Sentences with phrase «sense of claustrophobia»

Dag creates a real sense of claustrophobia out of the family home, in which we get a sense how closed off these people are from their surroundings.
All that, and «Get Out» manages to be genuinely creepy, too: When Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) is hypnotized by his girlfriend's mother (Catherine Keener) and sent to the dark void known as the Sunken Place, Peele manages to generate a crushing sense of claustrophobia around this sudden, unknown threat.
Toronto - born journalist Guy Lawson's new book, Octopus (Crown), tells the thrilling tale of Israel's fraud, capturing the trader's growing sense of claustrophobia as he snorts coke, works the angles and gets more and more entangled in his own lies.
Set entirely within the confines of a tank, it would have been pretty hard for this war drama to avoid an almost unbearable sense of claustrophobia.
His flair for montage contributed to the chase scenes in The French Connection, and his use of visual confinement also gave key scenes in The Exorcist a palpable sense of claustrophobia.
Through the use of handheld cameras and close quarters framing there is an inherent sense of claustrophobia which is invasive.
Conspiracy and backbiting are the only constant themes, and the overwhelming sense of claustrophobia and the unremitting nastiness of many of contestants make the show nearly unwatchable.
By delving more into his characters, Scorsese skilfully cranks up the tension and with superb production design by Henry Bumstead and marvellous cinematography by Freddie Francis he manages to create a real sense of claustrophobia within the family household.
While films such as The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi, 1983) utilise every known camera angle and camera movement to generate a giddy subjective sense of claustrophobia and panic, Shivers does the opposite.
Shot at a distance by the filmmaker, and packed with some explicit sex (though Jess says that «there's no mistaking the film for crude porn»), it's very much a mood piece, with an «odd sense of claustrophobia, evoked paradoxically through beautiful widescreen photography,» and the film as a whole proving to be «a masterclass of tonal control.»
He plays with the audience's expectations toying with flickering lights, stark red lighting, camera shots to develop a vivid sense of claustrophobia.
Setting a thriller in one room is a risky decision, and while writer - director Hazeldine creates a gripping sense of claustrophobia, this film feels both contrived and padded out with unnecessary sequences.Eight people are called into...
The budgetary constraints may lead to tighter framing but that leads to a greater sense of claustrophobia, intimacy and intensity.
Mikkelsen gives a strong performance but the unsettling sense of claustrophobia and paranoia are worn down by implausibilities.
The Marrowbone house is a creepy - looking thing, and the film gives off a notable sense of claustrophobia once the camera journeys into its nooks and crannies.
What's more important to him is that they preserve «the general sense of claustrophobia, and not knowing what is coming next — at least for new players.
Filled with a growing sense of claustrophobia and longing, and marked by observant and poetic prose, Laura's passages are the ones I clung to most.
He's decided to shoot 90 % of his film in close - ups, adding an almost unbearable sense of claustrophobia to the most sweeping of songs.
Both titles struck a balance between tense stealth segments and blistering gun fights, coupled with the palpable sense of claustrophobia that comes with spending so much time in dark, subterranean corridors.
If you want a real sense of claustrophobia, check out the trunk.
My assumption from that point on has always been that every passionate zealous endeavour would eventually lead to a sense of claustrophobia, resignation, surrender and rebirth... but does it have to be this way?
One might think that a sense of claustrophobia might actually work to the advantage of a murder mystery, but by making his movie beautiful, Branagh serves another purpose.
It might seem that this would promote a sense of claustrophobia, however it perfectly suits the idea that the audience is getting a glimpse of the world as Paloma sees it.
While Resident Evil 7's tight corridors create a sense of claustrophobia, they also funnel enemies towards the player to form a shooting gallery.
Here, as in The Birthday Party and Bug, the sense of claustrophobia concentrates the action onscreen.
This means that the picture takes up barely half of a normal cinema screen, reinforcing the sense of claustrophobia and entrapment felt by the pioneers.
It might have strengthened the film and given it a sense of claustrophobia.
His feeling of guilt combined with his sense of claustrophobia compels him to drastic action.
Buried conveys the sense of claustrophobia perfectly.
In every scene between, director David Fincher creates a sense of claustrophobia, and the camera seems to slowly corner the characters.
Director Robert Schwentke has done a nice job of displaying the sheer size of the plane while maintaining a sense of claustrophobia in the enclosed space.
In setting the movie in a confined place it adds a sense of claustrophobia that in turn lends to the relentless nature at the heart of the action genre itself.
When you add in the fact that Ofsted's recent, very controversial, paper on the early years states that «all primary schools should make sure that the teaching of reading, including systematic synthetic phonics, is the core purpose of the Reception Year,» a sense of claustrophobia around the making of reading policy seems palpable.
Not only does this mean a power top is now standard, but the sense of claustrophobia with the top up is greatly diminished thanks to the hard top's slim C - pillars and the addition of rear quarter windows.
The rear windows are also quite small, which creates a sense of claustrophobia especially when compared to the airy X1.
There is a sense of claustrophobia when in the research facility and Hell looks terrifying!
As mentioned earlier, using large spaces and limited resources to create a sense of claustrophobia is a defining element of the series.
This entire mechanic is a bit controversial, and not entirely realistic, but it fits with the stylized nature of the game itself and adds to the sense of claustrophobia.
Michael Stamm's nine paintings feature subtly shifting color and evoke a sense of claustrophobia and longing for meaning in the banal; Pedro Pedro's vibrant color palettes and flattened perspective portray food, flowers, skulls and cigarettes.
With the subjects depicted at life - size and squashed into the canvas, the work induces a sense of claustrophobia — partly from the plethora of details, partly from the way the yoga mat frames the composition.
Vernon will be guided by experimental sound, further exploring the sense of claustrophobia present in the exhibition and respond to the space itself.
A sense of claustrophobia and helplessness is present in other work, too: three children shiver on a doorstep in one painting of the same year; military helicopters on combat operations and the hazy, anonymous figures of uniformed personnel are regular motifs.
«I like the sense of claustrophobia that results from sticking fairly closely to art history,» Brown has said.
«I like the sense of claustrophobia that results from sticking fairly closely to art history.
EC's have the urgency and fragility of an intense personal communication; a sense of claustrophobia is lightened with moments of freedom or release.
The space is shallow, the lines and shapes are pushed up to the surface, and a sense of claustrophobia prevails.
It's careful about its openings and its allocation of solidity and enclosure, but you don't get a sense of claustrophobia.
Few competitors offer more room to wag your fingers, yet the system's large screen and minimalist keyboard conspire to prevent a sense of claustrophobia.
Even in a smaller box room, they open things up, preventing that sense of claustrophobia you get in other kinds of period property.
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