Sentences with phrase «sell ionic silver»

While this error in the booklet has been known for years it has not stopped companies that sell ionic silver labeled as Colloidal Silver from misleading the buying public with statements such as Professor Ronald J Gibbs informs us that all of the highest quality colloidal silver products are colorless.
The common thread in most advertisements selling ionic silver products (labeled as colloidal silver) is to claim that ions are silver particles, or they try to blur the distinction by using the terms interchangeably.
The statements highlighted in red below are from web site that sells an ionic silver product that is produced by electrolysis and is 98.6 percent ionic silver.

Not exact matches

«Colloidal silver» generators sold to home hobbyists all produce ionic silver solutions.
This erroneous belief is fostered by the companies that sell «colloidal silver» generators to the home hobbyists and also sell TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meters that they claim can be calibrated to measure ionic silver content.
These are marketing terms used to hide the truth that what is being sold is an ionic silver solution.
The product being sold is clear and colorless (like water) as are all ionic silver products, however, true silver colloids are never clear and colorless further demonstrating to the most casual observer the deceptive nature of these claims.
The statements highlighted in red below are from an internet ad by Survival Enterprises, a company that sells an ionic solution produced by Silver Water Products called Silver Wain Water.
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