Sentences with phrase «selfish one»

According to the article, one of the child's siblings has already raised this obvious question and accused the mother of selfish manipulation of the daughter.
I want to do what is best for him and not for selfish reasons for me wanting him here.
You need to put in a lot of effort to come across as someone who is not selfish for leaving your students in the middle of the term — if that is the case.
Putting your own selfish interests over and above those of a client is definitely a breach of fiduciary obligations.
Or how about when you are exercising, the guilt that you should either be working or with your family but definitely not doing something as selfish as getting a workout!
While becoming, each is purely concerned with selfish interests, seeking «only the satisfaction of its own subjective aim...» (43).
Children who always get what they want, tend to become very selfish in time.
But then, we have created a generation of selfish people.
Site - specific selfish genes as tools for the control and genetic engineering of natural populations.
But even works can give false evidence, and be motivated by selfish desires, and thus be false works!
Poor sleep can induce more selfish feelings in partners and they feel less able to appreciate and feel gratitude towards the other.
Find out how to deal with selfish people here.
I don't understand how he can be so selfish because if the shoe was on the other foot I would resolve the problem or die trying.
That is the most selfish act i have ever heard of.
I say this as someone who has lost three well - loved family members to terminal diseases: How very selfish of you.
The state is not an institution created by selfish individuals to stand over and against them because they do not trust anybody, even themselves.
She was just too selfish of a person to reconcile.
The result of so many problems — worldwide or our own personal problems — consist on how selfish we are or are not.
Still, it makes a change to find a Conservative who will contemplate progressive solutions in this field, albeit from selfish motives.
Although you may have been a little selfish for the first time ever by taking this journey.
She is strong - minded and a bit selfish at times, but a good person at heart and beloved by her fellow villagers, too!
When each person satisfies that the basic human need — to feel a part of something bigger — he or she is less likely to be focused on selfish desires.
He tells them not to do anything from selfish ambition or from cheap desire to boast.
I could sit here telling you all about me when it would sound selfish when I'd like to get to know about you.
You are going to hurt someone just because of your own selfish need for attention / company.
I think he would've got 30 + this season easily, if he was a more selfish player who sat in the spaces between lines looking to exploit space..
This requires a change in attitude AND behavior - consistently reminding themselves that child - free time is not selfish behavior, but rather a protective behavior that will stabilize their family life.
Don't think of it as selfish because if enough of us save ourselves, then maybe together we can build something new.
I was thinking it might be for me because I'm so selfish about my love for... I visited three websites aimed at cat people.
To put your baby's future before your own by making a loving adoption plan doesn't seem selfish at all; it's anything but, in our opinion!
Too many boys treat women as if they are objects — which shows they are really just selfish boys.
Dating is difficult when you've got selfish men who are after only one thing.
Rather I think that as a society we need to be less selfish as individuals and give more freely to our spouses and children.
It felt selfish of me, a purely indulgent act when so many other things needed to get done.
She speaks the language of love and compassion and her act of love is not motivated by selfish gain.
I'm trying to get myself out of this habit but I am a horribly selfish individual.
Making selfish choices such as flying on holiday or buying a large car are a symptom of sin.
Do not be too selfish when you're on a Web service encounters.
Most people compromise their own integrity for selfish ambition.
YOU: Then they do that and are sort of called selfish for doing so.
Only the person who sought his own selfish end could succeed.
Even the best of us make demands, sometimes unreasonable, upon the people that we «love» because part of love become selfish, at least part of the time.
This woman should have checked with her sponsor to see if this disclosure was made for selfish purposes — and she speaks of humility...?
Most of us probably know ladies that buy into such selfish thinking.
Many of us are missing out on our chance to make an impact because of selfish decisions we are making in the ways we live our lives.
It's self - preservation and generally pretty selfish in the sense that we fight the hardest for the things closest to our hearts.
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