Sentences with phrase «senior professor»

A "senior professor" is a term used to refer to a teacher or educator who holds a high-ranking position in a university or educational institution. They are experienced, have a higher level of expertise in their field, and often have a distinguished career in teaching and research. Full definition
In short: He has the same duties as a full senior professor, but no chance to become a full professor at the university where he teaches as junior professor.
Eswar Prasad, senior fellow in global economy and development at Brookings and the Tolani senior professor of trade policy at Cornell University, helped generate some of the initial momentum for the panel by publishing a related report in conjunction with the event.
In 2002, Noureldin was appointed Senior Professor at the University of Art in Design École cantonale d'art de Lausanne in Switzerland.
The Roald F. Campbell Lifetime Achievement Award was instituted by UCEA in 1992 for the purpose of recognizing senior professors in the field of educational administration whose professional lives have been characterized by extraordinary commitment, excellence, leadership, productivity, generosity, and service.
She now applies her expertise to helping women, from graduate students through senior professors, at The Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus develop products and companies to produce them.
Students will have access to the brains trust of experts such as Senior Professor Rod Ellis who joins the School of Education team in 2017.
Because academics so often fear (with good reason) deviating from what senior professors and administrators want, it took a senior administrator lobbying for changes to make family leave part of the normal routine of academic life.
SOAS Senior Professor Antonio Andreoni stated that Sub-Saharan Africa needs over 550,000 additional midwives to satisfy the demand for their services., noting that
Every person in the room, from the most senior professor to the greenest graduate student, knew this was the kind of moment that justified decades of work.
Directed by Ernest Giralt, also senior professor of the UB, this lab is one of the few leading labs worldwide devoted to these kinds of developments.
Japan's traditional koza or «chair» system, on the other hand, gives senior professors tight control over the activities and funding of a group of subordinates that includes not just students but also less senior faculty members.
He tells of «senior professors whose partners had cancer and no health insurance; researchers who left the commonwealth, taking major grants with them; faculty who, unlike their straight colleagues, are paying out of their pockets for costly individual policies for their partners and who resent the discrimination; young professors and administrators who are looking to leave the state; and so forth.»
Key contributors to the study included Professor Matthias Goebeler, Director of the University Hospital and Outpatient Clinic for Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology Würzburg, and Edgar Serfling, active Senior Professor in the Department of Molecular Pathology at the Pathological Institute of the University of Würzburg, who had initiated the study.
For example, Knowles, not the department chairs, sets senior professor salaries, and junior salaries are on a scale; lab space is allocated not solely by department chairs but is subject to central control.
And the same principle might perhaps be used for electric batteries,» says Claes - Göran Granqvist, senior professor at the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University and one of the authors of the study.
Bleich holds not one but two prestigious academic appointments — he is rosh kollel (senior professor of Talmud) at Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanon Theological Seminary, and Herbert and Florence Tenzer Professor of Jewish Law and Ethics at Yeshiva's Benjamin Cardozo School of Law — and is a leading Orthodox spokesman on issues of both Jewish and general concern.
'» And at the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, every proposal by anyone doing research, from undergraduates through senior professors, must include a hazard analysis that is approved by the college's director of engineering safety, David Breeding, as I reported earlier this year.
According to Christopher Sands, senior professor and director of the Center for Canadian Studies at Johns Hopkins University, having a majority of Republican governors may even be good for Canadian business.
Julian Lange is a senior professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass..
One senior professor was indiscreet enough to opine that they had just accepted one.
«What Learning Cursive Does for Your Brain,» William R. Klemm, Ph.D., D.V.M., senior professor of Neuroscience, Texas A&M University
He was a founder - member of openDemocracy, and is a senior professor at The Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University.
Rethinking the Retirement Bottleneck 05 February 2014 Senior professors» refusal to retire isn't the only thing — or even the main thing — keeping early - career scientists off the tenure track.
Just 20 % of senior professors were women.
Given the large research groups at work today, it «could be a postdoc,» rather than the senior professor, «who has been the one who came up with the idea and even did the discovery, and we look very seriously into such cases.
Joseph Bozzelli, a senior professor in the chemical and environmental science department, agrees that Thornton met with opposition.
You're not following around some senior professor, fetching coffee and making photocopies.
NEW DELHI — Six senior professors at the University of Delhi face up to 2 years in prison over their roles in India's first fatality from accidental exposure to radiation.
Senior professors» refusal to retire isn't the only thing — or even the main thing — keeping early - career scientists off the tenure track.
Despite the innovative nature of the research, the public attention surprised Hayashi and his senior professor, Mitinori Saitou.
It notes that financial conflicts of interest (Duke investigators had patents on technology and ties to companies developing the tests) and deference to a senior professor may have influenced the university to dismiss concerns about the papers.
The same goes for many academic labs, admits a senior professor at a topflight research university who also has extensive experience in industry.
Bengt Westermark is senior professor at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, which is the present name for the department where U87MG was established.
If the new mechanism also operates in the human brain and can be potentiated, this could become of clinical importance not only for stroke patients, but also for replacing neurons which have died, thus restoring function in patients with other disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease,» says Olle Lindvall, Senior Professor of Neurology.
The professors, who have been to the United States earlier, the senior professors... say to them, «Go and work with Dr. [so - and - so] in America and then come back.»»
Pocklington and Tupper answer in one memorable sentence: «To our knowledge, no Canadian university in recent memory has hired a senior professor from another university because of his or her demonstrated teaching skills.»
The scientific coordinator is Juan Esplugues, senior professor of pharmacology at the University of Valencia.
After a meeting with a senior professor at Harvard, he expresses his disappointment that the conversation was so one - sided, with the professor bragging and seeking approval the whole time.
He is a Senior Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
All of our staff writers are working under one roof so that your paper will be discussed and scrutinized with utmost care and attention by our senior professors.
Senior Professor and Professor Emeritus of Small Animal Clinical Sciences Texas A&M University
Bruce Lieberman, a senior professor and curator at the University of Kansas, was also «very impressed with the graphics.»
The exhibition is accompanied by workshops on feminist posters taught by Guerrilla Girls, along with the second Feminist Perspectives in Artist Practice and Theory of Art course that is co-directed by the curator of the exhibition, Xabier Arakistain and the senior professor in Social Anthropology of the UPV / EHU, Lourdes Méndez.
Charles Burson After a career in government (State Attorney General of Tennessee, White House counsel and chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore), law (private practice and General Counsel Monsanto) and teaching (Senior Professor of the Practice at Washington University Law School), Charles began taking photography classes at Anderson Ranch, and reinvented himself to become a photojournalist.
A senior professor of art, Steve Whitacre's long - term leadership in the Institute's Foundation studies has earned national and international recognition.
Walter Gropius, would become a senior professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, while Marcel Breuer taught at Yale.
As professional scientists, from students to senior professors, we uphold the findings of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which concludes that «Warming of the climate system is unequivocal» and that «Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations».
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