Sentences with phrase «sense of importance»

An elementary school principal gave his students a greater sense of importance in their classrooms by listening to student ideas about how teachers should call on them.
They need you to convey a strong sense of their importance to you despite your other priorities.
Social networking enjoys an inflated sense of importance now, because it's still new.
If that is the case, we need to explore more deeply the sources of our contrasting sense of importance.
It means within the family a due sense of the importance — and equal importance — of every member of it, father, mother, and children.
For everyone it also promises a hard to resist sense of importance and moral righteousness.
Having prior business experience has proved invaluable in developing a keen sense of the importance of client relationships in a strong practice.
It is also his particular sense of the importance of the system, and ensuring a person gets the best defence possible, no matter how unpopular the accused may be.
The excitement and sense of the importance of the occasion were palpable.
It is the»... sense of importance which nerves all civilized effort.»
It is often the job of this part of the Autocar road test to filter out the contrived sense of importance with which car makers sometimes seek to surround every new model.
I just remember reading this story in the paper or hearing that this guy was on the mountain, and he couldn't get down, and he was dying, and he called his wife, and hearing the story unfold and just being transported away from my own sense of importance for a few minutes to this unbelievable event.
To get sense of the importance of digital content creation in today's classrooms, take a look at the Common Core Anchor Standard that calls for students to produce writing in a digital format:
At Harnham we really value a team environment where employees feel a strong sense of importance within the company.
Now that we have a better sense of the importance of training volume, let's explore 3 training strategies that will help maximize the amount of volume you can chalk up during your training sessions.
Max Richter's score adds a greater sense of importance to the film.
With non-creative, linear tasks, Nordgren believes that participants have a solid sense of the importance of persistence.
If this feat of memory seems almost incredible to the modern student, dependent upon his notebook and pen, let him recall that this was the work of specialists whose primary business it was to cultivate their memories, and who had a profound sense of the importance of transmitting, without error, the sacred text.
Yet it was to bear much fruit, for he had an encompassing sense of the importance of moral obedience to the will of God as a condition of entrance into the kingdom.
p. 161, speaking of NT Wright: «Wright says we need to recognize that the Hebrew worldview — with its innate sense of the importance of history that gave rise to the Bible and the Gospels — provide us with the best tools for examining them.»
If conservative evangelicalism can not wean itself off using brands as a primary focus of identity — brands that are tied to particular personalities, that cost a lot of money to maintain, and which often exude a breathtaking sense of importance (all for the sake of Jesus, of course) then the kind of corruption noted above will continue.
The study found that higher levels of materialism are linked to a decreased sense of importance of marriage and less satisfaction in a marriage.
But every scene carries a heavy sense of importance, with some eliciting tears and others terror.
Hoot is a throwback movie to the type of kids entertainment that I used to watch in my formative years, with a brand of humor and blithe sense of importance that one could find regularly on television known as the «After School Special».
There's nothing very original in this spy thriller, but director Branagh gives the film a weighty sense of importance that at least makes it feel important.
Instead, the film's demanding has - been hussy and her endless self - absorbed and self - entitled sense of importance registers as distant and wooden.
Knowing that there is a finite amount of money and experience points to be had, mixed with the often difficult - to - complete objectives, keeps each battle tense and grants it a real sense of importance.
No matter the format, Boix Mansilla says participants leave Future of Learning with a renewed sense of the importance and purpose of their profession and with an ability to step back from their daily work to ask the more fundamental questions that lead to more effective innovations.
I perceive the main problem with traditional publishers is that the inundation of people groveling to get published has given publishers a false sense of importance, authority and expertise.
«There is still a certain sense of importance to your job and your company here.»
Scarpa and Bove each employ strategies of display that seek to imbue objects and sculptures with a new sense of importance, but, at the same time, the exhibition furniture they use — the display case, the vitrine, the plinth — becomes exalted and takes on a supra - functional role.
There is, suddenly, a surging sense of the importance of preserving and plenishing a diverse language for landscape.
She had a personal experience with her daughter that gave her an intuitive sense of the importance of bringing in the nervous system getting into the somatics.
He ran for president out of a sense of his own sense of the importance to the causes he held to be right for the nation, and likewise he went to his daughter's bedside for the reasons he thought were right.
Does obsessive reporting not create a heightened sense of importance or urgency on an issue that is NOT shared by a significant percentage of the population?
Humans are very good at inventing ceremony and rituals to create an artificial sense of importance.
If you think of your resume cover letter as the opening act in a musical performance and the resume itself the headliner, you will have a better sense of the importance of the cover letter for resume as well as its relationship to the actual resume.
ECOT's inflated sense of importance and entitlement should be no surprise to anyone, given Ohio's reputation as the «Wild, Wild West» of charter authorizers.
It gets off to a fair start: there's thrilling if slightly cheesy music, a great sense of importance, and an illustrated summary of the opening portion of the book.
With a secretarial background, I have organizational skills and a strong sense of the importance of customer service.
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