 19:1 - 3) Since then, Egyptians have stopped using charms, wizards, and there are no statue - worshiping idolaters anymore, (Isaiah 19:3) so the reader can conclude this isn't an end times prophecy.
If enough people are encouraged to hate the Jews to a point where they want them wiped off the face of the earth, then part of the «prophecy» has been fulfilled (or at least the catalyst is present).
They'd show young people how to pray, then get them praying; they'd explain prophecy to children, then invite them to prophesy.
Jesus cautioned silence, Matthew says, to fulfill another prophecy, and then Matthew gives the longest Old Testament quotation in his Gospel (Isa.
So, someone looks at an ancient prophecy and then claims to be what the prophecy predicts?
It is in order now to look again at Amos 7:14 and to repeat in the present discussion a comment already made with reference to contagious prophecy: «Then Amos answered Amaziah, «I am no prophet, nor a prophet's son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees.»»
Read the Bible in the NIV version and if don't see the prophecies written over 2000 years ago coming to pass in this day and age then look closer.
oops again, then if it said G - d spoke then G - d spoke inerrent through the writer which we may believe in the same way we believe the more sure word of prophecy, the gospel itself, foolishness to those perishing and so on,... does it give me words to live by, then the answer to your question and my application in my own life the answer would have to be Yes.
New Me: So if a book is historically accurate, and makes some prophecies that turn out to be true, and also makes claims to be from God, then we should believe it?
The Biblical Prophecy is that the Sun will be darkened first, then the moon will turn red or into blood or like blood.
If Jesus came at that time to fulfill prophesy, then why did God prophecy that Jesus would come at that time?
You ask about a prophecy made by Apollo, and then mention Daniel in your rebuttal; these two have nothing to do with each other except that somebody wrote something about them.
If no one knew about the prohecy, and it still happened, and then afterward we found the prophecy, yuo would have something, but that is not the case.
one was for King Ahaz and then a double prophecy..
Prophecy belief appealed, then, for many reasons.
If May 21 passes without the rapture, the Christian world is going to breath a great sigh of relief but that will be the fulfillement of another prophecy: «When they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction commeth upon them and they shall not escape.»
Then they would go on to teach some sort of dangerous idea about how a favorite «prophecy» doesn't actually point to Jesus, or how a favorite text doesn't mean what most Christians think, or how the misuse and misunderstanding of a particular point of theology could lead to sin.
If, then, the tenacity of prophecy belief can not be explained in terms of standard theories of deprivation, and if it seems to have little pay - off in the secular political realm, why does it persist at all?
If he is omnipotent, then he can not be omniscient, and there would be no prophecies.
You really have to beat and bend these prophecies to make them fit, and then make the huge leap of faith to believe that they truly are all the uncorrupted word of god.
Prophecy, in the sense of declaration of the mighty act of God in Christ for salvation, anchored the life of the people of God then as it does now.
Prophecies such as Daniel 2 (which secular scholars suggest was written around 200 BC) shows the rise and fall of the major world empires of the Middle East and Europe from Babylon, to Media Persia, to Greece, Rome, and then the division of Rome into it's separate kingdoms which became modern Europe.
How, then, could it be true that the prophecies were fulfilled which spoke of the congregation of the righteous being transfigured into the glory of an immortal life?
Then Lake made this striking prophecy: «The fundamentalists will eventually triumph.
If we suppose Jesus to have had this prophecy in mind, then his decision to enter the city in this guise is explained.
The early church, then, may have suppressed theological traditions that seemed to make room for ecstasy and prophecy.
and if you think about it if the Old was done away with then the prophecies won't be fulfilled from it and if that's the case, why would Jesus do that?
Then in what way has President Obama differed from that prophecy?
I am no prophet, and if I am in fact attempting to describe this situation of a future Catholic, as the necessary presupposition of the experiment, then the description is not a prophecy but a dream.
If Jesus is not real, says Origin, then Apollo was not real, and the Old Testament prophecies have not been fulfilled.
This isn't jews being «jaded» as you put it, it's jews looking at the prophecies they laid out and then loooking at jesus and putting two and two together.
Also, if you believe in the Bible, then you should know that false condemnation and the spreading of false prophecies (attributing storms and natural phenomenon to God's «wrath») puts you in the same line of sinners as heretics, murders, thieves and rapists.
And — he believes — America will then turn to Mormonism as Joseph Smith's prophecy predicted.
p.s. if you have time to post messages like this, doofy — then you have time to refute all the failed biblical prophecies i lovingly provided your doofy butt with.
However, if the Fourth Servant Song was really to be understood as a prophecy of the crucifixion of Jesus, and if this meant that by means of this scripture God was declaring that his death was not a miserable failure but a victory, in that it was becoming a source of blessing to men, then the rest of the Song had some suggestive things to say about this same Jesus.
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