Sentences with phrase «sell loads of books»

You can sell loads of books while you look for an agent, who then has to get a publisher.
When you add Facebook ads to the mix, you'll find that Facebook can help you sell loads of books and grow your email list.
On the other hand, sometimes it can sell a load of books.

Not exact matches

There are a few ways to navigate the loads of free books there, but the best way might be to visit the best - sellers list, which includes the top 100 best - selling free e-books.
Selling all the short - dated stuff and loading up the book with long - dated treasuries so they own mortgage backs with an average life of around 12 years now.
I totally understand not wanting a load of irritating ads, but what about selling your own books?
My first two books were standalones and they sell fewer than the rest of my books (despite loads more reviews, blog tours, positive buzz, bigger launches, more expensive covers... etc).
The Kindle allows me to have as many books as I can read loaded onto the device or waiting on the cloud until room on the device is cleared, and I don't have to worry about the amount of space available in my home, or selling some books to make room for more.
They are series (key to making a lot of money with your fiction books) and they have loads of diehard fans (yup — that helps sell millions of books).
I may not have made this clear, but there are loads of much better ways to build an author platform, attract readers, and sell books.
You'll feel more comfortable once you make your decision because one of the things that I have seen so many times happen to other people is their partners get so invested in their creative career, that if they don't make huge money right away and sell a boat load of books right away they start to withdraw and get disappointment because they were thinking of it like writers in a movie or on TV, like Castle.
In addition, the book page has loads of information — there are user reviews, user lists and discussions, and a lot of information authors just don't get for physical books sold outside of Amazon.
I've read a lot of «How [successful writer] promoted their book and sold loads» pieces and they can be a little thin on what they actually did to achieve the amount of readers they did.
Author # 1 turned down the offer, then went on to sell a crap - load of books the moment their latest book went on sale.
They loaded it onto Amazon with the old date and when she asked why, she was told that they could not update the Amazon information to match the new book copyright date until she sold X number of books.
For self - publishing authors, we could do a flawless book launch and sell thousands of copies, but if the readers aren't happy, negative reviews will build up on our Amazon page and make the book increasing difficult to sell (although, I've seen loads of books with lots of negative book reviews that continue to sell well.
There are loads of so - so books that sold a lot of copies thanks to the fact they have amazing marketing.
The good news is self - publishing no longer requires a huge upfront cost to print loads of your books anymore and store them in your garage to sell later.
Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best - selling book «Rich dad Poor dad `, said debt is like a loaded gun.
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