Sentences with phrase «selling gene tests»

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Quest Diagnostics Inc. said it would sell testing for the genes later this year.
By invalidating key parts of Myriad's patents, the court has removed a bar that prevented labs using new technology from developing and selling broader one - time tests that search for all known cancer risks, including the BRCA genes, geneticists said.
In 2006 Pfizer started early human testing on one of these new, targeted drugs called crizotinib (now sold as Xalkori), concentrating on a mutation of a gene called MET, implicated in several cancers, including esophageal and stomach cancer.
Charles Zukoski, Urbana - Champaign's vice chancellor of research, said that the school notified FDA of its intention to test the piglets and sell those that tested negative for foreign genes to a livestock dealer.
Instead, they helped Myriad Genetics, the company that studied those tissues, to establish broad gene patents and achieve large profits by selling tests that many donor families could not afford.
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