Sentences with phrase «send on the email»

Take some time to calm your nerves before leaving that voicemail or hitting send on that email.
keyless identify verification (once someone signs up for an account, they will get their own unique public encryption key, like a QR code, but the colorful semaphoric pattern); people will be able to put it on their business cards, send on email, verify in person by scanning the pattern, or by texting it.
Honestly, I rarely notice the time sent on emails / messages anyway.
Psych yourself up, whether it's to sign up for something or just pushing send on an email.
Before you hit send on your email, spellcheck and proofread what you wrote.
Your hotel told my office daily rates over phone and did not send it on email and I realised later when payment that the rates told by you hotel was not heard correctly by my office because it was over a phone line and I had to pay more.
The intimation from the I - T department would be sent on the email id provided during the e-filing of Income Tax Returns.
A big part of that process is scanning the draft of your cover letter for passive voice and cheesy, trite or dull words and phrases, then rewording or removing them before hitting send on an email to a prospective employer.
Proofread and edit your resume to ensure it does not contain any mistakes, no matter what template you download online, and see to it that you save it in PDF if you are sending it on email.
Before you hit send on that email or text message, sleep on it, or run your response past a trusted friend who is a calming influence.

Not exact matches

On how easily the government can snoop: «If I target for example an email address, under FAA 702, and that email address sent something to you, Joe America, the analyst gets it.
Apple's new system, which requires users to plug in their iPhones with a Lightning cable to use, enables drivers to make calls, get directions, listen to music, send and receive text and email messages and a heck of a lot more «with just a word or a touch,» all in a way that allows you to stay focused on the road, Apple says.
When the person wearing the watch starts to move in a way that indicates one coming on, Neutun automatically sends an email or text alert to a family member or caregiver.
Those interactions can be bolstered by simply conducting research on people before sending an initial email or continuing an existing conversation.
In the course of a day, you send hundreds of email communications, post on social networks, and interact and communicate with clients, staff, and stakeholders.
«The challenge of email is that people send you stuff for free, and it becomes items on your to - do list,» she says.
Send out an email to your existing newsletter subscribers, encouraging them to sign up for SMS messaging to receive a special discount on their next purchase.
A source familiar with the White House emails on the Benghazi talking point revisions say that State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland was raising two concerns about the CIA's first version of talking points, which were going to be sent to Congress: 1) The talking points went further than what she was allowed to say about the attack during her state department briefings; and, 2) she believed the CIA was attempting to exonerate itself at the State Department's expense by suggesting CIA warnings about the security situation were ignored.
In a letter sent to Rice, the lawmakers said it was «odd» she felt the need to send «such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump / Russia investigation» to herself on her final day as an Obama administration official.
Often lauded for his independence, Comey had come under intense scrutiny in past months for his role in the agency's investigation into the email practices of Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, including a pair of letters he sent to Congress on the matter in the final days of the campaign.
The people you call are used to working with a computer on a regular basis, so it's easy for them to ask you to send information via email.
Keep files on your computer instead of in file cabinets, review documents on your screen rather than print them out, and send emails instead of paper letters.
At a small business, approval might be granted after an employee sends a short email message because managers might make those decisions on the spur of the moment.
NARA sent Grassley a declassified version of Rice's email on June 16, 2017, less than a month after he made the initial request, and three days after it was declassified in part.
Sending your subscribers a dedicated mail rather than relying on impersonal emails will help to build the right kind of relationship with your customers and keep them loyal to your brand.
However, if I spent time on the site's baby products department, then they would send me an email about wipes or diapers.
Electronic receipts can be sent to your customers via email or text message and come with a host of benefits, the most notable being no paper waste on your part.
They should be educated on what sort of things to look out for when they receive or send an email.
Automation services can be configured to send out customized offers or newsletters via email or as push notifications on mobile.
Case in pont: The Honest Company sends out different email types depending on what people viewed on their site.
If staff need to send out emails to a large number of people on a mailing list, then they should use a blind carbon copy (bcc), so that recipients» names can't be seen by other people.
The most effective CEOs that I've observed send regular, short, board update emails every few weeks or monthly just to give the board a sense of what is going on.
Co-founder and president Ed Calnan also highlights the achievements he has seen from individual employees in his «Friday Night Lights» email, sent out at the end of each week to inspire employees to come back into work excited to hit the ground running on Monday morning.
When sending marketing emails, make sure you adhere to these seven guidelines so you don't end up on the wrong side of the law.
If you want to get your payment on time, you should remind the clients about payments after some time and send them proper emails and letters for healthier cash flow.
Although the items on this list cover the problems we've faced, we encourage you to send us an email if we missed your biggest kitchen gripe.
Here's a quick example: Using dynamic content, a retailer can send an email that shows each recipient a different new product based on purchase history.
Now a software engineer for Google, Gershtein works on projects such as Smart Reply, an email feature that uses machine learning to send automated replies; and Save to Inbox, an extension that lets users send what they're watching, reading, or listening to directly to their inbox so they can easily access it later.
He wakes up at 4:15 a.m., sends emails, calls business associates on the East Coast, and that's before listening to Dallas sports radio, reading the paper, and hitting the bike at the gym.
After the training, they can send employees emails with a fake link and see who's clicking on the links.
Scassa said the emails from Microsoft, LinkedIn and communications platform Slack, whose email to users touted «improved clarity and transparency» by making terms «clearer and more understandable» and sharing more details on its data processing practices, could have been sent earlier than planned because of Facebook's scandal.
No matter how many emails you send out, individual calls or conversations you have, nothing replaces getting everyone on your team in a room or on a conference line to talk through the aspects of your business.
Google Alerts automatically sends you emails based on specific queries that you set up.
I finally sent him an email about numbers and expectations on September 6th, clearly outlining that he needed to have at least 1 demo per day show up.
A privacy expert explains to CNBC's «On the Money» why you shouldn't expect any privacy when you hit the email «send» button.
Wetherspoon says in an email sent to customers on Thursday it «can not confirm» who exactly has been affected yet.
And I'm sad to say I've certainly sent my share of poorly written, typo infested emails over the years, and it's something I have to work on every day.
For example, you could send an email that shows what a customer browsed and products that may pique the customer's interest or offer discounts based on products they previously expressed interest in.
Such email management is easy to do remotely, but you need to provide guidance on how to pick out key emails and ask the assistant to copy you before sending out any responses to reduce the risk of errors.
But what if, despite the apparent advantages of sending those last couple of emails before you fall asleep at night, your end - of - the - day smartphone use, on balance, actually means you get less done?
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