Sentences with phrase «sense of another level of experience»

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Flourishing denotes a state of wellbeing characterised by experiencing positive emotions and enjoying high levels of engagement, positive relationships, a strong sense of purpose and a feeling of accomplishment.
The same could be said for Welter herself — her resumé is impeccable, full of the relevant experience, to the point where a coaching job at the sport's highest level made perfect sense.
Whitehead's ontological principle implies that everything is an actual entity (in the strictest sense of the word) or combination of actual entities: both mental experiences and events on the subatomic level are actual entities.
Rather, the main point I want to make, which is to my mind following a Peircean line, is that intuitions are not explicitly cognitive in the sense of exemplifying prima facie rationality; yet they may and should contribute to explicitly cognitive levels of experience.
[12] Hence one understands that, even if their complaint remains merely at the sense - level, many couples, especially many men, complain of the «something missing» in the experience of condomised sex.
The evils are not lost, but they constitute a loss in the sense that they detract from higher levels of experience.
Despite his «reformed subjectivist principle,» Whitehead does not, in my opinion, adequately address such high level human experiences as responsibility and our sense of a sustained «being - here» over time.
What we call sense perception is a rather late and somewhat abstract version of a much more global feeling we have, at a visceral level, of the entire universe entering into our experience.
By this, process - thought (as expounded by Whitehead) means that there is given to us, in our experience at all levels (including our «bodily» as well as our intellectual awareness), the sense of a variety of relationships which have played upon us and brought our experience to us in the particular way in which in fact it has been brought.
Even if it made sense to speak, as Whitehead does, of a «world» as the «relative actual world» of a unique event — then how do such «worlds» stand in relation to that real level of abstraction (cf. 2.4) on which actual worlds and actual experiences interact and interpenetrate one another, the level which Whitehead sometimes defines as «nature»?
Christine, that is a really powerful way to convey that relationship, and one that portrays my relationship not to the bible, but more to the «feeling / knowing / hearing» god... Even at my most believing, I never had the experience of God talking directly to me and telling me what to do, but so many people I knew seemed to have this... I always had my doubts and confusions; the times where I truly felt god or heard god, it was at a deep sensing level... not anyting spoken or any kind of instruction.
The function of religious thought is that of penetrating beneath the level of appearance and sense experience to discover fundamental meanings and relationships.
I think our win / loss record makes at least some sense given the experience level of this team.
Musa brings high - level perimeter scoring ability and a good level of experience that makes sense within the Nuggets» roster as constructed.
Make sense of our experiences, help with control 3) Dim the lights and stay away from electronics — light lowers melatonin levels, eliminate TV, computers, etc..
Offer a social space for like - minded parents and caregivers to share their experiences and promote a sense of community at local and national level.)
Combine these suggestions with the addition of the 10 anti-inflammatory foods listed above into your diet and you will experience new levels of energy, brain functioning and sense of well - being like never before.
I love to go deeper and deeper and experience the sense of transcending in myself, and into new levels with my partner.
We are all feel - good addicts, and with the high level of stress many of us experience on a daily basis, a feeling of pleasure that we get from a treat can help restore some sense... [Read more...]
The brow chakra relates to our sight, it gives us guidance not only in the vision and experiences we engage in but on a deeper level with the connection to our sense of sight — which relates to our third chakra.
After regularly consuming freshly pressed vegetable juices, which are highly alkalizing, you will experience improved energy levels, digestion and mental clarity, clearer skin, and an overall sense of wellbeing.
Once Grace knocked some sense into Tim & I (especially me — she was MEAN to me in email...) and the probiotics got introduced, it has improved most people's experience, and taken many from no improvement or bad, to some level of good.
The pre-eminent curiosity that I retain regarding health practitioners is that specialists in nutrition on occasion appear to not possess the adequate level of biochemical grounding to explain the vital processes happening at the cellular level during fasting and through manipulation of eicosanoids (fatty acids), conversely from my personal experiences, experts in biochemistry don't apply their vast knowledge of these complex physiological systems to basic fundamentals of nutrition in a sensible, practical sense.
Participants of all starting points and levels of experience are welcome to join us with a sense of humour and adventure as together we breathe, flow, stretch, and grow.
People who regularly undergo the soul defragmentation and retrieval process often experience profound increases in their intuitive abilities, heightened levels of awareness and a strong sense of connection to their spirit, higher self and soul.
Dating over 50 does not care about your body shape, bad past relationship experiences or anything like that; all that makes sense is your level of comfort and joy.
