Sentences with phrase «selling fossil fuel assets»

For a start, the Exxon Mobil and Chevron Climate Reports assume that governments won't succeed in meeting their Paris Agreement commitments, resulting in financial outlooks that leave them free to sell all their fossil fuel assets.
A former ExxonMobil executive recently criticized the reports for «assum [ing] that governments won't succeed in meeting their Paris Agreement commitments, resulting in financial outlooks that leave them free to sell all their fossil fuel assets

Not exact matches

De Blasio and City Comptroller Scott Stringer announced a «goal» to sell the assets that its five pension funds hold in companies that own reserves of fossil fuels within five years.
The United Church of Canada voted to sell off fossil fuel assets worth $ 5.9 million and instead pump funds into renewable energy co-operatives in a landmark decision on Aug. 11.
From Germany's largest utility E.On selling off its coal and gas assets to Australia's biggest carbon polluter moving to zero emissions by 2050, the ball is well and truly rolling in terms of a transition away from fossil fuels.
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