They include 1) Beliefs and values, such as spirituality, level of observance and sense of tradition, 2) Core traits, like your emotional temperament, intellect, character and sense of humor, and 3) Key experiences, like your family background and education level.
While Fire and Ice's art direction and music are woefully generic, the well - constructed level layouts create a solid arcade - style experience that accomplishes a sense of extraordinary speed while accommodating a reasonable degree of control.
I think this natural sense of inquiry will never leave him, and learning experiences in adulthood need to fulfill that sense of wonder if they are to engage on a deep, emotional level.
Headteacher Alex Lundie explains her sense that children coming in with lower levels of experience deserve to have high expectations made of them, so long as the right support is in place.
Students have said they benefit greatly from the experience, and the local businesses enjoy connecting with the community on a personal level, fostering a sense of «giving back».
The group level deals with the collective action and sense of agency that woman experience together, in a group.
When students practice metacognition, the act of thinking about their thinking helps them make greater sense of their life experiences and start achieving at higher levels.
Without deliberate facilitation and high - level coordination by school leaders, struggles can emerge among students who are experiencing meaningful involvement, and there can be distinct senses of challenge and competition between the meaningfully involved and those who do not experience that meaningfulness.
While social learning takes the enterprise eLearning experience to a higher level, it adds another lauded benefit — a renewed sense of community.
Spurred by the recognition that meaningful dialogic interaction was the key to sustaining high levels of investment over the course of virtual field experiences, a buddy system was infused into virtual field experiences to allow for more personalized cross-cultural communication and an increased sense of social responsibility.
They know that when tasks help students make sense of important ideas, are highly relevant to students» life experiences, and are designed at a moderate level of challenge, students are willing to do the hard work that is the hallmark of excellence.
URGE is also infused with a gamer's sense of adventure — with the bare, exposed look and driving experience of a high performance motorcycle, but balanced with a high level of safety features.
Compared to non-pet owners, those with four - legged friends at home have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, have a better sense of security, are more active, experience less depression and live longer, they said.
Our aim is to provide a premium and unexpected life experience that involves surf sessions in uncrowded waves and beaches, high level gastronomy, premium accommodation and an intimate sense of place feeling, that you will reach with the tours that are suited for Easy Life lovers.
The honeymoon hotels on the list were chosen based on the level of service provided, sheer sense of romanticism and the overall quality of the experience.
«Guests will experience the levels of Oetker Collection quality and service to which they are accustomed and can trust that we will offer them a very special sense of place in both destinations.»
We keep a unique sense of luxury style, impeccable service and all the 5 Star Hotel Standards that create a memorable travel experience: a dazzling swimming pool, an outstanding team welcoming you and taking care of you, SPA facilities... Our unique local professional teams deliver High - Level of service and they suggest where to go, stay and what to do, we create a full luxury experience including private jet flights, yacht rentals, luxury car rentals so it is time for you to get in touch if you'd like to experience a bespoke luxury stay experience or request an advice of where to go.
Players will experience an exhilarating new sense of depth, distance and speed while running, jumping and stomping on enemies throughout the levels.
I just finished Tales of Berseria, the story keep me going, since the game design is inferior to past entries, while combat is more streamlined like with Nier you either make little to no effort or even just leave autoplay, OR you get constantly one shot which if it were playing coop it'll make sense, but constantly reviving the cpu allies, got tiresome, also I might not get it, but it doesn't make sense to me that you get more experience points in lower difficulties, especially when enemy levels are doubled on higher difficulties.
By going multiplayer, the game seems to also conquer, or at least compromise on, one of the biggest criticisms the Wii has received — not catering to the core gamer — by allowing the novice and experienced gamers to play together, «Because it is multiplayer, it has some new facets, in the sense that more advanced gamers can take care of novice players that might be playing with them, and... carry them through the levels,» Miyamoto explained.
As a person who enjoys experiencing a sense of interconnectedness in my games I find the level select menu a disappointing choice over a hub world where you're free to play around aimlessly in your spare time.
Try to make the inner circle bigger and bigger, increasing your sense of accomplishment.250 levels included in Inner Circle, giving you exciting experience continually.You have to follow the different level targets to clear the mission.The inner circle and...
Despite the name of the mode, the «story» isn't really captivating in any sense, but the value here comes from all the different levels you'll get to experience.
I felt engaged at all times and the glowing sense of achievement that I experienced after conquering each level really encouraged me to continue chipping my way through the game.
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